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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Rem

  1. Hit ONEderland this morning!!!!!! :) 199!!

  2. Hit ONEderland this morning!!!!!! :) 199!!

  3. Weighed 200.8 today!!! 9 ounces away from ONEderland.. Ugggggh so close I can taste it!

  4. Only 9 more pounds til ONEderland.. Down from 331. :) :) :) :) :)

  5. Haven't been working out in over a month, losing weight faster than when I was working out, feel horrible not being able to work out right now. Hopefully my doctor fixes my issue so I can get back into the gym!

  6. Only 5 more pounds til 100 lost! :) :) :)

  7. 3 months out in a couple days.. lately protein shakes are making me so nauseated .. yuck!

  8. Really need this new job.. Had interview this week and will find out next week.. Fingers crossed!

  9. Sick of being asked "HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH NOW??" Specially when you just asked me what, YESTERDAY... ??? UGH! You think I just automatically lose 20 pounds over night??

  10. 7 weeks and 2 days post op, down 70 pounds! Its been hell, but seeing the light finally..

  11. 6 weeks post op today and finally feeling back to myself.. No regrets like I have prior.

  12. Wish I could turn back time and never have done this......

  13. SO head hungry.. Cravings are outrageous ....

  14. 2 weeks post op today and still in regret...?

  15. 10 days post op.. Is it ok to feel like a huge boulder is inside me? If I take pain meds, it goes away. Is it just pain?

  16. Does it get better??? ;'(

  17. Finally home from hospital. Got released from rny on Thursday. Went back Thursday night and had appendix out, among other complications. If I could turn back time.. I so regret right now.

  18. Had surgery on Monday, FINALLY home!!! Had to stay an extra night, was having a rough time. I had the best nurse ever, going to miss her!

  19. Surgery today!!! :)

  20. Surgery today!!! :)

  21. Clear liquid diet today, surgery tomorrow!!! :)

  22. Surgery in exactly 72 hours.

  23. I can have one cup of coffee once I get out of the hospital, no cream. What can I use? I usually use Baileys creamer or Coffee mate.

  24. Surgery not til 2pm, liquid diet day before and nothing after midnight.. How am I going to do this til 2PM??

  25. Very off topic but does anyone follow / watch the Jodi Arias trial? I've watched every minute of the trial, what do you think??

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