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Duodenal Switch Patients
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  1. Like
    Lovelycurves reacted to Max L. in Any one lost more than 200 lbs ?   
    It's been 20 months. I Have finally stableized at 160 lbs. lost 280 lbs. currently having Kidney issues. I have no idea if it's WLS related.
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    Lovelycurves got a reaction from kikicoates78 in Experiences with Phentermine?   
    I've used this once my Dr told me it's basically "meth in a legal pill form" I had bad anxiety from it along with it really messed with my blood pressure and heart rate so the Dr took me off of it. It worked for my sister but not for me. Everyone is different
  3. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from kikicoates78 in Experiences with Phentermine?   
    I've used this once my Dr told me it's basically "meth in a legal pill form" I had bad anxiety from it along with it really messed with my blood pressure and heart rate so the Dr took me off of it. It worked for my sister but not for me. Everyone is different
  4. Like
    Lovelycurves reacted to ProudGrammy in Curious   
    1-2 YEARS
    gotcha LOL :D
    btw i think that's a pretty personal question ms. nosey pants
    many docs will suggest to wait couple of weeks
    definitely wait til you feel ok
    you did just have major surgery
    some docs might tell you its ok to have sex
    but.......try not to do any crazy tricks, certain leg movements, or some things yet!!!!
    good luck bud
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    Lovelycurves reacted to toohot74akaelh2 in Before and After   
    I'm down 63 pounds

  6. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from Chrystee in Just curious....   
    I am 1 yr 4 months post op from my ds. I once weighed 350lbs. Today I'm 165lbs. I still want to lose about 20-30lbs. But just curious if anyone who's post op at least as far as I am or even further out has had any issues with foods now that they didn't before. Such as hamburger. Starting about a month ago I started getting sick every time I'd eat hamburger meat. The next day bad stomach pains or in the toilet like crazy. Also throwing up right after eating hamburger meat and I don't over eat. Also anything dairy makes me sick now too and all this just started about a month ago. I thought it was from some new pills my Dr put me on. But I noticed it's just from the certain things I eat..... has this happened where you're fine up until after your year or so and it suddenly make you sick? I just want to know that it's not just me and if it is I definitely would consult my doctor. Also I now actually get the full feeling faster than I did before now my body finally tells me to stop eating cause you're full. Even before I eat the amount the Dr told me I could eat. It's weird cause it all just started about a month ago... well anyways just curious on this. Thanks :-)
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    Lovelycurves reacted to Essence46 in Do you tell people you had Weight Loss Surgery?   
    One thing for sure about this whole process, your true friends and true enemies will be revealed.
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    Lovelycurves reacted to Healthy_life2 in NSV shout outs   
    Bartender carded me then he bought me a drink...Things that have never happened to me before. I'm an old fart
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    Lovelycurves got a reaction from Band2Sleever in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    My stats are this surgery date August 6 2013 weighed 302 today 193lbs. Here's my before & after pics :-)
  10. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from K33 in August 2013 surgeries   
    How's everyone doing?! Here's an update. 8-6-13 I weighed 302 today I weigh 174 . My Hw was 350lbs . Went from size 24/26 pants 3/4xl shirts to size 8/10 pants and medium shirt. I have about 30lbs of excess skin trying to tighten but happy where I've came
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    Lovelycurves got a reaction from missysue in August 2013 surgeries   
    How's everyone doing? I am almost 1 yr post op! August 6 is right around the corner... Well my stats are this...
    HW: 350lbs
    SW: 302lbs
    CW: 175lbs
    GW:130-150lbs (depending on skin...)
    I still have a ways to go but I've lost a lot of weight and am feeling great. I am having some medical issues tho they aren't exactly caused by the surgery (far as I know) but having liver issues which idk if it's related to surgery or if I just got the short end of the stick and not found till after surgery but either way I'm praying for good results ... Don't look too good tho. Anyways hope you are all doing GREAT... Congrats to us all getting to our 1 yr surgiversary this month! Yay
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    Lovelycurves got a reaction from skinnygirlwithin in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Hey everyone hope all is well I'm about 11 months post op today!! WOW HOW TIME FLIES!!! Anyeays here's my stats
    HW: 350lbs
    SW: 302lbs
    CW: 179lbs
    I'm down almost 200lbs from my highest weight and since surgery I am just over 120lbs I am a slow loser now especially lol I had the Duodenal Switch on 8-6-2013 and I'm so happy I did. any bariatric surgery I believe is great for people who need the extra tool to help them. My goal weight is 160lbs and ultimately I want to be around 130-140 lbs by this time next year so hopefully I can still use this tool and get to my goal. I'm definitely going to need to have my excess skin taken off but that's something I'll worry about after I get to the weight I want to be at here's pics from this 4th of July weekend...
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    Lovelycurves got a reaction from kaledg01 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    you look great I can see a huge difference in your face especially!! Keep up the good work!
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    Lovelycurves reacted to kaledg01 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Two and a half months from surgery and 50 lbs down. Not much of a difference in my pics but I'm loving it!

    Pre opp

    Post opp
  15. Like
    Lovelycurves reacted to kat77 in Friday Weigh-In!   
    I did... I lost everywhere, but I also have lots of extra skin on my upper thighs, upper arms and belly. But I never have regretted my decision to get the surgery.
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    Lovelycurves reacted to mzshay35 in Friday Weigh-In!   
    Its offical im under 300 hw520 sw 417 cw290 surgery 8/28/13 9 months post op
  17. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from Band2Sleever in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    My stats are this surgery date August 6 2013 weighed 302 today 193lbs. Here's my before & after pics :-)
  18. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from starlight82 in 2 weeks and haven't lost anything in a week? -10 to 11lbs from DS.   
    My surgeon said that sometimes that happens where people don't lose the first 4 weeks after surgery he's seen it happen . And then on the next apt they lose a grip load of weight. I am almost 7 months post op (surgery was August 6 2013) and I've lost approximately 100lbs. I am down 140lbs from my highest weight and I've had TONS of stalls :-/ I actually just got over a stall of 6weeks and dropped 12 lbs in less than a week. This happens sometimes maybe adjust your Protein intake get a lil more in and try to increase your Water this sometimes helps me along with more exercise if your body will allow you. Good luck :-)
  19. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from Band2Sleever in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    My stats are this surgery date August 6 2013 weighed 302 today 193lbs. Here's my before & after pics :-)
  20. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from kparadisek in August Post Ops   
    I appreciate it :-) yes I take pics along with my mom& big take pics of me and sometimes I'm shocked to see them. Also went to the club on Friday and got a pic take with my bfs gorgeous daughter :-) I felt great and looked great lol can't wait for them to post them already so I can see it lol but yeah my mind sometimes sees smaller and other times I see the over 300lbs girl in the mirror and idk it's crazy...
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    Lovelycurves got a reaction from kloveburd in August Post Ops   
    I feel as you do . In clothes I feel like I look good sometimes I feel pretty sexy in clothes... Then when the clothes come off .... EWWWW. I always tell my bf that it's false advertisement... He is so compassionate. He tell me im beautiful and that it's not false advertisement because he loves me. But I just feel so disgusting when my clothes come off :-( I should see a therapist but my dr said that it's just best to get on pills... Which I'm like nah that's not what I want. It's just my mind. You'll get there tho in ONEDERLAND . It took me FOREVER to get below 200. Like was a 4 wk stall then boom in the 190s. I'm at 193 today so I'm only 23 lbs from my goal for my 1yr surgiversary but hopefully by 18mon post op I'll be in the 140s to 150 max. Somedays I feel great about myself some days I don't. It's hard. You look AMAZING btw :-)
  22. Like
    Lovelycurves reacted to scorpiolady in AZ - Phoenix Central Area   
    Anyone interested in starting a group in Central Phoenix. Would love to connect and willing to host/coordinate meetings.
    Let me know!
  23. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from kloveburd in August Post Ops   
    I feel as you do . In clothes I feel like I look good sometimes I feel pretty sexy in clothes... Then when the clothes come off .... EWWWW. I always tell my bf that it's false advertisement... He is so compassionate. He tell me im beautiful and that it's not false advertisement because he loves me. But I just feel so disgusting when my clothes come off :-( I should see a therapist but my dr said that it's just best to get on pills... Which I'm like nah that's not what I want. It's just my mind. You'll get there tho in ONEDERLAND . It took me FOREVER to get below 200. Like was a 4 wk stall then boom in the 190s. I'm at 193 today so I'm only 23 lbs from my goal for my 1yr surgiversary but hopefully by 18mon post op I'll be in the 140s to 150 max. Somedays I feel great about myself some days I don't. It's hard. You look AMAZING btw :-)
  24. Like
    Lovelycurves reacted to kloveburd in August Post Ops   
    Whelp just checking in to see how everyone's doing! I am hovering around the 201 area and can't wait to hit onederland

  25. Like
    Lovelycurves got a reaction from EarthyGoalie in Do you bruise easily now?   
    I bruise so easily it's crazy. I've talked to my drs and everything is normal. Although if your platelets are low enough you will bruise or have a bleeding disorder. My platelets are a lil low but dr told me not low enough to cause bleeding issues or bruising. I bruise so bad and so easy especially on arms and legs and my dr told me some people just bruise easily. But check with dr and see if your platelets are low? Other than that for me everything is normal levels so no reason to be bruising easy. I am also 8months post op. So don't worry too much till you have all your blood work done and check thoroughly good luck hope this helps.

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