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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Redoableme

  1. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    The pain in my side has become too much to bare. I'm at the er. I'll update as soon as I can.
  2. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    The pain in my side has become too much to bare. I'm at the er. I'll update as soon as I can.
  3. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Warning! My husband took a sip of his beer then kissed me. I licked my lips and got a buzz! Lasted a good 10 minutes too! Beware! Lol
  4. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I'm 18 days po and I've started having these sharp pains in my side when I bend a certain way. Now it hurts there when I urinate, laugh, take a deep breath, even stand from sitting. It all started after my last bm. Anyone else have this? I'm thinking of heading to the er later today. I'm so tired of taking pain meds ugh!! Sorry to vent but this really frustrates me!
  5. 30 lbs gone forever!!

  6. Redoableme

    5 months away

    I'm 2 weeks out and I have a lot of the same problems you do including stage 4 kidney disease. My surgery was on point, no complications AND I've already lost 30 lbs! I don't feel the need to use my cpap although I'm still supposed to and my meds have already been decreased some. All of this in JUST 2 weeks! Even if I don't lose another pound and stay where I am, I've still increased my life a little more than before. You know what's best for you ultimately, but I strongly encourage you to pray about this and continue discussing it with your wife and your team of dr's until you feel completely comfortable about it. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Good luck!
  7. Redoableme


    I'm 2 weeks out but my nut says fruit is ok in the solids stage as long as you dont eat the skin.
  8. When I was discharged I was specifically told that I'd have a "strong scent" for awhile. It's your body burning up all those fat reserves. That's why you have that funny taste in your mouth too. It's called ketosis or something like that. Hope this helps!
  9. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Hot showers always makes your pulse rise. Learned that 20 years ago! Freaked me out too! Lol Its not really a bad thing, just your body responding to the temp change.
  10. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I've gotten headaches too but I figure it's because I'm not eating. I could be wrong though lol
  11. Redoableme

    12/20/12 i had GB

    I agree listen to your body and don't overdue it. I'm 2 weeks out and my reminder comes when I wake up cuz I've been sleeping all over the place lol not a good start to the day! Take your time and enjoy the rest while you have it. Oh! And welcome to the losers bench!!
  12. Redoableme

    Ensure Protein Drink

    Ensure is high in sugar and low in protein compared to most of the other kinds of shakes. Your chances of dumping from it is pretty high I'm told.
  13. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    For those of you having trouble with milk, this is what I do. Since my powder is already milk based, I have a chewable lactaid with each shake. You can get a box of 32 at walgreens for less than $10 and believe me it's worth it and more! Make sure it's the chewable and not the pills or else that will be another thing you have to crush. Hope this helps!
  14. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I went almost 2 weeks before I had a bm. My dr suggested a little hot toddy consisting of 1-2 tbs of milk of magnesia, 1 tbs of prune juice (I used apple), heat it up and chug it! I took it around 5 pm and the next morning everything was moving! Hope it works for you!
  15. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I'm 11 days out and I've finally had a bm! The amount of relief is indescribable! Sorry for tmi but I hope noone else has to go through this!
  16. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    How do you guys purée? I'm looking for a personal sized blender that can also do ice as well as meats n stuff. Any ideas?
  17. 8 days postop and STILL no BM... Time to put an APB out on it!!

  18. Redoableme


  19. Redoableme


    From the album: Redoableme

  20. Redoableme

    strange smells...

    When I was discharged Friday the made it a point that my "scent" would get very strong for awhile but it will go back to normal once my insides heal up. - 6days out
  21. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    So far I've only had the mango peach and it's pretty tasty!
  22. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Wow! Do you feel any different after the surgery? I was on the verge of dialysis before having this done. I just knew I'd need it after surgery but my creat went from 4.2 to 3.7! Has yours changed since surgery?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
