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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Rem

  1. Was told by my nurse that all my levels were excellent! Including my Protein level, she said it was pretty close to what they expect in non-bypass people.

    She also told me that my B7 Biotin level was really high and if I was taking a supplement for it, to stop.

    I have no idea what would cause it to be high, is that bad, good? Anyone know? I hate asking my nurse questions, half the time she doesn't know anything and I didn't want to bug the surgeon with a phone call about it, I'd wait til my next apt with him.

    I'll be seeing him next month for a day surgery and my 6th month post op in October. :unsure:

  2. I usually always have a Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, usually strawberry banana. Every morning.

    Or ometimes I have a couple bites of 50% less fat Corn Beef Hash and about a half of a scrambled egg every once in a while.

    I did find these waffles in the freezer section of my store, its Vans Natural food Power Grains Protein waffles.

    They are really good. A serving is 2 but I obviously have 1 and its only 90 calories, 2.5 g fat, little high on carbs with 13 carbs, 3 sugars and 5 grams Protein, they are really good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
