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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About kasonabby

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/01/1971

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About Me

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    From Louisville, KY area. I am an Admissions Officer for a local university.
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    Real Estate & Insurance
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I guess I'm starting out "My Story" like so many others do. I have been overweight all of my life. However, I was always active. Now, today, October 4, 2012, I sit here at my counter-high table writing this at 386 lbs. I am very unhappy with my weight. My current health conditions are using a C-Pap, High BP, Good Chlorestrol is low, and now my Bad Chlorestrol is elevated. I have arthritis in my right knee with constant pain and vericose veins in my lower legs. I am stiff all of the time and get very winded when I do very simple things....

I can remember as early as grade school being called "blubber butt." I hated it and hated those for calling me that. However, I have thrown away my "hit list" and since repented, LOL..... I was in Boy Scouts and played football in grade school and middle school, but in high school, I quite football and BS and just went into band and choir, but I was still kind of popular.

After HS and 1 year of college, I applied to the state police academy but was denied for weight. I then stopped drinking anything for about 3 years accept water. I lost a little weight when I went back to college. I struggled with my weight during college discovering my love for Chinese buffets (their the devil). I still struggle with that today. I met my soon to be wife the last part of college and we married in 1996. Today, she is still thin and beautiful; not fair. She can eat anything and not gain....

in 1990, I joined the volunteer fire department as a firefighter and became an EMT in 1992. As of today, I can no longer dawn my fire gear and crawl through burning houses any longer. I cannot even get on the floor to perform CPR any longer without having to turn it over to someone else because it hurts. I cannot stand and help coach football any longer because it hurts. If it weren't for my riding lawn mower, I wouldn't be able to mow my grass. However, just the simple task of weed eating for about 20 minutes kills my legs.

I am tired of not having nice clothes and being able to only shop at the "Big & Tall" shops or sections of stores. I am tired of having to hurt my butt everytime I get into my little car to go somewhere. I'm tired of letting my weight get the best of me by loosing my balance and falling and scraping my arms. I'm tired of being left out of things because I know that I cannot participate because of my weight.

IT'S TIME TO TAKE ME BACK...................

After surgery, I want to be able to wear sizes 34-36 pants, be able to sit in normal seats when I fly or go to sporting events. I want to be able to have to order new fire gear because the other is so big that I cannot wear it anymore. I want to be able to match my wife's size. I want to be able to "have fun" with my wife and for her to look at me and find me sexy. I want so much that I cannot tell you what I would do to get it.

Well, I don't know what "my story" should consist of or should be but this is me, this is my life, this is what I am now, and this is what I want to be within a year. This is "MY STORY"........

Age: 53
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Starting Weight: 386 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 250 lbs
Goal Weight: 200 lbs
Weight Lost: 136 lbs
BMI: 36.9
Surgery: Gastric Bypass
Surgery Status: Pre Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 10/02/2012
Surgery Date: 11/20/2012
Hospital Stay: 2 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
kasonabby's Bariatric Surgeon
1000 Dupont Rd.
Louisville, KY 40202

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
