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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by luvlife

  1. luvlife

    Show Of Hands

    If you need someone to sample, send some my way!
  2. luvlife

    Show Of Hands

    I was just shopping today wishing for frozen meals specific to our diet! What an amazing idea! You might have struck gold!
  3. Keep your head up! Maybe try changing your diet? Add more or less or change the intensity of your workouts? I don't know how far out u are or how much u have left to lose, but keep at it and don't give up! You will be losing weight in no time again. Think of how far you have come....
  4. luvlife


    That is great! Congrats!
  5. luvlife

    Going Out

    Wow, you look fantastic! Hope u had a fun night:)
  6. luvlife

    30 Year Reunion

    Congrats! I can't wait for my hs reunion now:)
  7. luvlife


    Just read your posts. I love your goals and am sure that u will reach them:) hope all is well, keep is posted on your progress!
  8. luvlife

    I Have A Quesrion

    I could take regular swallows about 2 weeks out.
  9. luvlife

    I Have A Quesrion

    And welcome!
  10. luvlife

    I Have A Quesrion

    Yes, in fact my Dr. Said just clear liquids for 4 weeks. If your stomach isn't ready, don't push it. Stick to broths, sf popsicles, sf jello, etc... And chk with your Dr. Good luck!
  11. luvlife

    Gastric Bypass Surgery - App!

    Wish they had it for Android:( good luck on your surgery!
  12. Wow to all of you! I cannot believe the transformations! Sooo inspiring. It brought tears to my eyes. I had surgery on 7/24/12 and am down 40 pounds. I cannot wait to get to the point where I can post pictures like that. You are all truly amazing:) your pictures help so much. Thank u:)
  13. luvlife


    The pain med they give u in the hospital usually. Like morphine.
  14. Congrats and good luck! I will send prayers your way!
  15. luvlife


    I had my surgery on 7-24-12 and still don't feel completely normal yet. Mostly exhaustion.
  16. luvlife

    Had Gastric Bypass 6/28/12

    I think everyone loses weight at a different rate. It depends on somewhat on your starting weight. Just make sure you are eating healthy and focus on protein and fluids first, low carbs. Go by Dr. Recommendations and exercise! You will do great.
  17. luvlife

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Good luck, see you on the other side:)
  18. luvlife

    Six Flags!

    Congrats! Bet it felt great being able to ride the rides!
  19. luvlife


    Thanks for the pics! Congrats on finishing!
  20. luvlife


    That sounds sooo fun. Have a great time and be sure to post pics!
  21. luvlife


    I use my fitness pal. It tracks nutritional content, exercise, and let's u enter recipes to get the nutritional info. There are quite a few people on it fr here. See the link below. My username is luvlife77 if u want to add as a friend. http://www.rnytalk.com/topic/2211-my-fitness-pal/
  22. luvlife

    Cant Drink Enough! Help

    No, the bottled propel does not have carbonation. It is pretty good too:) I like vitamin zero water myself. Rise is a pretty good flavor.
  23. luvlife

    Pain Pain Go Away

    No, I haven't, but my doc had told me if I see clear liquid it is ok. I would check with doc first though.
  24. luvlife

    Feels So Good

    Congrats! That is awesome! It is great to get that kind of encouragement:)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
