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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nurse76

  1. I thought I would call my doctor to see if he would give me my fill early, just for kicks, i can probably wait but sure would be nice to have more restriction right now, and of course he said "no", I guess i knew he would but I only have to wait another week and a half.

    Just thought i would share this.

    About tornados , yes they horrify me, but I have been around so many. I grew up in a mobile home and have had several tornados touch down in the yard(we were so lucky) and have lost 2 trampolines to them, so now I refuse to live in a mobile home and head for the closet anytime we get a warning. Once I was at my aunts house and we had to get into the culvert because one was coming down the road. I love living in south georgia but hate the tornados

  2. I went through the same thing, for some reason I have more restriction in the mornings than in the evenings. I am 1 month post op and the 3rd week for me was the absolute worse. Now I am doing good, I am on soft food and it fills me up better, I was pureeing everything but it just slipped right past my band. ONce you get to the stage where you can chew food it will get better. Remember this is the healing phase, so try not to focus on the weight loss( i know easier said than done), i promise it will get better.

  3. I am going to sign off for a bit as well, it is getting ready to rain, so maybe I will take a nap, my favorite past time...lol, or maybe i should do some studying, that is probably a better idea,

    anways talk to you later.


    I know you are probably working today, but i hope your fill goes ok and I can't wait to get the scoop!!!!

    bye bye

  4. good talking to you jeanie!!!

    Enjoy that pool, it has been raining everyday here.

    Oh and about the hurricanes and tornadoes, I don't mind hurricanes so much because I actually live in georgia(just over the florida line) so they don't affect me too much, but tornadoes, OMG, I live in whats called a tornado valley, which means we get hit all the time. I guess you learn to deal with it just like you learn to deal with the snow, but they are very scary, I much more afraid of tornados than I am hurricanes, they are so un predictible, but you learn to kind of get a feeling for the weather and can almost tell when "tornado weather" is approaching.

    have fun in the pool

  5. Hey I have a questiong for anyone who might can give me some insight.

    Do you know anyone or have you, gone on a diet programg after the band? I mean like one of the diets that have never worked before the band?.

    The reason I ask is because I have tons of suddenly slim stuff here( tried it several times, only worked once) and I started doing it again today. I figured what the heck, I will probably be able to stick to it now and since I already have about 3 months worth I thought I would give it a shot. A good friend of mine went on it and lost 80 pounds in 5 months and she was way smaller than I am now.

    Please let me know your thoughts, suggestions, ideas, I value all of your opinions.


  6. Hello Everyone!!!!

    sorry to be MIA but this quarter in school is really kicking my behind, but it will be well worth it when have can put that RN behind my name.

    I hope everyone is doin well, and congrats to all the new bandsters, sorry I have sent you any well wishes before now.

    Lynette,- I made a 98 on my cardiact test, was very happy, but I love cardiac. Hey sister, we will be 1 month post op tommorow!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!. How has your diet been going, I have been doing incredibly well, It is almost as if I have to force myself to eat. Physically I can eat, but I don't get the pleasure out of it like I used to. I have done a complete 360 on my eating. It is so weird, I just don't get hungry, that is until I start eating, and then that is when the will power kicks in. I can't wait for my first fill but I have 2 more weeks to go. Good luck with your fill on tuesday and update me on how it goes.

    Dini - Happy "belated birthday" you are so young and beautiful, I was in your shoes when I was 24 and had to do a lot of soul searching, you will make the right decisions and be happy. Good luck to you girl.

    Jeannie - Glad to see you are doing so well, I miss talking to you and everyone else, I will have to get on here more often.

    Chim - hey girl, glad to see you are doing well keep up the good work

    Phyll - How are you doing?

    Sunny - Glad to see you are doing well, don't over do it!!! Keep up the good work

    Kathy - Hope all is well with you and your family.

    Hi Larrend!!!!

    Eileen- welcome to this group, I know exactly how you are feeling, the first 2.5 weeks, I was soooooooooo depressed, but it passed and this group is soo supportive and will help you get through it. I am single as well and I had a very strong emotional relationship with food, noone can prepare you for what that will do to you after surgery. I was very depressed and cryed more than a few times. I did some soul searching and have been working on my relationship with food, and trying to find the reason why I am so attached to it, and I must say that I am getting better. I know I will always struggle with it, but with prayer and faith we can get through it. But come here when you need to be uplifted, all the women and men here are wonderful.

    To anyone else that I have missed, I am sorry, I am going to try to go back and finish reading, but I have a lot to catch up on.

  7. Linda

    I got to mushy on thrusday and have done great = I eat slowly (maybe not as slow as i should- but slow compared to how is use to eat)

    It's 12:30 and I had 1/2 cup eatbeaters w/cheese around 9 this morning and I am still full..

    For those of you who like grape koolaide - my dr office has this grape raisin Protein Drink 15 grms for 70 calories that taste GREAT.. I gooled it but can't find a website (Lite Life) that really matches where you can order - and just went to get the packaging and just says distrubed by bobby basker-rao.. They also have lemonaide & orange - all of whick i like..

    Hi IndioGirl55,

    Try the medifast website, they have all those flavors and they taste great as well.

  8. Hello Everyone,

    I just wanted to drop a post to see how everyone is doing, It seems like an eternity since I have spoken to anyone. School has started back and I am in MedSurg II and it is a lot of work, so needless to say I have been a bit preoccupied. I hope everyone is doing well, I have not been able to go back and read the 50 someting pages I have missed, but I just wanted to drop in and tell everyone that I miss them and I will post some more later, but for now I Have to go to the hospital and get my assignments for tommorow, clinical, yuck!!!!!!!

    Take care everyone

  9. Hello everyone,

    sorry I have not posted lately, I have been trying to study for a big test next week.

    I had to take time out to post this, however. I am on the soft/mushy stage of my post-op diet, and chicken salad is on my menu. Well the first time I had some I thought it had gotten "stuck" because I had some pain in my chest. So today I was boiling some chicken to make some chicken salad, because I was out of canned chicken salad, and deciced to eat a peice of chicken. Now I have eaten chicken since my first incidence with no problems. At any rate, after eating half of a chicken leg, I started getting this really uncomfortable feeling underneath my breasts, I thought it was gas pain, well it wasn't. For about 30 minutes I had the most intense pain that was radiating throughout my entire abdomen and even between my shoulder blades. I started sweating profusely and became very pale and nearly passed out. I managed to call my doctor and he is so sweet that he spoke to me himself and told me not to worry that it sounded like I got some food stuck and that it would pass, and (as he chuckled) he states, I don't mean to chuckle at you but please don't eat any more chicken, I said trust me I won't. So this went on for a few more minutes and it magically disappeared. I called him back to let him know that I was ok(left word with his nurse), and I will be on liquids for the next couple of days, and I have an appt on Monday.

    But this was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life...ever, If I had to imagine what a heart attack feels like I would definately compare it to this.

    But I just wanted to share this with everyone, we live and we learn.

    I feel much better now!!!!

    Thanks for letting me share this.

  10. Lynette,

    Hey Girl, Please don't beat yourself up, I had the same thing happen to me saturday, I ate chicken and some pancakes(not together) I thought it was the chicken but maybe it was the pancakes, at any rate, I went back on clears sunday and by monday I felt back to myself. You are also going to fill fuller now that you are on soft foods, and I have learned this the hard way. If our bodies were that delicate the percentage of complications from this surgery would be so much higher.

    So don't you fret about it girl, you are doing so awesome and are a true inspiration for me, you are in my prayers!!!!!!

    Love ya

  11. :confused:Christy, I love your idea for recipes???? What chicken salad recipe did you get? If you don't mind sharing it, I'd love to know, sounds like you enjoyed it!!!

    You could start a new thread on here if you want. Just go to the bottom of the page, where it says forum jump ... click on July 07 Bandsters ... then at the top of that page ... click on new thread!!!! Great idea!!!


    Lynette, let us know how your appointment goes! I know it will be good! I will certainly share my support group ideas, etc. IT is the 3rd Tuesday of every month!!! Hope to get some ideas!

    Oh, and for lunch today, I had Wendy's Chili ... I ate every bite of it!!! It was soooo good!!! YUM!!! Better watch myself, I have 2 doctor appointments tomorrow ... one with my regular physician and one with my banding doctor!!!!! Oh well, I'm ready!!!:whoo:

    Hi dmtjet,

    Lynette is on the ball, she has started this thread, and she gave me the recipe for the chicken salad so I will let her post, but it is absolutely delicious!!!!!!!

    look forward to reading everyones recipes!!

    I will also share some from this book I just recieved today from bariatriceating.com, there are some awesome recipes from a woman who had WLS.

  12. Lynette,

    I'm glad your visit went so well, you are doing so great!!!!!, What kind of food are you allowed now? Are you allowed soft foods such as the chicken salad and fish? Just curious. Way to go on the weight loss.

    As for the cookbook, a new thread sounds great, Lynette do you know how to start it? Let me know because I am not very good with this stuff.

    Patti C, be looking for a new thread, coming soon..........

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