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Everything posted by sunshine413

  1. There seems to be a good mix of gummies and chewables...my nut didn't express an opinion...are there any post ops out there who have taken both and have a preference?
  2. Without sounding too clueless, can someone tell me how to check to see if insurance has approved my surgery? My surgeon's office submitted today. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield. I understand they'll report to my surgeon, but I like to be in the know!!
  3. sunshine413

    Period Concern

    Did you all have period issues before surgery? I have always had it relatively easy in that department...should I expect that to change??
  4. sunshine413

    Question About Your Wls Journey

    Katie, my initial visit was 08-15-12 and my surgery should be 10-02-12.
  5. I am pre-op. Surgery will be in October, but I'm a planner, so I'm trying protein concentrated things now. Here's the "scoop." I can't stand thinking about drinking a Milkshake. Even high sugar, high fat, mainstream Dairy Queen makes me grimace. I tried Isopure Fruit Punch because it looked the most like juice and had a lot of protein bang for my buck...it was close to awful. Very Bitter aftertaste. My favorite thing in the world is a glass of unsweet tea...against everything in me that is southern...I add splenda and that's my happiness in a glass (Unless there's a pitcher of Margaritas close by!)...could I just add unflavored protein into my tea? Will it change the consistency? Any words of wisdom??
  6. sunshine413

    The Last Real Meal

    How long is your liquid diet?
  7. I have seen a lot of folks talk about putting in pudding mix. Is the PB2 high in sugar like regular peanut butter? I haven't seen anyone mention the Torini syrups before. I'm NOT intuitive at all in the kitchen...mind posting one of your go-to protein drinks?
  8. Thanks, Jenn! Do you just mix with water?
  9. Yay!! September is here!! Now I can officially say NEXT MONTH I WILL HAVE SURGERY!!
  10. sunshine413

    Happy September!

    Do you have a date? Is all your preop testing done? I finish this week
  11. sunshine413


    THANK YOU!!! These are the first questions that anyone has disclosed!! Makes me feel quite a bit better to know I can answer them correctly even on my WORST DAY!!
  12. Welcome, Newbie!! I bought Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies as well...that book is worth its weight in GOLD! I'm struggling with the same question. I think my family deserves to know because...well, they're family!! HOWEVER, I'm unsure about how to tell friends!! I'm hoping to have surgery the first week of October!
  13. I read somewhere that your body can't absorb certain types of protein, ie protein isolate...is this true? I've been watching the protein shots saying they contain 48g of protein...are these useless to someone post op??
  14. sunshine413

    Cheated On Liquid Diet

    That is the funniest thing I've read all day!! I'll keep that one in mind...although I am CERTAIN my husband wouldn't let me lick his sandwich!!!
  15. I'm wondering if I'm the only one who is fearing the Food Funeral more than actually going into surgery? I've been thinking about it...and watching YouTube. You see these video diaries and these people are sobbing uncontrollably...I've been lucky in life not really losing anyone I loved other than my grandparents and two pets...neither of which were closer to me than food...HELP
  16. I have never heard of the dr office being the holdup in submitting to insurance...nor have I ever heard of the Nutritionist requiring four to six weeks of food and exercise logs BEFORE seeking prior approval. My insurance doesn't require it...I understand they want to be sure of my commitment but 4 to 6 weeks is crazy!! And the surgeon schedules surgery for an additional 4 to 6 weeks out!! It seems they are dragging their feet... My goal was to have surgery by Halloween, but now it may not get done before the end of the year!! #SOFRUSTRATING!!!
  17. My insurance doesn't require anything other than a couple years' worth of medical records indicating that obesity isn't a new condition...other than that, just the regular things everyone requires: Endoscopy, Physical, EKG, CXR, etc...I'm not looking to have surgery tomorrow (lol...because that's the RIGHT thing to say), but I would like to think I'm less than two months out. I think if I've done my "homework" the date shouldn't be something I'm hoping to pin down "by the holidays." Working4shoes, How long did the process take there...I'm really close to Carowinds, so Concord is a good ride...although I'd happily make it to have my goal of surgery by Halloween.
  18. No I'm still getting the prior approval paperwork done...I'll be giving up Diet Coke post op :'(

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