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Everything posted by RiahG

  1. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    In any other office, I would do that - but my doctor's office is notorious for running horrendously behind. I did write a polite email to the office manager stating that I was disappointed with the experience and felt that it didn't meet their usual standard of care. I did not get a response - oh well. At least I vented. Next visit should go better because I won't be on such a time crunch to get out of there and will be okay to wait. I think the liver thing will turn out okay too. I have an appointment scheduled with a specialist and have decided to suspend all worry until I meet with him. Things are what they are and I am not going to stress unnecessarily in the meantime. Thanks for your support. It was pretty traumatic. Tonight I am doing a little happy dance because I am on the very last day of liquids!!! Tomorrow I start pureed and I am thrilled.
  2. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    My post op was Friday and besides having to wait in the waiting area for an hour and 20 minutes started out fairly uneventful. My incisions are completely healed and I am doing great. The doctor was very pleased with my progress and gave me some advice about continuing on... The Prilosec they gave me was to take every day for the next few months. I had no idea. I thought it was an as needed type thing. There really should have some better communication about that! But oh well, I am on the right track now. Also, the hospital preop nutrition/surgery preparation class said to hold off on exercise (besides walking) for 4-6 wks and the doctor was surprised that I wasn't in the gym 4-6 times a wk already! I was confused because I am only 2 1/2 wks out but I will be going back next week (that is my choice. Just too much going on this week!) The part that freaked me out was that the pathology report came back abnormal on my liver. During the surgery, the doctor had found some usual tissue on my liver and sent it in for biopsy. IT'S BENIGN - but I do have a condition called Scarcoidosis. Basically it means that my liver is covered in little fibromas and I could possibly have it on another organ too. It can go away on its own, but some people require steroidal treatment (prednisone). I was so taken aback... I kept it together in the doctor's office but when I got to my car I burst into tears. I felt ridiculous because it could be something horrible (which it isn't) but still... who wants to hear that they have crap on their liver??? Anyway, I have to go see a specialist after the holidays to see if they want to do further testing or if we are just going to wait and see if it clears itself up. I am so grateful that I did the band. For the weight loss, for the fact that I am reclaiming my life, even for the unwanted discovery. The more I know about my body, the more I can take control of it and be healthy.
  3. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    All done! Surgery was Wednesday. Here is the journal entry from the next day: am home and It's done! We checked in to St. Francis Hospital yesterday morning at 5:25am and I found out that I was 3rd in line. Excited that I wasn't last, I figured I was in for a wait - but not too bad. Wrong. I ended up waiting 12 hours! Hubby and I made ourselves busy by watched almost the entire 1st season of "Heroes" on my laptap with earphones. It was genius because the show is so interesting and intense that it really kept my mind off of all the nerves I was feeling. Once I finally got called back to begin getting prepped, they tried to start the IV. Because I was so dehydrated, they stuck my right arm twice to no avail. Another nurse came in and got it on the first try in my left arm. I am not too squeamish about needles so that was okay - plus I expected issues with no water in my system. I waited for a long time in that section of the hospital. They let Hubby come back in there and wait with me...that was nice. St. Francis is a Catholic hospital so at one point, the chaplain got on the overhead and read a section from Psalms and said a brief prayer for the patients and staff. That was extremely comforting to me. Next they took me back to the preop holding area where they did final preparations: Dr. Srikanth came back and talked to me, the anesthesiologist came and talked to me, etc. Pretty soon, they gave me the happy juice and it was time to rock and roll. I cannot stress to you how awesome every single person was to me. They were caring and helpful. I could tell that they have a sincere love for their jobs and take such pride in their work. I knew I was in good hands. Just like that - it was done. I woke up and apparently thanked everyone I saw 10 times. The nurses got a good chuckle out of that. Once I was transferred to my room, I was so tired and very queasy. It was pretty intense, almost worse than the pain. The first attempt at walking was extremely awkward and painful. After that, they gave me strong medication for the nausea and that made things alot easier but also made me sleepy. Every couple hours, I got up and made my rounds around the nurse station. It got significantly better. The night got easier and easier and at about 10:30 am, I was released. Now I am home and doing good. Thanks for all your support!!! Riah
  4. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Thanks Guys! I am feeling a lot better about that -- I will call them in the morning. Today is the first day of my liquid diet and I don't really want to get out of my bed because I am scared to face the world!!! I know I will be fine, but today I am hiding out.
  5. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Dr. Srikanth is my surgeon and he prescribed a whole bunch of stuff for after surgery (prevacid, anti-nausea suppositories, potassium powder, pain meds, etc). I went to pick up the meds from the pharm today and they said that one of the meds he called in is not covered by insurance. It is called Chromagen Forte and it is an Iron enriched Vitamin. It costs $140!!! I am freaking out because that is only a monthly dose. I am also confused because I thought that is why we are supposed to be taking the childrens chewables and all that. Has anyone else experienced this? I am planning on calling the office on Monday but I have the whole weekend to obsess about it and was curious if anyone else has gone through this particular situation. Thanks guys.... almost there!!! Dec 5th is just around the corner.
  6. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue - you're so right. I think that I have too much time to analyze things. Time to get it done and get to work!!!
  7. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Hi all- Dawn is on vacation for the next several weeks... lucky duck!!! She'll be back right before my surgery on Dec 5th.
  8. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Update - for sure surgery date is Dec 5th!!!
  9. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    :clap2: I got my insurance approval. I guess it paid off to be so viligent about all those appointments. I was very worried because Dr. Srikanth said that they are very picky about the weight history... My BMI has varied between 38 1/2 and 43 over the last 5 years. Because I don't have any co-morbidities (yet) he was concerned that the borderline years would cause a denial. What totally sucks is those years are the ones where I worked my butt off -literally- to lose weight. Anyway, I AM APPROVED!!!! I tentatively scheduled for Dec 5 but I am supposed to hear today whether or not he opened up Nov 20 for surgery. That would be a preferred date. It is still not real yet. Even though I truly understand the implications on my eating and daily life, I can't even fathom the emotional changes to come.
  10. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    :update: All of my paperwork was submitted to Aetna on 10/3/07 and now I am just on hold. It really feels like my whole life is on hold. I can't make solid plans for the holidays because if it is approved, I'll probably have to schedule around either Thanksgiving or Christmas in order to get the max time off from work. I feel frustrated most days but I am relieved that the endless appointments are all done... for now. I have decided that if the surgery is not approved, I will keep going with the diet and join Weight Watchers (again) for support. Hopefully I won't even have to deal with that if the surgery is approved, but it is comforting to know that I am making positive changes no matter the outcome from the insurance. :clap2: I have continued to drop weight slowly after the initial 14 pounds the physician monitored diet. I weighed myself this morning and I am down between 17 and 19 pounds. I am certainly glad about that. :bounce:It varies sometimes so I am not really sure of the real number - but whatever. My coworkers told me it's time to buy new work pants. I am not ready to do that yet! I want to go down a bit more so that I feel really good about the size that I buy. All in all - I am okay. Insurance waiting stuff is tortuous but one way or another I am on the road to a healthier me.
  11. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    I am officially in month 2 of PreOp Trying To Get My Darned Insurance To Approve Surgery Diet. It must be working because when the dietician weighed me this morning I have lost 6 pounds in 4 weeks. Yay! I am still feeling bogged down with all the recording I have to do for all the providers that I am required to see for the (possible) insurance approval but I am trying to stay positive. The bright side is that I am exploring healthier options and have enjoyed some surprisingly tasty meals that I may not have otherwise tried! :clap2: I am very proud of Dawneb because she is the talk of our workplace with her amazing transformation! It is very inspiring because I know that the Band is right for me and sooner or later it will happen. I just need to be patient and see if it will be sooner (hopefully)!
  12. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    dawn, I'm doing okay. Most days I struggle, but I am trying to stay positive. It helps to know that I have something to look forward to: either a bit of weight loss on my own or A LOT of weight loss with the help of the band. It's also good to take a serious look at what all I need to do to get my head, heart and body straightened out. So... overall... doing okay.:tired
  13. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Thanks for the support everyone! I am feeling especially tired lately because I have so much on my plate personally (work, kids, and I'm going to school) ... it's going to be an adjustment for sure! I know that it will be worth it and I pray everyday that I'll have someone with a heart at the insurance who reviews my case after all this work. I met with the dietician yesterday and the diet is so weird. I basically have to eat MORE food than I usually do, but it is really specific as to get all the proper nutrients. It took me 90 minutes to plan out my meals and snack for today. (A lot of counting grams and such) I know that all these things have come into my life for a reason and feel like I'm doing the right thing, but it's quite alot work for a big mystery at the end of it. :confused: Did I mention I hate insurances sometimes?
  14. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Stay strong, Dawn! You are doing great... I know you can make it. I can't even imagine what you are going through but you have been doing so good that I am sure that Dr. S will barely recognize you! I start my diet tomorrow - NOT FUN. Not anywhere what you are having to go through, but a lot of counting grams and making sure I am getting the right amounts of all the nutrients. Basically, a pain in the butt. But it will all be worth it and will be good practice for when I have to kick things up a notch before surgery. I made the sobering realization that I have to record every single thing that I eat (and all the lovely exercise that I have to do) for the next three months!!!:car: Still feeling a bit stressed about all this required stuff for the insurance. I am praying that it's not all in vain. I know that it is good knowledge and tools to have but I am overwhelmed most days. Can't wait to know (either way) if the surgery will be approved. Been keeping you in my prayers... *hug*
  15. RiahG

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawneb, I am so proud of you! You are truly my inspiration for trying to go through all of this. I am hanging in there with all the appts required by the insurance and have started the exercise program. Wednesday is my first appt with the dietician and then I meet with Dr.S on Thursday. I can't wait to see you! We haven't worked together since that Saturday a few weeks after the surgery. Sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the good work *hugs*

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