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Jamie Welch

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Jamie Welch

  1. Jamie Welch

    Results Of Drinking Alcohol!

    Dont judge but I could only wait alittle over a month after surgery to try alcohol. I can say that the buzz hits me alot sooner but its not much different than before. I regularly drink cherry vodka mixed with liquid ice and ive only had one blackout but Chippendales were in town. Oops.
  2. Jamie Welch

    Results Of Drinking Alcohol!

    Bahahaha. So you're saying you had a good time.
  3. Jamie Welch

    Sugar Free Pumpkin Pie

    Recipe? I found one on the Truvia website that I plan to make this week. I hope it turns out.
  4. Jamie Welch

    Jamie Welch

  5. Jamie Welch

    March 2012

    From the album: Jamie Welch

  6. Jamie Welch

    Lactose Intolerance

    I tried the lactaid pills for lactose intolerance and it has worked amazingly. I havent had any problems with ranch, yogurt or milk. Yoplaid also started making lactose free yogurt but of course with all healthy things it is more expensive. I would definitely try the lactaid pills if you have problems with dairy. You can take as many as you need in any given day.
  7. Im 5 months post-op and I havent been able to eat any dairy since my surgery. Im wondering if other people are having this problem and how common it is. Also, I extremely miss sauces and condiments which make me ill. Anybody have any advice on products that are lactose-free AND sugar-free. Im dying for a salad!
  8. Jamie Welch

    September 2012

    From the album: Jamie Welch

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
