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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dennyg

  1. Hi everyone, It's been 5 days since I've had my surgery (7/11) and I've been reading these posts religiously each day. I've noticed lately a lot of questions regarding post-op eating plans and I thought I would share what I've been instructed as part of my post-op recovery. Day of surgery and the following day--Clear liquid diet...My diet for these two days consisted of clear broth, Jello, gatorade and Water. I had no appetite and took my time drinking fluids. Full liquid diet for 1 week...my diet this week consists of milk, Protein shakes, thinned or liquid yogurt, jello, pudding, strained Soups, broth. I'm required to eat 50 grams of protein each day, low fat and sugar free/low carbs. One product I fould I like is called Isopure. It's high in protein, low/no carbs and about 150-190 calories depending on flavor. You can buy it at GNC. For my Protein Shakes I drink something called Muscle Milk. I'm also trying to eat only 3 times a day and not include extra liquids like water during or up to an hour to 1 1/2 hrs. after i eat. So far my appetite is non existant but I'm sure that'll change as the days progress. Next is pureed foods for 1 week...I'm actually looking forward to this. Everything I'm suppose to eat is to be blended. Some examples include beef stew, mash potatoes and gravy, blenderized soups, maltomeal or cream of wheat, strained or pureed veggies and fruits. I can supplement my protein intake by adding in protein powders or shakes. Again 50 grams min. protein per day, low carbs and low sugar, 3 meals a day and NO drinking during or up to an hour to 1 1/2 after you eat. After blended foods come mushy/soft foods for 2 weeks. Examples of foods to eat...soups, ground meat (not steak), flaked fish like tuna, eggs scrambled with milk, cottage cheese, yogourt, well cooked veggies. Again 3 meals a day, 50 grams min. protein per day, low carbs and low fat if possible and no drinking during or up to an hour to 1 1/2 hours afterwards. The last two weeks is a regular diet. Again 50 grams min protein/day, 3 meals, low fat and sugar if possible and NO drinking during or up to an hour to 1 1/2 hours afterwards. The main goal the first 6 weeks after surgery is to give your stomach time to heal. If you start eating too much you risk the chance of stretching your new pouch. These 6 weeks should also help reinforce eating habits you'll have to follow to make this process successful. To help with hunger and cravings make sure you eat protein first. Doing so will help minamize hunger and cravings between meals. Also make sure you "layer" your foods when you eat. Protein first followed by starches, carbs, etc. And no drinking during or up to an hour to an 1 1/2 afterwards. Doing so will just wash the food out of the pouch, thru the opening and into the stomach causing you to get hungry sooner. Please keep in mind that nothing is full proof and that you can cheat but if you stick with the plan you should lose weight. Also keep in mind what I've written is what my dr. has told me to do. If others have been told differently than they should follow what they have been told by their drs. Finally I want to say that patience and determination will be rewarded. Each one of us has had many years to program ourselves in the way we eat. Now we have to learn to re-program ourselves. The weight didn't come on overnight nor will it come off overnight. Keep with it because it's our chance for a new beginning. Den
  2. Hi everyone. This is my 1st day after surgery (July 11). Surgery went well with no complications. I did have some pain in between my shoulder blades but taking deep breathes seemed to help. Today my abdominal region feels like I've down 2000 crunches. Luckily I haven't had to take any of my pain killers and opted for extra strength Tylenol. I was crazy enough and went to work today. I'm hoping that I didn't overdue it. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Overall everything seems to be ok. Tomorrow I start in on Clear liquids and Protein shakes. I haven't had much of an appetite these last few days which is good. I hear though after 2 or 3 wks. post -op the cravings for food are incredible. What I need to remember is to eat protein first. Whether it be solid or in a liquid form. I know the liquid will pass easily into the stomach but it's the eating of the protein which helps with the cravings. Good luck to everyone in this new journey of our lives. Den
  3. Dennyg

    lapband and upper back pain

    Hi everyone. I did have some pain in between my shoulder blades right after surgery and into the early evening. I found that taking big deep breaths help considerably.
  4. Hi everyone. My name is Den and I'm having my surgery on 7/11/07 with Dr. Billing from Edmonds, WA. I'm 4 days from my surgery and scared as hell! I know a lot of it is pre-surgery jiggers but I'm trying to look on this as a positive change in my life. Still the thoughts of the surgery, post-op recovery, financial costs, etc. have really gotten my thinking whether this is the right decision for me. I realize many of my fears are of those things unknown and only time with resolve them. Until then I'm just trying to remain calm and praying that all goes well. Wish me luck! Den

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