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    MommyHand got a reaction from fluffylady in Just Got The I've Been Waiting On!   
    Finally got a returned call after numerous messages and a week of not returning my calls....The surgery coordinator called and I am APPROVED & scheduled for September 5th!!!!! I am doing the happy dance!
  2. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from DLCoggin in Lost Encouragement   
    Great advice DLC, and great job Beth for standing up for yourself.
  3. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from jadeharper in New, Excited, Scared & Prepared   
    Welcome and best of luck in your journey
  4. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from DLCoggin in Please Help!   
    My kids are 5, 12, & 14. All three at some point in their life went through a phase of fearing me dying. Its hard on them and you bc obviously death is something that happens. But don't let that hold you back. My kids know I am planning to have the surgery and Im doing it to make me healthy and prolong my life. They are excited for me. My youngest doesnt like the idea of surgery, but when she brings it up I tell her all the fun things Mommy will be able to do and it eases her mind...good luck.
  5. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from DLCoggin in Please Help!   
    My kids are 5, 12, & 14. All three at some point in their life went through a phase of fearing me dying. Its hard on them and you bc obviously death is something that happens. But don't let that hold you back. My kids know I am planning to have the surgery and Im doing it to make me healthy and prolong my life. They are excited for me. My youngest doesnt like the idea of surgery, but when she brings it up I tell her all the fun things Mommy will be able to do and it eases her mind...good luck.
  6. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from DLCoggin in What Is Your Ideal Size?   
    I used to think about the # on the scale, or the size, I realized looking back at photos that neither of those were good. I think its more of what fits with you mentally and physically.
    Everybody has their own ideal size. What I used to think was ideal, wasn't. When I look at where my ideal weight according to BMI is, it really is right on.
  7. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from DLCoggin in What Is Your Ideal Size?   
    I used to think about the # on the scale, or the size, I realized looking back at photos that neither of those were good. I think its more of what fits with you mentally and physically.
    Everybody has their own ideal size. What I used to think was ideal, wasn't. When I look at where my ideal weight according to BMI is, it really is right on.
  8. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from DLCoggin in What Is Your Ideal Size?   
    I used to think about the # on the scale, or the size, I realized looking back at photos that neither of those were good. I think its more of what fits with you mentally and physically.
    Everybody has their own ideal size. What I used to think was ideal, wasn't. When I look at where my ideal weight according to BMI is, it really is right on.
  9. Like
    MommyHand reacted to Jen in SoCal in Having Surgery Next Tuesday, Any Advice?   
    I have to disagree with you. Throwing up is not normal. If you are throwing up you need to call the Dr.
  10. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from veronicav75 in New Here & 4 Yrs Rny Post Op   
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    MommyHand reacted to jenneliza in What To Expect When You're Expecting, Weight Loss Surgery   
    Just bumping it for those that haven't seen it yet.
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    MommyHand got a reaction from berniec in What To Expect When You're Expecting, Weight Loss Surgery   
    Great job David, so thorough and well thought out, with your great sense of humor sprinkled in there to keep it from getting overwhelming!
  13. Like
    MommyHand reacted to dstollery in What To Expect When You're Expecting, Weight Loss Surgery   
    I came up with this because i noticed allot of people have the same questions and why not put it in an easy to read place right? So here you are, The credit for a lot of this info goes to the users of this forum who every day help to make peoples lives better thru kind words and support. This forum has changed my life already and I hope that everyone realizes what a great resource this is. If you like it great, if you want something added post the add and i will edit it accordingly. I'm not a writer so i'm sorry if the grammer is off. =)
    What to expect when you’re expecting, weight loss surgery
    First welcome to the forums. Your taking a huge step in your health. Both mental and physical. We are a group of people that share your journey. We can help with questions about before and after as well as things that come up along the way. First my name is David. I am an avid board user and will say that this is the best decision that I made. I chose gastric bypass and was not thinking of group. I was going to just do this and everyone else be damned. I later realized that Joining a support group is not about being less of a man or women but more about realizing that this journey is best taken with friends.
    You will notice that we call this a journey. A journey is exactly what you will realize you are on. Not just any journey but THE JOURNEY to the new you. This road will be curvy, there will be hills, valleys and what will seem like impassable mountains. With perseverance, and the help of friends you can make it. WLS (weight loss surgery) is not the easy road. If you are a bible person you could compare it to the scripture that talks about narrow is the road leading to salvation. Wide is the road leading to destruction. I use this because it’s fitting for so many of life’s battles but especially here. The road that the journey to WLS is traveled on is narrow. Its hard and it will likely be the hardest thing you have ever done. DLCoggin would say it’s well worth the work and I can’t think of a better way to say it.
    First let’s talk about your decision. You have come a long way already if your just starting your WLS journey. Most hospitals require you to attend an informative WLS seminar. These vary in length and are designed to help you understand what you’re getting into and what your surgery is all about. It’s a great time to get to know your procedure, surgeon and staff as well as some of the people close to you who may be starting the same journey. These are usually free and are held fairly frequently. You can check with your local WLS center for dates and times.
    Once that is done usually you will speak with your “case worker” or manager. They help to get all your paperwork in line and can usually help you by telling you if you are likely going to be approved or not. For most basic insurance companies they require a BMI >40 or greater than 35 with other medical issues. Some of these include diabetes, sleep apnea, chronic leg/knee pain or even continued skin conditions related to overhanging skin. Remember that your healthcare team is there to help you. Communicate honestly with them and allow them to work for you. The biggest thing you’re going to learn right here is patience. This process is not going to happen overnight.
    So now you have all of that done. They tell you psych eval time. I would highly suggest you to do a review of your psych doc online. See what peeps are saying about them. Protein. Some surgeons (common) want you to be on a 2 week liquid diet. The big thing to remember is YOU. CAN. DO. IT. Period. You really can and the boards are filled with people telling you that you can and you will. Failure is not an option at this point people! 2 days prior to surgery you will be placed on a clear liquid diet. Remember that clear liquid includes Jell-O. Clear liquid diets include anything that you can see thru when held up to the light. NO YOU CANT PUT A 2000000 CANDLE POWER SPOTLIGHT TO A CHEESEBURGER AND MAKE IT SEE THRU! I tried. You can and should already have your protein that you can tolerate at this point so before we talk about surgery day and the day before lets go to protein shall we?
    PROTEIN – your new best friend (especially if you mix it with water). There are far too many protein mixes out there and the boards do not endorse any specific one. There are however, a few rules when looking at protein. whey protein ISOLATES should be your number 1 ingredient. Basically this is the easiest protein for your body to use and it’s the best for you post op as well as pre op. Go for one with lower calories, < 5 grams of carbs and little filler. Listen, if your reading this now you’re already determined to do this. You have to understand that you HAVE TO HAVE PROTEIN. you will see posts here of real people that aren’t getting protein or fluids and are winding up in the hospital. If you cannot do the protein then stop now. This is not the procedure for you. Yes it’s that important. So spend some money folks. Start buying different protein powders and trying them out. SAVE THE ONES YOU DONT LIKE! your taste buds change post op you may like them after. I found that lots of people like the Unjury and I personally go for optimum’s gold standard whey. Taste wise I have not found a better one. They can be spendy but remember your food bill will drop expediential. So you can afford a good protein mix. YOU MUST INGEST protein every day pre and post op. There is a reason for this pre op. Pre-op high protein diets cause your liver to release glycogen stores (for those of us with fatty livers this is GOOD) and thus your liver shrinks. On top of this you are training yourself to drink these daily. You need 60-80 grams of carbs (depending on surgeon some say 100g) per day. Remember that Skim milk has 8.8 per 1 cup so with 2 cups skim milk and 24g of protein you wind up with 31 grams x 2 a day = 62 grams. Doing well especially if your eating the meats you’re supposed to you will easily fall in the 80’s. Are you overwhelmed yet? If so pause here, Take a deep breath and remember you have some time. Research what you’re doing, what you’re going to go thru. You must be informed to be successful. Check out the forums they have GREAT high protein recipes in there!!!! People have gone to crazy lengths to type them out for you! use the resources available to you!!
    DAY BEFORE SURGERY – OMG it’s here! ITS HERE!! your excited I bet and if you’re like the majority of the rest of the population your nervous and starving. =) You have your mag citrate? Ok, so if you’re doing your surgery in a hospital away from home get a hotel room and lay claim to the bathroom. You will be in here for 5 ish hours depending on the person. Drink the required amount and await the urination via anus. This is required because it’s safer to operate on a person that has empty bowels and intestines. Now, your done and its 1155. You remember no more liquids after midnight so you drink a little Water and settle in. Try to sleep, you won’t sleep much but try to reflect on how far you have come. It’s been a journey already hasn’t it? From the start of this whole thing you have hoped for this moment. It’s here and your scared. That’s natural. I have a post in these forums about what to do tomorrow if your still very nervous and anxious. Sleep time, tomorrow will be a very exciting day for you.
    Day of surgery. Every hospital is different but one thing remains, you’re about to start the next length of your journey. You will be given an IV or 2 depending on hospital policy. An IV provides vascular access that is access to your vein and thus access to your blood stream. It is a piece of plastic called the canula that is inserted into a vein after a slight poke and then left in. This will likely be attached to a Fluid called LR or Lactated Ringers. This is basically saline with a little sugar and other nutrients in it. This gives your body a little extra mmmmffff before surgery. When you meet with your anesthesiologist make sure you discuss with him if your anxious. This is not the time to be manly or womanly or whatever. They have medications to help you. you will placed in pre op holding. Here you will likely get a shot of Coumadin or another anti platelet aggregate. These are you “blood thinners” this is to prevent clots from forming. The main reason for this is that anesthesia causes a very brief period of stasis. This is a concern because some people can form a clot during this brief form of stasis and if that happens a PE can develop (pulmonary emboli) this would be a clot that travels to your lungs. When they wheel you into surgery here is what to expect. . . .
    The OR is allot like leaving earth and entering an alien room. Everything is shiny, clean, cold. You will get goose bumps as you feel the cold table and room. There will be allot of people but don’t stress! You have a surgeon sometimes in at this point, scrub nurse, rotating nurse, anesthesiologist and possibly a Physician assistant that assists with surgery. There may or may not be a student in the room. This is your team. They are not aliens wearing masks getting ready to anal probe you!!!!! I only stress that because the drugs are reeeaalllly goood. LOL. Ok so back to reality they are your healthcare team. They are prepared, motivated, trained and here just for you. You’re going to feel some warmth in your arm, this is goooood. this is medication to prep you for intubation. STOP HERE IF YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE START OF YOUR PROCEDURE. Ok so you get the warm fuzzy’s, perhaps you feel a little out there. This is likely some fentanyl and perhaps a little versed. If you see white stuff in your iv line this is milk of Michael, AKA propofol. Fuzzy now, things will go out of focus. You won’t remember anything past this point. Once you’re out you will be given succinocolyn. This is a neuromuscular paralytic. It will help to allow the anesthesiologist to intubate your without your gag reflex. A tube 7.5 or 8.0 for men and 7.0 (average) for women will be inserted to your windpipe (trachea) . DONT freak out about this. YOU WANT THIS! this is the most secure airway you can have. Now the procedure starts. You are catheterized, this means a tube is inserted thru your urethra (where you pee) and into your bladder. This will allow urine to drain. Once the procedure is done your wheeled to the PACU. This is the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. 1 to 2 hours here and your back to your room. You need to blow off the anesthesia, so they will ask you to breathe deeply etc. You likely won’t remember this because of the meds
    The first day after surgery is your sleepy day. You will have the affects of anesthesia, some gas pain and perhaps some incision pain. This is a laparoscopic procedure usually so the incision pain should be minimal. You will likely have a PCA pump. Patient Controlled Analgesia pump. This has a button that you press that delivers a small amount of pain medication. There are a few things worth mentioning at this point. First Pain should be well controlled as it can hinder the healing process. So use your PCA! Use your PCA before you shower or get your cath out. Pain is a symptom. Remember this because if after you go home you develop large amounts of pain it is a symptom of something. Back to the day after. . .
    So your laying in bed you have ted hose on and likely a foot pump. this keeps your legs and feet moving and blood flow from entering stasis. Remember you foot exercises. Pull your foot back towards your knee then press it like your pushing on a gas pedal. This moves your blood and helps prevent blood clots. The forums are riddled with people that will attest to the power of walking. YOU MUST WALK post operatively. This is not a maybe people you MUST. even if you’re getting up, moving to a window and back its important. It helps with so much stuff but more importantly it helps relieve the pain of gas.
    you will have an UPPER GI done, this is to check and make sure everything is going well, swallow study likely will be done. Remember to drink. Just because you have an IV doesn’t mean you get a no drink pass. Remember to ask for an anti-emetic if your nauseated and try to relax!
    Once your home you will be weak, remember you just had major surgery and right now you’re still hauling around all that weight and getting minimal nutrition so take it easy!! Do not over do it but you should be walking. Stay off the scale!!! You are going to want to see your results but try to focus less on that and more on getting enough fluids. YOU HAVE TO DRINK! you can’t not drink folks. YOU WILL wind up in the HOSPITAL if you don’t stay hydrated. Lots of things are common post op and we will discuss a few of them here below.
    gas pain – this is the most common pain and most people say walking is the number one reliever of it. 1 member said that putting one are above his head made it go away, the point is whatever you have to do walking is the key.
    Hunger – This is not usually an issue if you have hunger remember to drink your fluids.
    Dehydration – this is your NUMBER 1 ENEMY! you have to stay hydrated people. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include dark colored urine, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness when you stand, difficulty concentrating. As the dehydration progresses guys you can develop SERIOUSE COMPLICATIONS! Your HEART is a sodium potassium pump. that means that as you dehydrate you become sodium and potassium deficient. this can cause dysrythmias (irregular heart rates and rhythms), muscle twitching, contractures of the fingers etc. it’s a big deal people so drink your fluids!
    Blood clot – Ok, so first let me say that as a paramedic this scares the @#$@ out of me. These are NOT to be played with. No reason for paranoia but, if you develop chest pain or shortness of breath then you should be in the ER. chest pain that is typical with PE (pulmonary Emboli) is pinpoint. That is you can point to where it hurts. THIS IS A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Calling an ambulance in this scenario is NOT A BAD IDEA. The bottom line is, don’t mess around peeps . Don’t be ignorant and think this will go away. YOU NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION NOW not in 5 minutes not in a few days NOW.
    Liquid stools – to some extent this is expected however most people find that after a few weeks they are having normal stools.
    Vomiting – Ok I won’t go into dumping here because that is a paper in and of itself. Vomiting is a symptom. If your vomiting all the time even when drinking water you should be calling your surgeon. If you vomit blood you should call your surgeon.
    fatigue – this is very common post op and is actually expected. You were told to take 3 weeks off work likely and you should do it. Remember you weigh X still and your getting such a small amount of nutrition that you need to be careful when doing activities that demand allot of calories.

    Well, I hope this was informative. This is your journey and on behalf of everyone here I want to welcome you to the RNY talk forums. We get a little crazy sometimes, especially the women in the powder room but for EVERY question you could have there is someone that has asked or is wondering too. So post away, from sex to nutrition we are open to talk about it. Everyone that knows me will say this is almost my motto but remember to Advocate for yourself and be informed. This is the new you. It’s your time to shine and we are all here for you. Welcome.
  14. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from cooksie in Saw The Dietician   
    I'm not one to accuse someone unless I have concrete proof. But in my experience, most often the accuser is usually the one committing the crime. I grew up with an abusive father he was very violent and always accused my mom of cheating when she wasn't. This lead me to work at the Victim Witness Services Dept at the State Attorneys Office. You don't deserve the physical or verbal abuse. Don't allow it to continue, things could escalate quickly.
  15. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from berniec in Friday Weigh-In!   
    Don't know if this thread really is for me since Im pre op. But just so I get in the habit of posting.
    Lol...consult date 7/12/12 -266lbs
    Today- 258lbs
  16. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from mary2008 in Todays The Day!   
    Ice chips Hang in there!
  17. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from aleyampat in Nervous...   
    Well I go to head out to my eval and my car had been broken into. Many things stolen. But I went ahead to my appt bc the property is material things and this eval dictates my future. So off I went. Fortunately I only had answer a 20 question sheet on depression. She asked me,a bunch if "trick" questions and said I scored in the Superior range of intelligence (whatever that means) so she didnt feel the need to "waste our time" with the other test. So it went well.....she said she would have the report faxed within 24hrs. So now i can check that off my list....tomorrow is labs, EKG, & upper GI
  18. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from marinewife78 in Getting Closer...   
    Psych Eval is tomorrow (18th)
    Upper GI, Labs, & EKG on Thurs (19th)
    Nutrition Eval & Pulmonary Eval on July 26th....the submitting for approval.
    Feels so good to finally be getting somewhere....so excited!!!
  19. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from berniec in Hello From Fl   
    Hi everyone, my name is Wendy and I live in FL. I have been researching RNY for over a year. I had my consult this past week. I am in the process of scheduling all of my pre-op testing. So excited!
    I came across this app as a fluke but so happy I did. Learning so much already!
  20. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from DLCoggin in Taking Control....   
    Proof that you really have to be your own advocate. So I have been waiting to get all of my preop testing scheduled and placed several calls to my surgeons office without a response. Nothing scheduled.
    So today I got online looked up all the places I needed appointments at. I called each one, explained what I needed and now I have everything scheduled within the next two weeks.
    If I had not been proactive about getting everything scheduled it would likely be Sept/Oct before my appointments were scheduled.
  21. Like
    MommyHand got a reaction from TinyMamiOf3kids in He Knew All The Wrong Things To Say!   
    Love, Love, Love!!!! Love your attitude, Love your response, & Love your confidence!!! You go girl!
  22. Like
    MommyHand reacted to jldeville in Psych Evaluation   
    I was just told to go to a psychologist. The one I went to spoke to me for less than 5 minutes. His nurse had the surgery 9 years and we talked about the surgery and my expectations for about it for 45 minutes. She told the dr that I had researched the surgery and that I seemed like a good candidate and he signed off on it. that was my easiest appointment.
  23. Like
    MommyHand reacted to SheVsMe in He Knew All The Wrong Things To Say!   
    I briefly dated a guy last month that was EXTREMELY handsome. He tried to be modest about his looks, but modesty was not one of his strong points. Anyway, I told him about the weight loss journey that I was about to embark and he made the stupidest comment to me. "Wow, when you lose all that weight, you're going to have to swat the guys off!" Now I know that many people would take this as a compliment, but not me! I've been every size between 8 & 20, and not once has my confidence or beauty waned! My beauty comes from within and spills over into my outside appearance. I've never had a problem with attracting "males"! Never a shortage! But as we could see with "Mr. EXTREMELY handsome", I am not always attracting "MEN". Big difference! I would forego attracting males for the rest of my life, just to have the right MAN be attracted to me!
    Anyhoo, my comment back to him? "Just like you approached me and asked for my number, another guy is going to do it again within the next 20 minutes! This is 300 lbs of "pure" chocolaty goodness! Who I am now, is who I will be later...Just in a better wrapper!" lol...
    I know I've just rambled on, but what I want to get across is that you have to love yourself no matter what size you are! No man, woman or child is going to take away the love that I have for myself! I've been single for a year and a half now, and this has been the best time of my life because I'm not pouring my all into another individual. I'm working on my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Until you love yourself, how can you truly love or be loved?
  24. Like
    MommyHand reacted to dstollery in New Forum Member   
    Welcome to the forum!!! sounds like you have some work =)
    my mom had GB about 4 years ago and has the same problems. She buys TONS of food and sweets. She grazes which isnt necessarily bad but its what she's eatting that is the problem. I would say if you dont have a therapist now might be a good time. Just have someone to talk to about whats going on on a deeper level. As far as the hair loss, remember Protein deficiency is the number 1 cause and since your not drinking Protein or intaking enough then its an issue. there are so many ways out there to get protein. What all have you tried? Have you tried optimum whey protein with skim milk? Most people prefer it ice cold. Also in the nutrition forum they have TONS of ideas for protein intake. The bottom line is you HAVE to have protein. Not getting enough is not an option. there are small ways to get exercise if your that busy while your at work. Try a few of these tricks to stay active and increase your work out without going to the gym.
    1. Wear ankle weights (you can get them at any fitness store. Start low on the weight scale, increase for more of a workout.
    2. Increase activity while at home caring for the toddlers. Try to just move al the time, you can buy some 8 or 10 lb weights and just work on moving your arms with them while you do house stuff.
    3. try just to get a walk around the block before bed or before peeps show up. You will be amazed at how you feel.
    all of the exercise idea's are a mute point if your not getting in enough protein because you wont build muscle your going to burn it. thats going to be hard on your kidneys. You really need to get enough protein.
  25. Like
    MommyHand reacted to jldeville in Any Post Op Runners Out There?   

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
