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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LA GP

  1. LA GP

    November Dates

    That is a great idea! My hospital had me wearing a gown in front and one in back and a billion wires running everywhere. It was a nightmare getting up to walk and potty, so anything that makes this better is a wonderful idea!
  2. LA GP

    November Dates

    Ok now Im 4 days post op. The weight is exploding off at 2.5 pounds per day. I've lost 20 total with pre op. i think part of it is doc has me on clear liquids for two weeks post op.Tomorrow Im going to start walking again. Today I pulled out my on-q pump. I also use a heating pad at night in lower back to try to help circulation. I believe it helps a great deal. My wife and I went to the grocery store today. That was a mistake! Food, food and more food. Not a lot that any good for you. Lots of obese people as well. Not that Im judging, Im just wondering how bad Americans are getting with overweight. Once I make some progress ill do some pics. My beginning pic is downright scary!
  3. LA GP


    Im only 4 days post op and Im scared Im losing too much too fast. Im seeing 2.5 pounds daily come off! I seen various doctors use different diets and mine is strict clear liquids for two weeks so i think that is part of it too.
  4. LA GP

    November Dates

    I don't know why i didn't do this sooner.
  5. LA GP

    November Dates

    Im at home being pampered by my wife. She went first and now its my turn. She is awesome getting up all hours taking my temp and giving me my meds. Getting me food and everything. Im the luckless guy in the world!
  6. LA GP

    November Dates

    I just was taken off high blood pressure medicine and cholesterol!!!
  7. LA GP

    November Dates

    Yeah it would be easy to overdo it. Im up walking normal now. Kidneys working and burning gas.
  8. LA GP

    November Dates

    Ladies, the surgery was nothing, really! Id do it 100 times so long as i can come out a lot thinner!
  9. Does centrum have iron in it?
  10. LA GP

    November Dates

    Hang tough girl! In a few hours you'll be on the other side!
  11. LA GP

    November Dates

    I walk completely normal now. Quit pain meds and not bad. I am looking forward to going home today! belly is only a little pain.
  12. LA GP

    November Dates

    I came up swinging and trying to take off all the tubes.
  13. LA GP

    November Dates

    The pain was the entire belly. It hurt something awful but only a few moments before the morphine rolled.
  14. LA GP

    November Dates

    It hurt something fierce in recovery until I jammed on some morphine.
  15. LA GP

    November Dates

    The anesthesia doesn't leave your system at the same rate making it dangerous to use. My apnea was so bad they had to put it on for my surgery.
  16. LA GP

    November Dates

    TBooks, it really wasn't anything to the surgery. With plenty of meds i ain't bad at All. Good luck and see you on the other side!
  17. I checked with my doc and there's no issue with mens megavitamin in liquid form.
  18. LA GP

    November Dates

    Congrats! ! Im 24 hours post surgery. Much better today! Not hungry at All!
  19. LA GP

    November Dates

    There really is nothing to be scared about in surgery. I use a cpap for apnea so they couldn't give me pain meds in recovery. I hurt so bad waking up that i got kinda physical and tried taking out tubes and wires. But what was all. Tummy bit sore and taking morphine but Im good. No worries at All.
  20. LA GP


    Hang in there! Its tough i know.
  21. LA GP

    November Dates

    Ty Ty!!! Tummy hurting little from walking then sitting in a chair. But ice chips are good!
  22. I had a "last meal" of Mexican food the weekend before. Im glad I did because it was worth it.

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