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Everything posted by Redoableme

  1. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    My 10 day stall is finally over!! I broke down and had a shake yesterday along with some other protein filled meals, and woke up to a 3 lb loss!!! I've been trying to do this without shakes but it's apparent that I can't. I celebrated by walking a mile this morning!
  2. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Oh don't feel too bad. I did the same thing! My nut said that as long as my pouch was handling it well and I'm not getting sick from it, then it's ok. She said to just be sure to continue doing everything in moderation and get in my fluids and protein. Eventually that's where you'll be headed anyway, so if you can handle it already, that's great! If you can, check in with your own nut to make sure that's ok.
  3. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Oh good idea! That reminds me how much I enjoyed clam chowder before. Time to try it again! And for those struggling to find something different to eat, try The World According to Eggface. I always come away with some great food ideas from her!
  4. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Campbells would've been better but I was thinking the veggies in it would be nice. I should run my food by you from now on Hippie Gal! You always have better ideas! Lol
  5. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I just tried some progresso chicken noodle without the noodles and it did not digest at all. Has anyone else had any problems with chicken?
  6. Redoableme

    Unflavored Protein Powder

    I've found that if I don't mix in a full scoop you can't taste it at all. I mix it in everything before I cook it. Soups, yogurt, even eggs before I scramble! Just portion out how many scoops you want per day and add it little by little to everything you consume throughout the day until you run out for the day! Hope this helps!
  7. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    That was my first thought before I made it, but my pre-surgical me wanted that hashbrown to soak up the yolk lol gotta find a way to shut her up!
  8. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I decided to get a little fancy and try an egg over easy with a thin slice of ham on top of half of a hashbrown. I knew it was a bad idea but I prayed so very hard over it and had already made up my mind that I wouldn't even try to eat the whole thing. I got about 4 bites in before the dumping started! I know it was the hashbrown, that was the only "new" thing. Oh well, lesson learned!
  9. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Thank you!!! I'm blushing now! Lol
  10. Redoableme

    Pill got stuck!

    I'm so scared of that happening that I'll be crushing my pills for another month, just in case! Did you finally get some relief?
  11. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    That reminds me, at Christmas my aunt had a ham and turkey tray with cheese and wheat crackers that she picked up at the grocery store. I think that would make a great snack that will last a good while. I just hope it wasn't too expensive!
  12. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Striiv looks great! Unfortunately I can't get it on my android and my iPhone is too outdated for it have fun with it, though!
  13. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Praying for my twin Jodi! How's your bp? I know when mine got too low I fainted a LOT. I sincerely hope it's not anything worse. Keep us updated!
  14. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I just got this article in my email. I haven't read it yet but it gives tips on getting in all that water! Hope it's helpful to someone! http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/p=1014
  15. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    The yucky mouth thing cones from ketosis. Your body is burning it's fat reserves which causes the gross mouth thing. It's temp. Sammie I'm in the exact same situation. I sleep so much that it's hard to get enough of anything in. I just realized today that I'm starving myself! I have no desire to consume anything though. Looking forward to hearing what your dr says. I'm so sorry to hear about the possibility of another surgery (sorry forgot your name!) I'll be praying for you! Oh and any word on the wipes? What are they for??
  16. I've started crocheting. In the 4 weeks since surgery I made 2 hats, 2 scarves, 2 head bands and now I'm working on a totebag! Gotta love YouTube for tutorials!
  17. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Hippie Gal you look great! Glad you're feeling as well as you look. I've had bm issues from the beginning because of the pain meds. My dr suggested a hot toddy of 1-2 oz milk of magnesia, 1 oz of prune or apple juice, warm it up and then down it like a shot! Works every time!
  18. Redoableme

    The Scale!

    I weigh every time I step foot in the bathroom, no matter the reason! And I write it all down, too! It's a great food replacement therapy I think lol my brother is in pharmaceutical sales and is getting me one of those fancy digital one like at the dr's office. I can't wait!!!
  19. I'm in the same boat. I sleep a LOT so it's hard to consume anything when I'm uncondious. I'm 3 weeks out too and I barely get in 24oz of fluids and hardly any protein. I just get tired of putting stuff in my mouth when I'm awake. Heh... imagine that!
  20. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Dr Says this pain is normal. Apparently it's my belly fat pulling on my internal sutures. He suggested I use a binder to hold everything in place while I heal. In the meantime he gave me more pain meds. The reason why I didn't feel the pain before was because I wasn't moving as much as I am now. Thank God it's not a hernia! Got to see my nut while I was there and she ok'd me for stage 3 foods. Hope everyone is having a good day!
  21. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I see my dr in the am. Praying he has some sort of cure for this pain in my tummy. I seriously don't think the er dr knew what she was talking about. All I do is sleep off the pain meds, eat Wendy's chili and drink. But I'm only getting about 16 oz in and I know that's no bueno. Still can't believe they didn't give me an iv either! Anyway, praying for Lisa and Southern and anyone else still having difficulties. May you all be filled with Gods comfort while your drs do their thing!
  22. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Sounds to me like you could use some relaxation. Maybe a nice bath or shower followed by some pretty smelling lotion would do you quite well after those long days at work!
  23. Redoableme

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Just got home from the ER. Apparently I have a "bruised belly" underneath my belly fat (Dr's exact words) that has become inflamed. No clue how I got it, although she said it looked like I'd been hit or kicked, or in an accident or something. Nothing of the sort has happened to me, so I'm still clueless. I have an apt with my surgeon on Thurs so I'll follow up with him and see what he says. In the meantime, she gave me PILLS for pain relief after I specifically told her I cannot digest them... sigh... that's what I get for going to the ER on New Years Eve. Can't wait to see my own dr.

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