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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by totiss

  1. So I'm 9 weeks post op and I'm loving life! I'm down 51lbs and feeling great! I was able to get on a roller coaster and not worry if I would be able to fit.

    I have so much energy and I love working out! Best decision of my life!

    Just wanted to share my progress pic with you guys!

    SW 287 CW 236

    Nice job

  2. Here are my before and after pics....one year today. Dr says I lost 102% of excess body weight. I weighed in at 157 lbs today down from 285 a year ago.

    I would like to that every one on the forum who have been supportive in helping me to achieve my weight loss goals. The road has been rough but I am extremely happy for the struggle! :)

    Comgraz nice job !!

  3. Here are my before and after pics....one year today. Dr says I lost 102% of excess body weight. I weighed in at 157 lbs today down from 285 a year ago.

    I would like to that every one on the forum who have been supportive in helping me to achieve my weight loss goals. The road has been rough but I am extremely happy for the struggle! :)

    Comgraz nice job !!

  4. I have to confess that im almost 3 weeks post op and couldn't hold to eat a sugar cookie this morning' date='it was so good ,that now is evening and i experience dumping syndrome,i feel to run to the toilet cause i have urge to do number 2 ,so i sat down in the toilet and had all these feelings at once(short breath,fast heart beatings,sweat in cold,slow talk,nervously,tursty and finally dearia)i was nervouse ,that happened by brake the rule,now i learn my lesson i wont taste anything that will hurt me[/quote']

    Gracias a dios no paso a mayores me alegro k estes bien. No inventes cuidate.

  5. Yeahhhh im so glad everything is going great' date='i haven't any food disconfort,and my doc say thats cause u following the diet ,nice uh,well she gave me my new diet consisting in soft died and guess what i did have my mash potato with chichen brouth mmmm,tomorrow tuna, ahhh nice very nice lest see how much i loose,plus i did air climber for half hour,no pushing my self too much,ant ty every1 for ur warming comments[/quote']

    Me alegro por el peso ya perdido I tambien k ya puedes comer algo diferente ami todavia me toca esperar asta ver el doc el jueves aver si me cambian esta dieta

  6. So tomorrow am 8 weeks post op. I celebrated this today by hitting my first 50 lbs loss :-)

    Started at 352' date=' today 302

    Still 140 lbs to go, but am positive things will be good.

    Super Excited

    Sent from my Galaxy S III using RNYTalk[/quote']


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