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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About meggiepoo

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  1. Anyone on my fitness pal my screen name is booboppin
  2. meggiepoo

    Body Fortress

    Its a 2 lb tub and I misunderstood the label its 52 gr protein for two scoops so only 26 gr for one serving
  3. Had anyone used the body fortress whey protein from Walmart? How has it been working for you? I couldn't pass up the deal its 52 gr protein and was only $15
  4. meggiepoo

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    Oh wow macungie is right around the corner my mom lives in emmaus
  5. I feel like i'm not losing any weight I think i'm down 8 lbs total from surgery i'm following all the rules and not cheating and i'm in the gym for an hour every day...is this normal I expected to be lighter by now.
  6. meggiepoo

    3 Days Out

    oh I didn't have to have any type of drain? Is that normal? I'm sleeping on the recliner tonight my back is just not appreciating laying down flat...and to think I was so uncomfortable in the recliner in the hospital but that's what i'm going to at home...ugh!
  7. meggiepoo

    3 Days Out

    oh I didn't have to have any type of drain? Is that normal?
  8. meggiepoo

    3 Days Out

    Well every one recovers on their own pace what's most important is that you're feeling better now! Each day gets a bit easier! We're in this together!!
  9. Hey guys I had my surgery Monday and I just wanted to check in...i'm doing a lot better.Monday was literally hell on earth but each day so far has been getting a lil easier. Today my mom and I went and did two laps around the mall and went to Walmart to pick up some Soup. I was doing fine till the end of Walmart when I was ready for a much needed nap. I feel like most of the gas is getting out but i'm still having upper back pain.I have a heating pad for that though. Just sipping walking and trying to relax. Luckily I was approved for leave from work till the 30 so that should give me plenty of time to recoup. Although i'm uncomfortable, as i'm feeling better day by day i'm super psyched to be on the losers bench...
  10. meggiepoo

    Lehigh Valley, Pa

    Thanks i'm feeling better today.still pain and nausea but its much more controlled and the gas Patton is all but gone
  11. meggiepoo

    Lehigh Valley, Pa

    Honestly its very painful my mom kept trying to calm me before surgery saying it wouldn't be "that bad" but it was an awful first day. But as the hours tick by its getting a lil better. I threw up blood as soon As I started sipping i'm praying that I'll feel less and less pain.the walking did help with the gas pain but all the meds make it hard to walk. They had to give me a more powerful pain med cuz the morphine literally did nothing
  12. meggiepoo

    October Surgery Dates

    Ditto! Just leaving for the hospital now! Ready to get this show on the road!!
  13. meggiepoo

    October Surgery Dates

    Its called photo grid I appreciate all the prayers
  14. meggiepoo

    October Surgery Dates

    Omg tomorrow is the big day gotta be at the hospital by 6 am I have a lot of nervous energy right now. My bags are packed i'm ready togo. As nervous as I am I waited so long and the time is finally here. I just can't believe this us really real. I downloaded this app that does before and after pics lol i'm ready to show off the new me (in a few months lol)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
