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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Nycole

  1. Nycole

    Tricare standard requirements

    I have Tricare also. I have Prime though. I had my surgery in Nov 13th. The 6mo of a supervises diet is a huge requirement by Tricare. Without it, it will be denied. The way around paying for it out of pocket is to just see your PCM and talk about weight loss each month. Have them give you a plan to follow bad if it doesn't work to talk about trying something else the next month. That's what I did. But they need to keep detailed notes. While seeing your PCM, it counts. That's how I got mine. The surgeon submitted my paperwork at 1:00pm and by 2:30pm Tricare called hem to approve it.
  2. I'm only 12 days out and I'm having SUCH a struggle with not drinking while I eat. I'm still on the full liquid diet and trying to abide by the rule bug I just can NOT do it. I'm so worried I'll stretch my pouch. Anyone else have this issue?? I'm also soooooo thirsty all the time!?
  3. I thought it was no drinking because of stretching? I didn't hear the one about food flushing down? I'd rather food flush before the stretching! Anyone else VERY thirsty all the time??
  4. Nycole

    November Dates

    My date so November 13!! Getting RNY and so excited and nervous. I'm from the Atlanta area. I start my protien diet on the 30th. Here we gooooo!!

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