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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by QueenB

  1. QueenB

    I Am Banded!!!

    Thanks loriely. I am three days post op now. Feeling better except the gas pains on occassion that flare up. The insicions do not hurt too bad. All in all, a good experience. I am getting headaches though...anyone else?
  2. I was told that the next 3 to 4 weeks are for healing from the surgery. It is not aout losing weight at this point. I was banded on Tuesday Aug. 7. I have not weighed myself yet. Yeah, I am curious also, but I expect to be fluctuating for the next week or so, therefore I did not bother. Remember, this is for a lifetime of changing habits, and the weight will come off slowly. :whoo:
  3. QueenB

    I Am Banded!!!

    Hi Sweetie, Hope you are feeling beter. My insicions are a bit sore, and I have been using the heating pad for the gas pain. Thank God for that codeine!! :clap2: I have not been nauseated at all. I have been slowly sipping Water, apple juice and having popcicles. I had a cup of peppermint tea on our drive back home from Toronto. Have you started on Thursday diet yet? Francine said we could have creamy Soups and low fat yogurt etc? I have not started that yet as I want to make sure someone else has started. I am looking forward to the days ahead. It really was not so bad huh? I feel a bit of weakness when I walk around, but nothing more than that. well take care and keep me posted on how you are doing. Queenie
  4. QueenB

    Northern Ontario

    Do we have banders from Northern Ontario here? I would love to know as I am in North Bay.
  5. QueenB

    Dr. Cobourn

    Your post was so helpful! Sweetforlife and I both go in on August 7th. We are trying to get through the Optifast stage together. We both have three weeks to do. Thanks for sharing your experience on surgery day so we know what to expect. Queen B
  6. Hi Kero, Yes Weetabix is available in Canada. Just look in the cereal isle. Most grocery stores have it. I always have it at home LOL!
  7. Me too! I am on Pre op for three weeks. I started Optifast on July 17th. My surgery is on August 7th. I am also constantly hungry. I usually end up munching on celery, cucumbers or pickles. Try doing something that takes your mind off the food. I have been packing ( we are moving soon) , and cleaning house! It gets hard as I have to cook and feed my kids and DH while I graze my salad! Look only a few more days to go. We can both do it!!:clap2:
  8. I think after researchng the band and the bypass, it seemed the band helps out more naturally. It prevents you from overeating and thus reducing the weight. I was always afraid of the bypass and I think it is too drastic. I am afraid of major surgery and the band seems to be the way to go. I go in to get banded on August 7th in toronto.:whoo:
  9. QueenB

    Bad news from my doctor

    Well said Jenny! I wish i had 20 pounds to lose LOL! I think your doctor is misinformed. A lot of doctors lean towards the bypass because the banding is relatively new. I know two people personally who had the gastric bypass and lost about 100 pounds each BUT streched their stomach back to a normal size by overeating. (Something you cannot do on the band or you will suffer!:omg:) They are now both about 150 pounds overweight! I am scheduled for banding on August 7th and I think it will be the best decision ever. Good Luck!:clap2:
  10. QueenB

    There are cookies in the office

    Control yourself sweetforlife. Remember the delicious Optifast shake you will be having for lunch? :hungry: If you are craving something sweet try some strawberries or blueberries. Freeze them and eat them after that. They are like candy! If you crave something salty and crunchy..try pickles! That is what i am getting today! Imagine yourself at the goal weight that you told me about...those cookies and timbits are yuck!!!!! Not worth it at all.
  11. QueenB

    Two days in on Optifast

    Pickles sound good. I am going to buy some tomorrow! Day three of Opti was a bit better. No headaches but i was really hungry. I had a shake around 11AM, a BIG salad at 3, another shake at 6, some stirfried veggies ( cooked with just a bit of Water and a couple tablespoons of soy sauce) and my last shake at around 10PM. I know it seems like a lot to go through in the day...but I am starving!! Any suggestions?
  12. QueenB

    Two days in on Optifast

    Yeah I felt drained today! I had a headache all day. I am on my second day of Optifast. I am taking advantage of the veggies though. I will definitely try the stir fry. I would be nice to eat something hot. Sweet For Life, I am also in on the 7th with Dr. Coubourn. I also have three weeks of Opti! I like the chocolate or vanilla mixed with a couple tablespoons of instant coffee and lots of ice. I am also diabetic and have not taken my meds for two days as my sugars are at optimum control. I am just afraid they might drop too much!
  13. QueenB

    Drinking when eating

    Hi Kimmom, I don't think the band will be effective if you drink while eating. It liquifies the food and it goes throughthe band too fast, so you eat more. You can drink and water load in between meals and you will stay hydrated. If you chew your food well, I don't think you would need to drink. I am not banded yet, but on my pre op diet right now, so I do not know the exact way it will feel but I have done my reading about it, so that is what i understand. Take care
  14. QueenB

    Optifast makes me homicidal! :)

    Try a Optifast Mocha Frappe...mmmm...LOL! I use 2 teaspoons of instant coffee in my choclate optifat and add the 300 ml of Water and a cup full of ice and blend away. It is quite filling and I actually like it. It tastes like a frappe you would normally pay $6 bucks for. I also tried a cup of cold brewed coffee in the vanilla and it was okay but I like the choc. better. This is something we have decided to do ourselves. It is going to help us in the long run with the struggle with food. I am looking forward to the next three weeks on the opti and then off to the operating room it is! Take Care
  15. I am getting banded on August 7th and decided to keep it a secret from everyone except my family. ( husband, parents, siblings know). For friends and co workers, i have been "faking" stomach problems for a few weeks and telling them I think I have gallbladder troubles or a hernia..still being diagnosed. LOL! I know it seems evil, but I really don't know what else to do. My friend just had gallbaldder surgery and it was done almost the same way as lap band surgery, so that is where I got the idea. She had 4 insisions done larascopically. It took her a bit over a week to heal, so i figure it would be the same for me hopefully.... I have told a couple friends that I "may" have to go for surgery if it is my hernia...so they are not surprised when I actually go in for it. Oh well...you do whatcha have to do right?
  16. Hello Gang, I would like to join Crazy Ates. My surgery date is August 7th. I am being banded by Dr. Cobourn in Toronto. I start my Optifast pre op diet in the morning. (three weeks pre op diet for me) I would love to share stories with others in the same time line. Take care, ~BEE~
  17. I have decided not to tell anyone but my family. I think it is really how comfortable you feel. I just do not want anyone to be constantly judging me and have "expectations" of how much or little I have lost. I am just going to tell people that I have started to watch what I eat and exercise more once I start losing. (if they ask that is). I get banded on August 7 and start Optifast Pre Op Diet on Tuesday. Best of Luck to you whatever you decide!
  18. When I called my family doctor's office to get my pre-op appointment, the sceretary gave me so much attitude because I did not tell them "first". I am self pay and have done my research, I went for my consult with the surgeon and felt this is the way to go for me. My Family doctors secretary was telling me stories of others who have not been happy etc..Very discouraging. Anyways, I go for my pre op appointment next week and hope the doctor is more supportive. I am very nervous though. I know ultimately it is my decision and I am doing this.
  19. Hello SD Chick, I am starting the Opti on July 17th...and I have to do it for 3 weeks..so I am doing a lot of research about how to make it more palatable. I read that you can add instant coffee to the chocolate one and blend it up with ice and Water to make a smoothie. It will take an edge off the headaches. Another lady I correspond with makes very strong tea and mixes that into the vanilla. ( either chai tea, green tea or regular tea) You can also try adding Crystal Light (singles) ..I heard the vanilla opti with orange makes it like a creamsicle. You can also try vanilla with a bit of cinnamon. Are you allowed any food while on Optifast? We are allowed 225 calories of green veggies per day so i am going to have a big green salad for lunch and one for dinner! That is the plan so far. I hope this helps.
  20. Welcome! I am also being banded in August in Toronto. Mine is self pay :angry, but hey i am worth it ! :whoo: Take Care and let us know whenyou get your date!! Queen B...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  21. Hi There and welcome! I also decided recently to get the lap band surgery. I go in on August 7,. I start my OptiFast pre op diet on July 17 and cannot wait. I am looking forward to this so much and I think this is the best decision I have made for myself ever! You will find tons of support on this forum and all your questions answered! These are a great bunch of people! Good Luck!
  22. Hello, I am a newbie at this forum and being banded on August 7 - YAH!!!! I am from Ontario. I have a question for those who have had surgery already. Do they put the tube down your throat during surgery? I had that done when I had my tubes tied and they said it was to make sure nothing got lodged in my throat while I was under. (Fillings, crowns, caps etc). It hurt my they do the same during lapband surgery . Thanks
  23. Hi Stacie, I am having my sugery at the Surgical Weight Loss centre by Dr. Cobourn. (Mississauga , ON) I know 'sweetforlife' is having her sx the same day as me only at noon..i am in at 8 am How about you? Oh..I start my Opti on July 17th
  24. Well thanks for explaining. I was very uncomfortable with the sore throat for quite a while and just wanted to know what to expect.
  25. Thanks so much for explaining that! I read your posts here all the time and they are very useful. The nurse during my tubal ligation said that the tube was so nothing gets stuck in my airways and i don't choke while I am under. The reason I asked this was because the airway tube site gave me a very sore throat for several days...almost hurt as much as the surgery! LOL

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