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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by sunshine413

  1. sunshine413

    The dreaded plateau... or stall.

    It seems like when I stall nothing will effect the weight loss...not protein, not water, not exercise...so, we just put on our big girl panties and keep doing what we know is right. Eventually...which can be weeks at this point...the body will respond. Good luck. I know how frustrating it can be.
  2. sunshine413

    Not Prepared-Please help!

    I had my surgery on 10/05/12. The pain was manageable. Walking will help dissipate the gas that was very painful. I had trouble with sugar free lemonade (the acidity really bothered my pouch) and soft tortillas (will make me sick every time I eat them). Other than that, try new foods slowly! Your tastes will change...good luck!!
  3. sunshine413

    No Soda

    The Dasani water drops are awesome! They have a pineapple coconut that's just like a pina colada!!
  4. sunshine413

    Increased Bo?

    I went from Secret clear gel to Dove. The Secret would be fine but only until about 3...since I tend to hit the gym after 4, I had to do something!!
  5. sunshine413

    Increased Bo?

    I had to change deodorant.
  6. sunshine413

    Working out?

    I HIGHLY recommend Couch to 5k
  7. sunshine413

    No Soda

    That's the first I've ever heard about citric acid. I tried Chick Fil A Light lemonade about a week post op and knew immediately that I couldn't have it. I'm two months post op now and I can have it if they cut it by half with Water.
  8. sunshine413

    No Soda

    I was a Diet Coke fanatic!! We were even friends on Facebook for Pete's sake! I gave it up a week prior to RNY. I am two months post op now and I tried it a couple weeks ago. It was GROSS! The first thing I tasted was the chemicals. It's impossible to believe since I drank Diet Coke and ONLY Diet Coke for years!! You will lose the taste for it.
  9. sunshine413

    Nervous And Hormonal

    FYI, women store hormones in fat. You (WE!) Are burning the fat so quickly that those excess hormones are being released. I'm 8 weeks post op.
  10. sunshine413

    Water - Favorite Cup

    I drink from a straw. I don't have problems with gas or swallowing air, and it helps me get the water in. 72oz/day.
  11. sunshine413

    Drinking While Eating

    Oh, I'm 7-1/2 weeks out.
  12. sunshine413

    Drinking While Eating

    I noticed the same thing, but I'll give up volume for my water!!
  13. sunshine413

    Drinking While Eating

    Nycole, I drink when I eat. It's maaaaaybe 1/10 of a glass, but I'm like you...
  14. sunshine413


    Listen everyone, we are all down huge numbers by any standard!! You are SUCCEEDING!! So what if someone else is faster!? Keep on keeping on. Trust the process. We all have stalls. Eventually that scale will move!!
  15. sunshine413

    October Surgery Dates

    Thanks! I feel great. Some think I'm not losing fast enough, but I don't feel that way. I'm succeeding!!
  16. sunshine413

    October Surgery Dates

    I'm seven weeks post op today. I stalled at 3 weeks and again at six weeks.
  17. sunshine413


    Most people say that weight loss is a science. In versus Out. Well, I would like to poo poo that notion since I have been stalled at the same weight for 10 days. I'm six weeks post op. Yesterday and today (days 11 & 12) I actually GAINED. What is going on here!! To legitimately gain 3 lbs, I would have to have an excess calorie intake of 10,500 calories. This is INCREDIBLY frustrating.
  18. sunshine413


    I took a day off the scale...got extra water...stayed protein heavy and carb light...weighed this morning and was down the three I gained and a new pound as well! What a reason to be THANKFUL!!
  19. sunshine413


    Thank y'all so much!! I have regular bowel movements, and I eat right. I think each person has to find what works for him. I am trusting the process because I have put all my eggs into this basket. I know it will move again in the right direction!! It is good to hear that it's normal for 6 weeks.
  20. sunshine413

    Period Question

    So if my period comes when I'm scheduled for surgery...and with my luck it will happen lol...can I wear a tampon during surgery? Will I be naked? Thus making a pad not an option...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
