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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by USAFmom2

  1. I'm about 4 months post op Gastric bypass surgery. I had the surgery because I was maxed out on blood pressure meds and it still was not controlled. Since then, I've lost around 60 pounds and have been able to discontinue two of my six meds and reduce the dosage of another. My blood pressure readings were looking pretty good and I was hopeful that I'd soon get off of the rest of my meds. During the last week or so, my BP has suddenly gone back up to the higher numbers and I'm so discouraged because I'm feeling like I went through the surgery and all the post-op adjustments only to be back to where I was before I started this journey! I'm supposed to see my doctor next week and feel like I'll never get to the point that I don't have to take medications. I might add that I'm working out with a personal trainer at a gym 3-4 times every week. Anyone else with BP issues have any insight or encouraging words for me? Thanks!
  2. USAFmom2

    Eating before workouts

    I go to the gym three or four days a week at 2:30 in the afternoon to workout with a trainer. I'm always afraid to eat too much for lunch, but find that sometimes I feel really hungry and empty while I'm at the gym. What's are good things to eat for lunch on workout days, and do I need to do anything but drink water after a workout to recover? I'm really new at this fitness thing!
  3. USAFmom2


    Taken 2 1/2 months post op.
  4. USAFmom2


    From the album: USAFmom2

  5. USAFmom2


  6. USAFmom2

    Eating before workouts

    Butterfly66- I will be 4 months post op on Feb. 23rd. I've been doing pretty good for the most part. Have had a few bouts of nausea and other pouch issues off and on, but feel that it's getting easier as time goes by. As I said above, I'm working out 3to 4 times a week now. Feeling good, and already off of two blood pressure meds- a couple more to go. Also, knee problems that I had before surgery are practically gone, and no more sleep Apnea. Getting healthier, and loving the new and improved me! Good luck with your upcoming surgery!
  7. USAFmom2

    My 1St Update

    Good luck Marie! Sounds like you're already doing great. I'm in Georgia too and my surgery date was Oct. 23. I've lost 25 pounds since my surgery. Feeling pretty good too. Doctor told me today that I could go back to my gym, so I'm looking forward to that!
  8. I'm three and a half weeks post op and I had my first bout of Dumping Syndrome yesterday. I felt horrible, and even though I'd read about it, it was much worse than I ever expected. Today I'm still feeling sluggish and not at all like myself. I'm crying because I don't know if I made the right decision or not. I'm scared because I just don't feel like myself and I'm scared to eat for fear of starting the nausea and pain all over again. Can someone please give me some encouragement and advice?
  9. I thought I as suffering Dumping Syndrome from bread when I got sick three days ago. Had nausea, diarrhea, chills, gas, and light-headedness. Have hardly eaten anything since then - just drinking a lot. Today, feeling a little better when I got up so ate some cottage cheese for breakfast. Still gassy. Light-headed and queasy since then. One minute I think I'm hungry, and the next, the thought of food makes me nauseous. Can Dumping last this long, or have I been suffering from a bug? Not sure how to treat this. I'm hoping it goes away soon because I can't go on feeling this yuk much longer. Any ideas?
  10. USAFmom2

    Feeling Sad And Scared

    Eeyoregirl1970 - it was bread. As I said above, I was doing so well that I decided to try part of a sandwich. Had nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps for a day. A friend who had the surgery several years ago said that bread gets stuck easily, and then every time you drink, it swells. Feeling better physically this morning, but just nervous about eating again. Kind of emotional. I'm down 30 pounds and my blood pressure is better than it!s ever been, so I know I made the right decision. Just kinda got a jolt of reality! Hope that you continue to do well!
  11. USAFmom2

    Feeling Sad And Scared

    Thank you, kristy3k! I guess I just needed someone with more experience to reassure me that things will get better. I'm having a down day - seems like I can't stop crying. I was doing so well for the first few weeks, that I guess I just got a bit too confident.
  12. USAFmom2

    Soft Foods Advice?

    I get to start on soft foods in a couple of days! Any suggestions for the most successful ones to begin with?
  13. Just out of curiosity, did you tell most everyone that you were having gastric bypass surgery or keep it under wraps? I've told my family members and a few close friends, but that's it for the most part. Most FB friends, church friends, etc. don't know I'm having it next week. I'm not unashamed of having it, but I guess I'm afraid there will be people who will criticize me for choosing to have it, even though my cardiologist says if I don't get my blood pressure lowered soon I'm going to have a stroke.
  14. I had my surgery on Tuesday, Oct. 23 and came home the next day. Was feeling really good the first couple of days and was beginning to think that I was one of those lucky people who got through this with hardly any pain and then today reality hit- and so did this incredible pain just to the left of my belly button. I've been walking faithfully every couple of hours, getting fluids in so I don't think anything has gone wrong, but boy does it hurt! I'm feeling kind of down because I've followed my doctor's instructions and today I feel awful? Did anyone else experience this kind of pain and please tell me it will get better!
  15. USAFmom2

    Anyone For October?

    Was feeling pretty good until today. I have a pain just to the left of my belly button that really hurts. Have tried walking more, heat pad, and ice pack without much relief. Anyone else experiencing this?
  16. USAFmom2

    Anyone For October?

    Had my surgery Tuesday and came home yesterday (Wednesday). Doing pretty good. Walking around the house a lot, sipping water and clear juices. Had a little jello. Just not very hungry yet, and its hard to get the liquids down but I'm doing pretty good so far. Not too much pain but I've always heard the 3rd post op day is the worst so we'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm really starting to get excited about my new healthy life!
  17. USAFmom2


    I'm having my surgery tomorrow morning, but have been waiting since JUNE to get it approved. I had just about given up hope when my surgeon's assistant finally called and said my insurance had approved it. It does drive you crazy!
  18. USAFmom2

    October Surgery Dates

    My surgery is day after tomorrow - Oct. 23. I have to be at my surgeon's office tomorrow morning at 8:00 for my pre-op. Not exactly sure what all that will involve. Trying to stay positive and excited, but keep getting little nerve attacks! Sure hope everything goes well! I'm excited most of all about getting off of all these blood pressure meds - I'm maxed out and still cannot get my BP under control. I'm also so excited to be able to dress in things I really like instead of just whatever I can find that fits.
  19. Ladyspl - I feel the exact same way! I've been dressing in whatever I could find in my size for so long, that I really don't know what styles I like! I cannot wait to go into a "trendy" clothing store and buying something that I REALLY like! I'm so tired of plus size stores.
  20. USAFmom2

    Anyone For October?

    Me too, STEELERSgurl! Have spent most of the day reading forum posts, etc. this site is so helpful!
  21. My surgeon is Dr. Ahad Khan and ill be undergoing the surgery at Emory Johns Creek Hospital. Anyone else had Dr. Khan for a surgeon? He seems really nice, but I've really only seen him once for my initial evaluation.
  22. USAFmom2

    Anyone For October?

    My surgery date is October 23. It's like one minute I feel super-excited and the next minute I'm scared to death! What an emotional roller coaster!
  23. Hi everyone! I started this journey in June 2012 with my informational seminar. Through the next few weeks, got clearances from my cardiologist, a psych evaluation, a pulmonary specialist and my family doctor. My insurance denied the surgery, but a couple of appeals later I got a surgery date of 10/23/12! I was so shocked when I got the call because I had just about given up. I have medication resistant hypertension - am maxed out on meds for my high blood pressure. In June, I joined a gym and got a personal trainer and have been going 4 times a week and have lost 14 pounds! So one lifestyle change has been accomplished! Have to admit I'm getting a little nervous as the date gets closer, but I have a supportive family and feel like I can do this. Your stories have been very helpful and very inspirational!
  24. USAFmom2

    I'm Almost There!

    @Kristy3K - I have a son and daughter-in-law in the Air Force. Both Captains. He's a helicopter pilot and she's Intel. They're stationed in DC. Just went to visit them last week. Will your daughter be doing basic at Lackland? If your interested, I belong to a Facebook Group called Air Force Moms Support. It's been a great help! Thanks everyone for your welcoming words!
  25. USAFmom2


    From the album: USAFmom2

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
