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Everything posted by aNuMe

  1. Today is day two of my four weeks of Opti fast, and I feel like CRAP I have just about all the symptoms of fasting, im light-headed, dizzy, and I got a headache. Im tired as all get out and feel sick from the dizziness, I hope this doesn't last the whole four weeks. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
  2. aNuMe

    October Members

    Im on my 7th day of my 4 week diet and lost 16.4lbs my surgery is set fot Oct 8th @ 10am and I cant wait.
  3. So today is day seven and it has gotten better, the dizziness is prettt much gone, and the headaches have calmed down a bit.
  4. Lol my friend just told me that she had dreams where 6 different types of food would be chasing her lol now thats funny.
  5. aNuMe


    I am on day 7 of my 4 week liquid diet. I hgave to do 7 optifast supplements a day which can be a shake, bar or soup mix and match. I can have 1 cup of vegetables a day which are cucumbers any color bell pepper any color lettuce and celery I can also put red wine vinegar on the lettuce. I can have a unlimited amount of sugar free popsicles , 1 cup of sugar free jello, caffeine free diet pop or just diet pop if you drink anything with caffeine you have to replace it with water. I have to get in at least 64oz of liquidsa a day and the water that goes in my shakes and soups are included in that 64oz so is any sugar free decaffeinated beverage. the nutritionist also gave us tips on things we could do to make the taste of the soups and Shakes tast better and we can have sugar free mints and gum.
  6. Sounds like you and your wife have a great system, I mite have to piggyback that lol dont be surprised if I ever say "hey what yall eatting 2mara" lmbo I mite needs some pointers. Whats that app called that u have to add all that up, I have lose it on my phone but I wanted to check out different ones.
  7. From what I hear the peotein woll help u loose more ans lessen hair lose.
  8. has anyone had Optifast to affect their cycle. I've been on for about a week and a half I never go for more than 5 days. and I don't mean to be gross but now I have clots I saw on youtube that Optifast can affect your cycle. only 1 other time some years ago I was on for a month and had the clots and had to go to the ER, I use to be on the Nuvaring for heavy flow, but I stopped using it. any suggestions or should I just wait a while my surgery date is October eighth and I don't want anything to get in the way of that by the way I still have 3 1/2 more weeks of a Optifast to do.
  9. aNuMe

    Optifast And That Time Of The Month

    Today makes day 4 of Optifast
  10. aNuMe

    Sleep Apnea

    Yeah that happens to a lot of ppl you may need a full face mask and if u wake up with a dry mouth you may need a chin strap to keep youe mouth closed. Some times little adjustments make a world of difference. Also weight changes causes it not to work so when u loose you may need ur numbers to go down or even taken off eventually.
  11. Thnk you both ive been tryna see or rather start a meal plan now.
  12. aNuMe

    Sleep Apnea

    Omg you should be able to see the diffference nite away. I hated the fact that I was sleepy all the time.
  13. Thanx ladies I hate being dizzy im like out for the count, I cant function like that I hope 2mara I will feel better. I didnt go to the gym I was afraid of falling off the tredmill, I feel like I can jus sleep this month away. Oct 8th cant get here quick enough.
  14. Congrats and why were u in the hospital?
  15. aNuMe


  16. aNuMe

    Omg! Supporting Hubby

    I like them the same way.
  17. Man I feel like u wrote this post for the both of us, u took the words rite outta my mouth.
  18. aNuMe

    The Last Real Meal

    Thank you and man I wish I only had to do two days I have four weeks and today is my first day it went well though.
  19. aNuMe

    The Last Real Meal

    As tomorrow approaches I feel happy excited, scared, anxious and intimidated all kinds of emotion are running thru me. I start my optifast tomorrow and im so nervous about it. Is it weird that im not scared of having the surgery (probably cuz ive been under the knife about 3 other times), but this liquid diet got me on edge, I guess if I didnt have to cook for my kids I would feel a little better. So I had my last real meal today, it was steak potato and veggies as of 8am tomorrow I will b on the grind with this liquid diet, I kno I will need words of encouragement to get thru. At least I have a friend who had the surgery about 4yrs ago she's willing to go on a liquid diet with me.
  20. aNuMe

    Sleep Apnea

    rite im kinda nervous even thi.king about not having it anymore

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