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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LA GP

  1. Eva I pay for you daily. You have been through so much already. You only wanted what all of us here wanted. I feel guilty about losing weight.
  2. Thanks all. 70 more pounds to go.
  3. Just over one months progress. No scales here but just shy of 50 lbs lost thus far. Hw 291 Sw 283 Cw about 243 No more hbp, hc, sa, or d!
  5. I usually fall asleep now around 9 and I'm up at 2. Sometimes fall back to sleep sometimes do homework sometimes go walking. But yeah,all of this post surgery! I thought it was just me.
  6. LA GP

    Whats Going On?!

    food is weird right now. I can eat Ritz crackers and no issue at all. Mashed potato or eggs kill me. Don't worry about chili! Its not near as bad as it could have been. My old days of beer pizza or burgers.... I could put that away! A little chili is small in comparison to the old days! Chin up girl give yourself a break. Hell I put sugar free whipped cream on top of my coffee every morning! I love my small things now!
  7. LA GP

    Sexual Dysfunction

    Mine is "longer" because I can actually see it with my belly out of the way!
  8. LA GP

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Im in Shreveport. Did 22 years in army and after retiring and working in office the weight "exploded" onto me. Highest weight 291. Surgery weight 282. Current weight 248 @ 4weeks postop. No more hbp, cholesterol, prediabetic. Probably no more sleep apnea. I "fit" in airplane seats again. I breathe SO much better! Sex drive has picked back up. There's very little "bad" about the surgery. Can't eat a burger or pizza which isn't so bad! I chose RNY because there was only going to be one cut on me! I wanted success and not messing around with bands and all.
  9. LA GP

    Taking Pills.......ugggh

    Many med but not all can also come in liquid form. Talk to your doctor about changing your prescriptions. While Im now off all my med, this was a normal part of my postop to switch the med over.
  10. LA GP

    Sleep Apnea On Cpap!

    I am almost identical. I had to use my cpap cuz it was so bad. I used it at first postop but soon stopped. Im at 41 pounds lost at almost a month. Its scary because I breathe sooooo much better! And I can sleep on my belly again!
  11. LA GP

    Whats Going On?!

    No reason to worry! I went through a spell of that as well. Highly unlikely you stretched your pouch. Now Im on the opposite side of can barely eat anything to the point that Im kind of worried about not eating enough. I think its important for us to just eat the right foods and get our supplements and water in versus quantity.
  12. LA GP


    Oatmeal is my secret food! I eat it soupy but my pouch takes it well and it sticks with me.
  13. LA GP

    Pain When Drinking

    I had the same issue drinking and eating. Today I tried an experiment. Drinking I only took sips about every 30 seconds and eating I only took a bite about every 45 seconds. MUCH BETTER and less food to get full! I was so used to just pulling down I have to remind myself to slow down.
  14. First of all, take it easy! Almost 1 month post op and im still not 100% as a guy. If you need to go to youtube and search gastric bypass. There's a video that shows what is done. Its pretty convincing that this was no small thing. The pain is normal. I had it to and it hurts something awful. getting up and walking the neighborhood a little helps get over it. I wouldn't do treadmill cuz that way i can go my own pace as i want and its wonderful to get out in fresh air. Then again Im in Shreveport so its in the 70's still.
  15. LA GP

    Friday Weigh-In!

    RPatt that is amazing! Keep up the good work!
  16. LA GP

    Hanging Skin Already?

    I was talking to a coworkers about getting the surgery. He wants to but is scared about having loose skin. I asked him "as opposed to having the gut and health problems!?"
  17. LA GP

    6 Months Post Op

    Holy smack! You look awesome! I hope I can do that well.
  18. I had this too. Mine was just under ribcage. Completely normal and it will go away in about 1-1 1/2 weeks. So true that the more you get up and do things like walking the better this is.
  19. Today a milestone was achieved! 40 pounds lost since surgery 3.5 weeks ago. My weight loss has slowed but still going South so Im happy. Another 60 pounds to go until Im at my happy point and 80 pounds to the Doc's goal. Lol yeah right! I haven't weighed that low since before I joined the Army 25 years ago!
  20. Its odd. I've found myself going back to broth. I know what I got with it and it fills me. My pouch is happy for that. Protein drinks are soso. Oatmeal is ok but you can't eat much. Few bites is all. Good time to save on groceries for Christmas gifts! How did your eggs go? Im kinda scared to go there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
