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Everything posted by pianogal7733

  1. pianogal7733

    Frustrated :(

    Hello everyone. Well, I've been slipping and as a result of my bad choices, I'm up 7 pounds. I know it's not much, but it feels like it is. I'm ashamed and aggravated at myself for eating things I know I shouldn't. It's not worth it! I told my husband it's food...and food shouldn't take precedents over what I know I should be doing. I've had great success with my surgery. I've lost a total of 115 before the 7 pound gain. I have some physical limitations due to a disability that makes exercising at times very difficult. But my sweet husband renewed our gym membership and he guided me through each exercise today and we ordered protein...lots of different kinds...and went to Walmart and bought a temporary tub of protein mix til the other comes in. He's doing it with me! That's a big help! I guess I'm just frustrated that I allowed myself to slip back into old habits that I know are not good for me. And the realization is that even though this surgery is one if the greatest tools out there, it's not the surgery that does the work...it's me and what I put into it. So, I needed to see that number on the scale, feel ashamed, and get discouraged in order to get up, dust myself off, and do what's right and what my body needs. I've come too far to go back to where I was...so tomorrows a new day and I'm going to put my best foot forward and lose this extra that I caused to happen. Guess I just needed to vent. Thanks to all that read this and listen. It's nice to have others understand what this journey is like.
  2. pianogal7733

    Frustrated :(

    Thank you ElleG!! I'm headed to the gym with the hubby as I type this!! So glad to have a new day and great motivators as yourself to help encourage! Good luck to you as well!
  3. pianogal7733

    Best tasting protein shakes

    Unjury and Atkins are really good! I use EAS a lot too and sometimes slim fast carb control shakes! I had to start mixing it up because you can get tired of one brand if you use it a lot. I like to just drink skim milk too. Best of luck to you!
  4. Me too! This was by far the easiest surgery I've ever had and the best decision I could've made for myself! Congrats to you!
  5. pianogal7733

    New picture

    Wow!!! You look awesome!! Congrats!!
  6. pianogal7733

    New Pic

    Wow!!! You look amazing!!!
  7. pianogal7733

    5 Day Pouch Test

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone has tried this and if it works. I have lost 100 lbs but recently gained about 5 lbs back. I've not gotten all my Protein in for the day over the past few weeks. So I'm not sure if my body's just holding on to what I'm taking in or what. Does anyone have any input? I'd appreciate it! Thank you!
  8. pianogal7733

    5 Day Pouch Test

    Thank you!
  9. pianogal7733

    Someone Said To Me...

    Sometimes people's words can come out wrong and seem insensitive. Someone asked me the other day how much I'd lost. I told them 110 lbs. They said, "Wow! I don't remember you being that huge! You lost like a whole person!" I stood there for a minute and thought hmmmm...I wouldn't have said it like they did, but it's the truth. So I gladly accepted that comment and replied, "Yes, I did and I'm proud of it!" I told them thanks for noticing my hard work, I held my head high and went and bought myself a new dress! (A size smaller!!!) so, I want to congratulate you on your weight loss and say keep up the good work!!!! And take those comments and hold your head up and know others are seeing your hard work too!! Best of luck to you!!!
  10. Yes I did! It was rough at first and I shed some tears. I thought to myself what could I do to keep my mind off what they're eating. Ironically, at meal time I'd have my protein shake and search out high protein recipes and write them out. My husband said does that not make it harder writing about food! No it didn't! It was a stress reliever. It helped me to study out my new way of life and I enjoyed it! Also I prayed for strength! It is what it is and food is a big part of our society, so instead of leaning on food I learned to lean on Jesus and found so much strength! Good luck to you and you can make it through this!!! This surgery was a God send and one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm 14 months out and down 110 lbs. I'd do it all over again! I hope this helps you! Good luck and hang in there! You've got this!!!
  11. pianogal7733

    Single Digits...i Finally Made It!

    Congratulations!!! I agree with you on the last 20lbs. I have 10 more to go and I myself will have lost 120lbs. Those last 10 are being stubborn! Lol! But I'm not giving up! Gotta keep on keeping on!!! Again, congratulations on your weight loss and single digit pants!! What an accomplishment!!!
  12. pianogal7733

    My Pics

    Congratulations!!! You look amazing!!!
  13. pianogal7733

    Kale Chips

    Thank you for posting this recipe! They are wonderful and hit the spot! Best of all, my 10 year old tried these and loved them abd asks me to make them for his after school snack! So thank you!!!
  14. pianogal7733

    My New Love!

    Where do you get the chai tea at?
  15. pianogal7733

    Hi All!

    Wow!!! Congrats on those 40lbs gone!!! That's amazing!!
  16. pianogal7733

    Feeling Uneasy

    I went through this as well. I was super excited about the end result but truthfully frightened at the journey ahead. I had a wonderful support system though. At first I battled head hunger and would smell their "regular" food and then look at my "new pouch" food. However, you will not be as hungry and that feeling does leave. I also found a hobby that kept me busy when those feelings crept up. I started researching and writing out healthy recipes of the foods I used to eat and found lots of great substitutions. It was a stress reliever for me. And helped me. Also prayer...I prayed for strength and the Lord always provided the help I needed. And you will not have to give up everything. If there's something I want...minus sweets or anything that could cause dumping...I eat a very small portion...but always eat protein first. This was by far my easiest surgery and the best decision I could've made for myself. I'd recommend it to anyone that needs to loose weight that cannot do it alone or has health issues. What looks scary now will actually turn out to be a wonderful blessing! Just hang in there and do your best and think about the results during this journey and where you want to get too. My surgery was 1 year ago and I've lost 100 lbs! I wouldn't change a thing. You'll learn a lot during this process. I sure did! Good luck to you! I can't wait to hear about your success cause it's coming!
  17. pianogal7733


    I was not allowed anything like that til after 6 weeks or so. But whatever you do just chew, chew, chew til it's mush. Getting sick and vomiting is so terrible and I've been there by not chewing my food up. Some foods you'll be able to tolerate and some no. Just take tiny bites and chew well. Good luck to you!
  18. Hello everyone! I'm new! This is my first post! What a blessing this forum is! I've read so many inspiring and helpful posts from people who know exactly how I feel! I'm post op 1 year. I've lost 100lbs! And I feel like a new person! I still have about 10-15 to go and my scales have not moved in about 6-8 weeks! I'm not doing anything I'm not supposed to. I have been working extra hard and it seems impossible. I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions as to what I may try in order to get to my goal. I appreciate any responses and want to say congratulations and good luck to you all!!
  19. pianogal7733

    Last 10 Lbs!

    Thank you so much! Good luck to you as well! I stalled the first time about 3 weeks out and 2 1/2 months out and now. But I'm thankful for what's been accomplished thus far and for the decrease of health conditions and medications! Yours will start coming right off again...just wait and see!
  20. pianogal7733

    Last 10 Lbs!

    Rush2121, hang in there!!! You can do it!!! The first few weeks were pretty rough, but I kept the outcome as the center point of my struggles. I knew if I just did my best and what I was supposed to even in those hard frustrating times that it'd all be worth it!! Praying you just stay encouraged and know its all worth it! good luck!!!
  21. pianogal7733

    Last 10 Lbs!

    Thank you, MsCook!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
