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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LA GP

  1. Ok. Been a long time. 3.5 months since surgery. Lost 70 pounds now. From XXL tops to Medium or Large top. Cannot wear any old clothes. Jeans down to 36 and that's loose now. I can feel my ribs now. Shoe size dropped a whole size. Serious threat of losing rings off my fingers. Never regretted my surgery for a single second! Feel amazing!
  2. LA GP

    Gave away clothes today!

    Wow you sound like me a few months ago. My surgery was 7 Nov and my weight was 291. Now 224. Just did a second purge last weekend of clothes. I laugh at some stuff I used to wear. HUGE.
  3. Yeah no biggie. I fluctuate losing and gains. But my overall is nearly 70 pounds lost since November. Just don't sweat it. Keep up protein and vitamins and do exercising you enjoy. For me walking with my wife and dogs and playing tennis and whatever else really helps.
  4. LA GP


    My entire appetite has changed. Im very picky on food now. I find meats sort of greasy tasting and hate all of them. Oatmeal and popsicles are cool. Any sort of Reese's crackers are cool. I like straight broth soups. Coffee is damn wonderful. I can live on coffee alone!
  5. [ATTACH]2445[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2446[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2447[/ATTACH] My wife and a float and our some of our beads.
  6. Ok. Been a while since last post. I've discovered I have things called bones! I was feeling my belly (my favorite thing now when I wake up) and felt a dang rib! Also while flying out to DC last week the ride was horrible. No cushion in the butt anymore and I had to get up every so often to walk. I look at my old clothes and can't believe I used to wear those! Those are getting sold to make room for new ones sometime. Had fun at Mardi Gras in Shreveport last night. I dropped like 3 pounds from dancing and raising hell! Tons of fun! I need to get some new pics done....
  7. LA GP


    Any pasta scares me completely. Eating just a little is a recipe for puking all day. Then dehydration and miserable. Happier not even trying!
  8. Just initiated operation clothes purge II. Almost 70 pounds gone since start of weight lose. Surgery 7 November. Feel just wonderful! Highest weight 291. Current weight is 225.5. Looking forward to losing more!
  9. LA GP

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Tim, you will feel better and better over time. Much more energy and freedom! Almost 3 months post op and Im wondering why I didn't do this sooner! Every day is like living a dream.
  10. LA GP

    My Fitness Pal

    Rodneywise is mine.
  11. LA GP

    My belt

    Im celebrating by purging old clothes and getting new ones. I can't believe some of the stuff i used to wear, and even those were tight!
  12. LA GP

    Men's Megavitamin

    I stopped taking it for a while. Pouch couldn't tolerate it. But just picked it back up yesterday ok. I take 2 Centrum Silver and a calcium nitrate pills daily as well as protein shake every day.
  13. I found out they have a liquid megavitamin now. Looks ok for post op. Any thoughts anyone?
  14. Today I officially hit 60 pounds gone. My highest weight was 291 before surgery and today was 231. Still making progress, slowly with about 1/2 pound per day.
  15. Wow! You are looking a LOT thinner! Awesome numbers too! I hope I just get close to that!
  16. Almost down to overweight with BMI from the alltime high of morbidly obese!!! It's the little things! One thing Im noticing: taste buds have changed so much! Can't stand sugar or fatty foods much anymore. My only issue really is watching the carbs. Im not tempted by food anymore. I NEVER thought that would be me! I can't drink milk much anymore. Skim milk even just kills the pouch!
  17. Woot Woot! You are VERY pretty! Congrats, that's an awesome number!
  18. Pffffffttt!!! I LIVE on a plateau!
  19. Every year I shave my head bald. Come on girls! Embrace going bald! Lol.
  20. LA GP

    The Scale!

    I agree with worm. I weigh daily every morning as soon as I get up for consistency. It helps keep me focused on my goals. Also lets me know if something is going on and I need to change things up. Once I went out of town for a week and when I came back I was 4 pounds heavier! Not sure how that happened but I know as long as Im weighing, Im losing weight.
  21. Anyone heard anything from Eva? Last I heard she may have been going back into revision. I was worried about her with the nightmare she has been through.
  22. LA GP

    tricare approval please help

    I have tricare too. Its coded correctly. Your doctor will be taking a small sample of tissues for testing is all during procedure. Not unusual. Bigger question is why the other procedures aren't approved. They should be. Call tricare to find out what's going on.
  23. LA GP

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Probably because you are a hottie and he doesn't want to have to compete with that. Now he feels threatened that he might not be worthy to have somebody like you and its easier for him to just push away rather than stand in there and support you.
  24. LA GP

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Our hearts go out to you Tommy. We know how tough this is living "large," but it has to be especially tough on the road back without support from your spouse.

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