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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About smckiss

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  • Birthday 04/17/1969

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I had RNY done on 5/2/2012 stayed in hospital for 3 days. On 5/18/2012 was admitted to the emergency room for complications from the surgery. Cat scan found a leak. Got an infection that then caused a gastric fistula from new pouch to old stomach. Had to stay in the hospital for 18 days on tpn (food bag w/vit) nothing by mouth. Was released on 6/4/2012 with the tpn and home health care for 3 weeks. At first I questioned my decsion on having done the surgery. I thought I had made a terrible mistake. I missed my first daughters high school graduation. I was mad at my surgeon. My younger daughter was mad at me because she thought I was going to die. I cried a lot in the hospital I never thought I was going to get better. I questioned God in why I had to be that percent of patients who have these complications. Now 4 months later and 59 lbs less I can say I would do it all over again. I feel so much better now then I did before. I'm healthier. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I could not have done this without the support of my family and my faith in God.
I am two years out and I am going in for a revision on March 12, 2014. Because of the gastro gastric fistula I developed and an ulcer that will not heal. I have lost 113 lbs. I'm 23 lbs away from my goal. Hopefully after this surgery everything will be better and an can enjoy my weight loss without being in pain all the time.

I had my revision on March 12, 2014. the was in surgery for 5 1/2 hours. My Dr. removed a good portion of the upper part of the old stomach were the fistula was. he had to take down the pouch an rebuild it up using some of the intestine. this took care of the ulcer I had. My new pouch is now the size of a golf ball. he said it will not ever stretch out because of using the intestine. I was in the hospital for 2 days. so far every thing is going good. I feel so much better this time then when I had it done in 2012. I know I had a lot of complications before and I felt bad all the time. Right now I feel really good and I'm glad that I am not in pain like I was. my only concern now is that because my pouch is even smaller. I don't want to lose more then I need and I don't want to become sick if I can't get enough of my protein and fluids in. My dietician said I will probably just need to eat more frequently though the day then before. My journey has had its ups and downs. I'm still on it and I will make sure I do everything I'm suppose to. I have faith in God the support of my family and my will power to make this succeed. I'm often asked because of all the complications I went through, all the pain. would I have done it if I'd known s is what would happen. Yes I would, because if I didn't I would have continued to gain weight and would have complications from that. My new healthy life will keep me in my kids lives longer.

Age: 55
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Starting Weight: 256 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 137 lbs
Goal Weight: 125 lbs
Weight Lost: 119 lbs
BMI: 24.3
Surgery: Gastric Bypass
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/30/2012
Surgery Date: 05/02/2012
Hospital Stay: 3 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 2nd Letter Appeal Approval
smckiss's Bariatric Surgeon
Desert Surgical & Bariatric Specialists
555 East Tachevah Drive
Palm Springs, California 92262

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
