The pre-op diet weighs heavily on my mind too. That being said: in for a penny, in for a pound. What choice do I have? It is either commit to a lifestyle change by design, or die. (being dramatic is my speciality.) The way I figure it is this: I am going to be uncomfortable for at least two months, but what is that compared to a life time of being overweight? I find it interesting that most of you had this surgery covered by your insurance and you complain about the details such as a pre-op diet. I saved every last penny for this surgery ($14,400.00) and there is no complains from me just a lot of hope. I am going to follow all of your good advice. For those of you that were lucky enough to have had this covered by insurance- don't complain about ANYTHING just follow the program, and if you cant follow the pre op diet then maybe you should not have the surgery, because it is a life long commitment and all the doctor is asking of you is two little weeks.