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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Yankee2012

    Rochester New York Anyone?

    Jp, I hope everything went well with your surgery! Each day gets easier....remember your new life started today! Enjoy your journey! Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  2. Yankee2012

    Rochester New York Anyone?

    Hi! Another Rochester NY friend! I had my surgery August 27th by Dr. O'Malley as well!...stuck at a 40lb weight loss. I heard stalls are normal, but would like to lose more. My goal is 30 more pounds. Regardless of the stall, I'm so happy with the way I now look....best of luck to you as you too begin your new life! Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  3. Yankee2012

    Dry Cough Post Surgery

    Hi All! I wanted to update you on my progress. After I was hospitalized for having the pulmonary embolism, I stayed in the hospital for 6 days. They loaded me up on 2 different blood thinners, and watched me 'round the clock. It was just over a week ago that I've been home. I've lost 18 pounds. I think if I wasn't so immobile, I'd lose it faster. I'm not getting too upset about it though. I know it will come off in time. I'm just so extremely grateful to be here! Tomorrow I have a follow up with the surgeon to follow my healing progress from the embolism. I hope I get the chance to hug the nurse whom I feel saved my life!
  4. Yankee2012

    3 Wks Post Op Tomorrow!

    Hi Kerri-Ann I am also an 8/27 alumni! I'm down 18 pounds and also feel your frustration! A friend of mine is 6 weeks ahead of me and is down 40 pounds. I try not to compare, but I want this weight to come off! I'm sure we'll all read our posts in the upcoming months and smile! Patience is the key for sure! All the best to you!
  5. Yankee2012

    Dry Cough Post Surgery

    I wanted to update on my original posting. I went to the doctor on Tuesday September 4th to have my stapes removed. After hearing me cough for a mere few minutes, the nurse immediately sent me down to emergency! It turns out I had a pulmonary embolism! I've been in the hospital ever since! Hoping to be released today or tomorrow! So extremely lucky and grateful to be here! So my warning and caution to all of you is DON'T WAIT! Get it checked out!
  6. Yankee2012

    Dry Cough Post Surgery

    Thanks PaulB for responding! I'll continue my search on the site for all of the invaluable information!
  7. HI! I'm new to this support group. I was extremely happy to find such support, however. I had gasteric bypass surgery on Monday. I have developed a dry cough. Over the past few days. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? There is nothing coming up or any sound to suggest that there is an infection. Its more annoying than anything else. My lung capacity hadn't reached normal levels prior to leaving the hospital, so I'm currently blowing into the monitor 'thingy' to get them back to normal. Any help or suggestions would be great! Thank you all in advance!

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