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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. nory01510

    Lets Hear Some Bragging!

    I had surgery in feb 22,2012 have lost 98 pounds but the last 2 pounds to hit 100 won't come off! It's been 1 month and a1/2 since I've lost anything! SOOO FRUSTRATED! But whatayagonnado can't quit gotta keep going! Great job to you! If you have any advice for me please let me know!!!
  2. I hit ANOTHER STALL! . So not fun! I'm doing everything right and not losing again! Any suggestions?!?!
  3. nory01510

    Hi All!

    Hello all! Just wanted to thank everyone for the pep talks and all the advice I was given when I couldn't lose! I am happy to say that I LOST 15 POUNDS since my last post!!! YAYYYY ME!!!! I only have 4 MORE pounds to go to lose 100!!!! IM SOOO EXCITED! I am hoping I don't platue again!!! Instil have a LONG way to go!!! Thanks Again!!! Nory!!!
  4. nory01510

    Not Losing!

    I thought it was muscle as well but the doc keeps telling me no, it's not muscle. I have gone to the nutritionist and she says I'm doing all the right things but, the doc isn't agreeing with her. Idk what to do. I am so frustrated! Yes I went from a size 26 to a size 16 BUT, I have lost any inches or weight for 4 weeks! Can someone tell me what they are doing or eating that has helped?
  5. nory01510

    Not Losing!

    Just wicked frustrated!!... I cry all the time because of it!! :/!!!! Not sure what else to do!...
  6. nory01510

    Not Losing!

    Yes, I use my fitness pal app to log my food. Yes, I've called and they said I am eating enough. Not sure how. But, they just keep blamming me and saying I'm not eating right or working out when I am!
  7. nory01510

    Not Losing!

    He says it's not enough and I'm not sure why. But, I know he's not happy. I only lost 14 pounds from my 3 month appt to my 6 month appt and I'm guess that is why. I get in OVER 64 oz a day of Water. I do not eat carbs at all they make me sick. I do not eat much and I thought it was that reason but the doctor says no. I walk/jog and run 2-3 miles a day. My doctor says its because I'm eating to much and not working out but that's not the case I am REALLY trying! Not sure what to do :/!!!
  8. Hi all! I'm in DESPERATE need of help! I had surgery on Feb 22,2012. I've lost 96 pounds but have not lost any more weight in 4 weeks!!! I workout everyday 2-4 miles a day. I watch EVERYTHING I eat! Idk what I'm doing wrong! My doctor is upset and saying it cheating and not working out when I really do! I have my next apt with the surgeon on the 27th of this much and he is wanting me to lose 6 pounds BUT, I haven't lost not one single pound!! I've cried because I'm soo frustrated! Can anyone provide me with some help PLEASE?!?! Thanks, Nory!

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