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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. I will send a friend request on Fitness Pal. Maybe we can help each other. I can't afford a second surgery and really don't want to do it either. Guess it will be old school. Eat less, better choices, balance and exercise. LOL thanks for letting me know I am not alone. I also wonder if others stuggle with gas from the Protein shakes. Mine is horrible and makes it hard to drink shakes.
  2. I am 52, off all meds, overall well considering I have gained weight. Surgery wt. 353 3/2003, lowest in 2005 200 and curently 253. I was at 263 two and half weeks ago. Started changing eating and exercising. If I would have dont that from the beginning I would not be in this situation. I am having a total hip replacement next month and tryint to have 25 lbs off. I have 15 more to go before my surgery. I would like to get down to 185-190 as my goal. My bloodwork has always been good since beginning to date. I did not exercise after surgery and after 2 yrs starting drinking diet cokes and eating sweets. I dumped on and off the first 7 years. I have not really dumped over the last couple of years. I have never been able to throw up since surgery. I only have dry heaves and spitting. (sorry for the graphics). My still can not eat large amounts at one setting. More than at first, but not nearly like prior to surgery. I know how and why I gained. I didn't work within the guidelines. The one guideline I did follow to date is not drinking with my meals. I currently am not eating much meat or processed food. Feeling much better and getting around 65 gram of Protein a day. I do lots of grains, whole foods and lentils. I have found the iphone app "My fitness Pal" extremly helpful. I know my body has been transformed inside, but other than large amounts I was back at my old lifestyle. At 52 and hip surgery upcoming I can not live in denial anylonger. I can have surgery, make excuses and lie, but I will not live a good quality of life. I have been blessed with a good surgeon for bypass, supportive family and grace by God. Looking for others who may be in the same boat!! Warrior253

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