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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by lovealways

  1. I helped my sister after her surgery for about 5 days. I helped her by getting things she needed and kinda was there for support :) After day 5, she was more independent. You should be fine! I wish you had someone you'd want around enough to help you, but ypu'll make do with what you've got. Good luck to you and cheers to a speedy recovery :)

  2. I just quit recently on July 7th in preparation for my surgery some time around December. It was incredibly hard the first few weeks, but I've found that all physical cravings are now gone, so it does get better! Any time I feel like I want a cigarette, I think about how badly I want the surgery, and that helps to stop the craving. At times I know I want a cigarette, but I want the surgery so, so, SO much more...so it's just not worth it.

    Think about how much you would regret it if you did have one! Think about how far you've come! Be proud of yourself in your accomlishments and anytime a craving comes, just say to yourself "this too shall pass"...and it certainly will :)

  3. Like everyone else says, double check to make sure your insurance covers gastric bypass. You are on the right track by attending the seminar and scheduling an initial consult with your surgeon! My surgeon required a lot of pre-op testing, but I don't mind, because the more testing you have, the better your chances are of showcasing how much you need this surgery for your health. Pre-op testing included a psych evaluation, cardiology consult and stress test with EKG, extensive blood work, consult with a gastroenterologist and upper endoscopy, sonogram of the abdomen to rule out gallstones, two sleep studies, pulmonary consult, informational seminar, 2 support groups, and I think that's it. My insurance has required a 6 month supervised weigh-in/diet and I also have on my file a 6 year hisory of weight from my doctor...they don't ask for it, but I thought I'd get it anyway to up my chances of being approved.

    The testing is extensive, but worth it. If you get stuck doing a 6 month supervised diet, don't be discouraged. A lot of insurance companies require either a 3 month or 6 month supervised diet to weed out anyone who doesn't have the patience and time to committ to it. Remember, insurance is looking for anyway NOT to pay, so don't give them a reason to!

    It's quite a journey, but many have said that patients who have the most success long term are those that have a journey...those that don't get approved in 2 months and then have the surgery. Time really does help to gather information, ready your mind, and your body.

    Good luck! :P

  4. I was drowsy for a couple of hours' date=' but I find I react strongly to anethesia anyway. I know they wont let you drive yourself. But I am sure that you will be fine by the time you go to class that night. Who needs to be totally alert on the first day of class anyway, just a syllabus to go over etc. Haha[/quote']

    Hahha very true! I always hate the first day of classes. Thank you for your help :)

  5. I pretty much got the chance to contemplate and pursue all 3. I looked into lapband in 2006. I met with the surgeon and opted out because I didn't like having to go back and forth to the Dr. to get the fills, and at 20 years old, I just wasn't ready at that point.

    I then looked into the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, because my sister was in the process of getting it done, and I had a lot of time to research it with her. I was so head strong and determined to get this surgery and did not want the RNY for fear of malabsorption issues and how invasive the surgery sounds. After finding out that my insurance only covers RNY, I then decided to choose RNY.

    I'm now so happy and at peace with my decision. I've researched and I feel comfortable knowing that the procedure I'm getting is known as the "gold standard" in terms of weight loss surgery. RNY has been around since around the 1950's, so there's been plenty of years to perfect the procedure and plenty of long term data has been obtained to prove that it is successful long term and safe. While the VSG surgery is emerging in popularity because there isn't much risk of malabsorption, there really isn't enough long term data right now to prove how successful the surgery is, since it's about 15 years new at this point. I also like the fact that RNY provides patients with more weight loss, quicker, and more patients in the long run tend to keep the weight off.

    Go with what feels right for you. Do the research and you'll be able to come up with a decision. Weigh the pros and cons of each one :)

  6. ONLY 20

    389 NO LIFE






    I understand what you mean about the whole 6 month thing. I have my 3rd weigh-in next month and I would give anything to fast forward to the end of this 6 month diet. Hang in there. If you have to do the 6 months, don't get discouraged. We can do this!

  7. I initially wanted the vertical sleeve, but found out my insurance only covers RNY, so I'm getting that. Research RNY and see if it's for you! This forum has a ton of information and great people.

  8. Like someone else, the biggest thing they're looking for is stabilized conditions, if you do have any mental health issues. Are you currently in therapy? You are seeing a psych for medication management to treat your symptoms, so that's a plus. Keep us posted!

  9. It's difficult to leave a situation you've grown comfortable in...especially a marriage. Your reasons for wanting to leave are certainly valid and pretty much a must at this point. He sounds manipulative, angry, and for you and your children to have to put up with that kind of verbal abuse is not good. It's not good for you or your kids. I think you need to try and get out as fast as possible for you and your children's safety. Like others have said, are there any shelters out there for you and your kids? If you can't find it in yourself to leave now (because it is a big step and it is scary) then I suggest you look into seeing a social worker or a psychologist who can help you get back on your feet. It's important to put yourself and your kids first now. This isn't a marriage that has gone sour, but a marriage that has gone completely toxic. Hang in there hun...take care of yourself. ::hugs::

  10. I have rheumatoid arthritis and had no problem getting my surgery date. I am not 2.5 months post op. You will not be able to have the lap band though.

    As for the blood work - please keep in mind that 25% of patients never show positive for RA. I was one of those people and it took about 4 years for a diagnosis. Please make sure you do not give up finding an answer. I had to go through several doctors to get my answers. RA is something you can live with and the surgery has helped me so much. Keep your chin up and get second opinions from doctors!

    Thank you so, so much for this. I feel so much better. I have heard that even if the markers come back negative for RA...it means I could still have it, like you just said. I have severe joint/muscle pain in my legs, but I know it'll help to get at least a 100 lbs off of me with the surgery. I'm glad to hear that nothing should mess up my potential surgery date though. Thanks again!

  11. My insurance requires 6 months of dr supervised diet. BUT I was able to get everything done in 60 days. It is possible. But you have to be your own advocate. My surgeons insurance coordinator told me I might be denied because I didn't wait 6 months but I had faith And said I wanted to see if they would approve me and they did within 3 days. But I also should tell you that I am 3 weeks post op and there are times I regret it. Because you will never know how much your life will change until you do it. I miss my foods so much and I am now totally lactose intolarant but I am feeling better little by little. Try to tell them what you want. And you just might get it.

    So did you just submit to insurance before the 6 months were completed?

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