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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jqpublic

  1. jqpublic

    Men Only

    Exercise is key to weight loss, I watch my calorie intake close! try to stay under 2200 then try and burn off 500 calories.even count calories burned. Water, exercise ,proper Nutrition also Carideo and lite weights that way you can build as you go losing and toning same time burn more calories. good luck!
  2. jqpublic

    excercise strategies

    where ever you go fat people are treated different! its to bad though,but (donaili) idea is, the ticket the mall safe, and warm. Grab you water and go! good luck,in the end every step you take it will be worth your health.
  3. jqpublic

    Bandsters in the Fox Valley????

    Im not close but hey it good to have you here wecome aboard!
  4. jqpublic

    "trash Tv "

    " I hope this don't make to many people mad! but that show the biggest loser! realy is a Degreading show, I turned it on and only sceen the part where the four people were having to eat the table full of pastrys to win the camara's buy how many plate they ate, and worse then that those people were hungery then have to be temped by that, I guess thet signed up for it to win money but how much is your self respect worth! Humiliated; and screamed at by that lady trainer! that poor guy looked like he was going to have a heart attack, the she was asking him if he enjoyed being fat! But when a person is as large as that man was there are limitation's on a what a person can do healthy with out stressing your heart, im sure deep down the guy would of tryed for more time but his body would not allow him too! maybe im wrong. what do you think?
  5. jqpublic

    excercise strategies

    what about Joining a GYM! they are always running deals look for a month to month contract! also I think I fall in your foot steps. The library has some good tapes, try CARIDEO work outs, and weight are the ticket! let me no what I can do to help, also try the exercise the plank and the Superman to tight your core muscles. Sams club has a Core performance ball and cd for under $13.00 good luck,
  6. jqpublic

    Different scales...different weight....

    HEHE! I no this is not funny, But Ive been there! I went through five before I found one that was accurate! at a Hardware store,menards under $30.00 the first four almost went flying through the AIR. Good luck take your time you will find one,best time to weigh your self is in the morning!
  7. jqpublic

    Happy Thread, Happy Thoughts!!!

    Just stop and think!............ We are all here walking around,some losing weight quick some slow,but were losing. Ain't life grand! and a site to share the healing!!!!!!!!!!!yahoo......
  8. jqpublic

    Anybody start at over 300?

    Doctors office scale 306, Mine medical 310 its all the same! Bmi of 40. Triglycerides 543 now 46 Cholesterol between 350/325 both below 150 Good 78, bad ldl 74 Weight now 198...and hold for a long time now. bmi now 27 life is great!................ Not banded,not by choice Insurence.
  9. jqpublic

    Requested post!

    Hello every one,hope you are all losing weight! John's DIET every other day! 1st Day Breakfast "kashi'Cereal 190 calories skim milk 90 calories Large Banna 100 calorie 1/4 cup dried fruit or trail mix 150 calorie 1/4 cup Walnuts 225 calorie monster cup of Cappuccino 160 calorie total 915 calories 3 hours later snack yogert dipped bar 150 calorie lunch tuna and Miracle wip 160 calorie 3 hours later liquid Milk whey Protein powder 180 calorie 1405 calories dinner is all away some kind of meat up to 6 oz with all the fixing on a smaller platetrying to stay under 2200 calorie for the day! then the TRICK is to burn off about 500/750 calorie's 2nd lite day Egg beaters 120 calories 1 slice of patato bread 90 calorie 3 hours later 1 cups of yougert 100 lunch "kashi cereal 190 calorie trail mix 1/4 cup, 150 Banna 100 calorie Mixed fresh barries 100 calorie snack large salad with all the fixing 3 slice of turky fat free dressing croutons 350 calorie dinner what ever cooking Meat small plate with fixing! 400 calorie Cappuccino 160 calorie total 1760 calorie for the day small work out! and we can't for get are Water intake! this is a lot of food to eat if you think about this,I can do it because Im not banded! THE KEY TO WEIGHT LOSS IS SOME KIND OF EXERCICE,3 OR 4 TIME'S AWEEK. YOU DONT HAVE TO KILL YOUR SELF OR EVEN MAKE A JOB OUT OF IT! BECAUSE THATS WHEN IT WILL COME BACK TO BITE YOU IN THE BUTT! EXERCISE SHOULD BE FUN!!! LISTEN TO YOUR TUNE'S OR BOOK ON TAPE WHAT,EVER, HELPS YOU TO KEEP WALKING!!!!! JOHNQ HOPE THIS HELP'S. ALSO KEEP A LOG OF CALORIE BURNED, PSS,EXERCISE:IS NOW A TOOL FOR LIFE!!!!!!!
  10. jqpublic

    Look Thinner... feel fatter.

    "Im very very happy with my weight loss,Each day I get up I look in the mirrow and see a new face! A very slim face That I,have not sceen for over twenty years! According to the standards set by the health professionals Im some where under ten pounds of being over weight! I can live with that. I have a medium frame so I tell my self that to keep me happy.Or I"d find my self over Exercising with a hurt back,bad knee! Even with all this weight loss,I some time feel fat, because of the loose skin! I think its all just in my mind?
  11. jqpublic

    Happy Birthday Vinesqueen

    Hello my friend! happy birthday. hope you are having a great!!!!
  12. jqpublic

    I did it!!!! 50 lbs gone!!!!!!

    Holey moley Batman Thats great! Good for you, the next fifty will go easyer! (KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!)
  13. jqpublic

    can't stop eating

    You can do it. I t takes time and first off, you have to break your old eating habbits. that can be tuff try one or two first week then work from there. weight loss is not easy if it was every body would be thin. the key is Exercising keep that up! GIRL!!!!! and drink more water! next time you feel that loss of control coming on slam a large glass of Water then eat some thing healthy take it slow.... you will get there it takes time.JOHNQ:clap2:
  14. jqpublic

    Found marajuana & need advice

    Id take the kid and the girl first, to some place like Social services or Catholic Charities Bureau or even Lutheran Social Services help them find a place to stay.Because he not taking care of them! then ask him to leave,You have young kids there place in your home for dope,weed, pot ,what ever you want to call it. Its Illegal and get it out of your house.
  15. jqpublic

    Never gain weight again

    I think for my self! There are just to many factors to determine if I will never loss weight again. If I, was to go back into my old eating habits, LIFE STYLE Such as eating late at night,Hardees four time a week. four cans pop and candy bars Cookies all the other junk food out there. Id ballon right back up there in no time flat. I'am very carefull of my food intake for starters,if you want to keep the weight off you have to do some kind of exercise, or you could just starve your self keep the weight off! ( that is not directed at any one! ) or very low calories. Maybe Im wrong? I' myself plan on staying healthy its a job some times but it is worth it.( Ive found my fountain of youth through Exercise) ,And I plan to stay healthy even if it kills me. hehe. I was FAT for twenty years........ the next twenty years by choice I will be thin. because I enjoy my freedom from all that fat! and I look Good! I no that is being conceded but when I get up every morning now, I see a new face! In the mirrow, and I just smile. Im happy healthy and that is all that matters. Take care hope you can keep all the weight off, and im glad to hear your thinking postive.JOHNQ
  16. jqpublic

    Muscle vs. Fat

    Muscle mass weighs more then Fat! The trick is to keep your muscle mass,while lossing weight or even building as you go! But your going to have to do some kind of carideo program, with light weights. ( YOU CAN TONE UP WILL LOSSING )strenghting your muscles. The key is a balanced diet, proper nutrition and EXERCISE! also helps to know what calories you can loss at. JOHNQ
  17. jqpublic

    I'm done.

    JOHN YOUR NOT A FAILURE! YOU HAVE LOST 40 POUNDS THUS FAR.You can do it if you really want to loss weight.It will be hard for you,but you can. Im sorry for your trouble you are having. You have helped people here at this site so please don't leave,maybe we call all talk you through some kind of program to keep you losing weight. Please let me no what I'can do to help! JOHNQ
  18. jqpublic

    Weigh everyday?

    the very first thing! keeps me accountable in check.
  19. jqpublic

    I dare you to be...

    We must be twin's! I think it important to keep a Joural of your food intake calorie's and calories burned. I look at the scale at that will determine, what I' have to do for the day.
  20. I was reading this in WEBMD thought this may help! WRITE IT DOWN.Buy a weekly calender,or use what's already handy and turn it into your own personal Fitness coach. KEEP IT SIMPLE. Pick only one or two activities and save variety for later. worried you will get bored? listen to music or books on tape. DO IT FIRST. Exercise in the morning.That way,it won't hang over you all day! Morning typically has fewer distractions. TAKE THE PRESSURE OFF.Don't think too much about exerciseing-just do it! that was from webmd they are almost as good as me hehe. John's tip's for the week! Buddy up, find some to work with that way you can work off them ( they push you and you push them) Get the family involved it fun, and your spending time together! Start slow don't kill your self or over do it,That way you will never injure your self. Keep track of the weight you loss, Its important it helps to remind you "I can do this! Make sure you get enough Water before, during, and after to keep you hydrated and helps your mettabolism, producing engery and growth. and helps you feel full! Join some thing or kind of group or class, because it helps you get motivated and competition is good for some people. well take care hope that you are all losing weight!
  21. jqpublic

    Why do we allow temptation?

    I' Watch my calorie intake very very close,Witch work's for me,However, im not on a diet Just what I' like to call it Self............( RESTRICTION ).....I try to watch all the Junk food that we buy! because I am the one who is responable for the Junk my kids eat,I try always to feed them fruit and any thing healthy! One day a week like friday I will allow my self to go over my limit and have a big fat piece of chocolet cake? or some thing, Because this way Im not fighting the (HEAD DEMONS) and it works for me. butting getting back to the post in hand, if you don't have the( JUNK food ) around to eat then you don,t have to worrie about eatting eat. eather! Good luck hope that you are all losing weight!JOHNQ
  22. Dear VINE"S sorry to hear aout your troubles! I have CROINS, there is a very good drug out there called PENTASA! GOOD LUCK!
  23. jqpublic

    Whey 100% PROTEIN

  24. jqpublic

    Whey 100% PROTEIN

    Sams Club is carring this product for $18.88 for 5 pounds of this 1 scoop has 90 calories,18 Grams of Protein and it rock's tatse wise.
  25. jqpublic

    Whey 100% PROTEIN

    16 Grams of Protein!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
