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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by k.buys

  1. I used no sugar added applesauce. That worked the best for me.
  2. k.buys

    Why do the ppl I love hurt me?

    He's scared. He's afraid you will find someone else with the weight your losing.
  3. k.buys

    Im sooo afraid of getting dumping!

    I didn't have any problems with unsweetened applesauce. I had it every day. I would take my crushed medications with it. Just enough to mix the meds in to take. It makes it alot easier to get them down.
  4. k.buys

    protein chips

    The Special K Cracker Chips are really good. You can also get them at Kroger or Walmart.
  5. Your body is going through a shock right now. Don't give up, it will get better. Drink the shakes slowly. Sometimes the drinks will make you nauseaus, and it takes a little while to find one that you can tolerate. It's all worth it in the long run.
  6. k.buys

    How do u know

    Congratulations. I forced my self to eat about 2ozs every 3 hours. You have to remind your self to eat and I would only get a serving size of the 2 ozs so I knew I wouldn't over eat. Unfornately now I do get hungary, but you know right away when your full. Day of sugery 7-17-2012 I weighed 311, day I came home I weighed 321. They said not to weigh your self when you got home because of the gain from water and gas, but I couldn't help myself. Was totally shocked. Current weight 241.
  7. k.buys

    Dumping Foods

    My Dr. said no more then 4 grams of sugar if sugar is the third ingredient listed. And no tomato soup or tomatos for awhile because of the acidity. Only low fat or fat free cream soups for the liquid or pureed stage.
  8. k.buys

    Clothing Size Wishes

    I started out in size 28 pants and now i'm in size 20 and 4x in shirts now in 2x. Realistic i'm looking for 12/14 pants and med to lg tops. Right now I try not to look at the big picture just on getting down to the next size.
  9. Oh my gosh, I know that barium drink was the worst. I barely got back to my room and I started vomiting. My poor cousin was in the room when I got back and she started freaking out and yelling for the nurse. I think it was worse for her then me. LOL I had awesome nurses at McClaren Hospital in Flint, MI. They were checking on me every hour. They took really good care of me and from what I could see they were doing the same with every patient that was up there. They would walk with me if I didn't have a vistor at the time. I can only say good things about the nurses there.
  10. k.buys

    Nauseated On Protein

    I couldn't handle the protein drinks either. I've been trying to get my protein in with meat, but yesterday I found GNC Total Lean Lean Shakes they have 25 gr protein and they taste great and no nausea or vomiting. There lactose free. They come in powder and premade. I got the premade and they were on sale for 4/7.99. I would definetly check out GNC. Talk to someone who works there and I'm sure they will help you. I was going to get something else and after talking to the clerk he told me not to get the one I was going to get and to try the Lean Shakes. The shakes and the Quest protein bars are awesome.
  11. k.buys


    I have had horrible migraines since I was 16 and i'm 49 now. For about 10 years I was on Inderal to prevent them and that worked. My doctor just switched me to Verapamil because he said I had been on the Inderal to long. Even though I didn't get the migraines that often after starting the Inderal I still would get bad headaches. Since the surgery I don't get very many headaches. Now if I get one I can usually tell I haven't drank enough water that day. I take Tylenol and start drinking the water and they go away. I fiqure it was all the crap I used to eat that caused all the headaches. I'm not quite ready to stop the Verapamil because it scares me to death that they will come back. I would talk to your doctor about what to take just in case you do get one, because most of the over the counter meds for them we can't take.
  12. k.buys

    Bariatric Dating Website?

    That would be great
  13. k.buys

    Crystal Light?

    I haven't been able to handle Crystal light either. The only thing I found that I can drink and like is Sugar Free Hawaiian Punch Singles to Go. The Fruit Juicy Red Flavor. I got some Grape flavor and for some reason that made my stomach upset. I think with the Crstal light for me it's the citrus in it.
  14. Yes, I'm from Michigan and I don't know how I'm going to make it through the winter. Every one looks at me like i'm crazy. I'm so bundled up all the time.
  15. k.buys

    Peanut Butter And Dumping :(

    I know I haven't been able to eat peanut butter since the surgery.
  16. k.buys


    You can also crush Zyrtec if you need to. I would watch out for the childrens liquids there is a ton of sugar in them.
  17. k.buys


    I have really bad allergys and I take Zyrtec. I haven't had any problems with it. I took it right after surgery.
  18. Has any one tried chinese food? I have been craving it now for a couple of weeks, but i'm not sure it's doable and if it is what to get. I'm sure the Sweet and Sour items are out. I'm 14 weeks out from my surgery. If any one has any ideas I would appreciate it. Kim
  19. k.buys

    Vanilla Ice Cream

    I'm 14 weeks out and I have some in the freezer that I bought about a month and half ago. Still haven't tried it. To afraid.
  20. k.buys

    Chinese Food

    Thank you everyone. I will probably stay away from the rice. I don't think I will be trying Sushi. Tried it once a few years ago and didn't care for it. Everyone has giving me hope that there are a few things I could try.
  21. k.buys

    Is My Dr Insane?

    I had the morphine pump, I only used it a couple of times because it made me really sick. I was also in a blind study for a tylenol pump which the doctor and nurses fiquered I was getting it because I didn't have a lot of pain. He sent me home with Loaratab elixer which I did have to use for a few days. I still have 11/2 large bottles left. I think I was really lucky, He should give you the option on what you want for pain.
  22. I haven't taken any thing but Tylenol since my surgery. I would call your Dr. and make sure everything is ok. Then I would ask him if he can give you any thing to take when you do get one, or something to prevent them. I've had severe migraines all my life. I was on Inderal to prevent them for a few years and they just switched me to Verapamil because my Dr. said I had been on the Inderal for to long. I haven't had any since I've been on the Inderal and hopefully I won't get one with the switch. But I've noticed since the surgery when I do get a headache it's usually because i haven't drank enough water. So i start downing the water and take a couple of Tylenol and it goes away. I hope everythings ok.
  23. k.buys

    Bcbs Michigan

    I have them also and i didn't have any problems. Approved right away.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
