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Posts posted by lovealways

  1. I am pretty much done with my pre-op testing, but need to wait till my 6th month weigh in in December before submitting to insurance. After all is said and done, I am probably looking at surgery in January since my bariatric office is so slowwww with scheduling appts because they're super busy.

    Anyone else HATE waiting? I keep seeing posts on here about everyone getting their surgery soon and mine feels years away. Anyone else stuck doing the dreaded 6 month weigh ins? :(

  2. Hey I'm doing the 6 month wait too I'm barely on my first one but I was wondering if you had to actually lose weight or have this be a failed attempt? I'm confused

    There really is no clear answer to this. My sister was approved after doing 6 months and gaining weight. So far, I haven't been sticking to a diet really (shame on me) but I have made changes like only having soda one day on the weekend, etc. i have gained 2 pounds, but it's ok. Just don't fall below a 40 bmi!

  3. Doing alright right now. But today was up and down. Lots of pain at the incision sites. Took a few naps.

    They had gave me watered down cream of wheat. One spoonful

    lunch was Protein shake Tomato Soup tea. Only a few spoonfuls of each

    dinner. Protein Shake. Watered Down cream of mushroom' date=' tea same only a few spoonsfuls

    Only one point in the day I had pain so bad where I had tears. And had the what the hell did I do this for.

    But after some good meds and a nap it was better

    Thanks everyone[/quote']

    Hang in there hun!!! You're doing great :)

  4. That is really really interesting. Is it safe to be in ketosis when thin and without excess weight?

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12

    I'm not sure of that actually! I know that when I did the Atkins diet, which is no carbs, that put my body in a state of ketosis. You usually know you're in ketosis. Your breath will smell rancid as well as your pee lol. Interesting stuff! Most, if not all WLS patients enter into a state of ketosis if they follow the rule of high protein/low carb/low sugar rule.

  5. Remember' date=' the people losing 40+ lbs a month are starting around 400+ lbs

    The smaller you are the slower you lose

    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgiversary: 6/11/12[/quote']

    Not always true! My sister just got the sleeve surgery and lost 40 in 4 weeks and wasn't anywhere near close to 400+ pounds. She's just exercising like crazy 45-60 mins a day! :)

  6. Verbal abuse not only affects yourself, but your kids as well and their overall development. It may not be obvious now or they may not speak up about it, but each fight and each mean word said will stay with them for awhile, if not for life at that young of age. I'm sure they see their mother being treated badly by their father and eventually they internalize that and may start blaming themselves. If you can't leave the relationship now because you're hoping he'll change, then at least try to help your children out in some way. I think if you allow your kids to stay in this destructive and dangerous environment, then at least have them see a therapist. Everything a child goes through now, builds them into what they'll become in the future. Negative or positive. Help them if you can't find it in yourself to leave just yet.

    Like another person added, sometimes heading into the unknown can be terrifying when all you've ever known is the life you've had for the past few years. It's hard knowing you have to leave behind that sort of comfort, but if you take that leap, I promise you won't regret it and I promise you you're much stronger than you think. It may be rocky at first, but just trust that you've made the right decision for yourself and your kids to leave.

    You ARE strong and you must realize YOU matter! You just had a major surgery for yourself making YOU a priority! This is the first step. Make yourself and your kids your priority. When your husband accuses you of cheating and looking too sexy because you've lost weight, it's just his attempt to manipulate and control you. Any time you feel good about yourself, he fears you will leave, and he plants things in your mind like "you're not good enough. You can't make it without me. No one else will love you" and things like that. Eventually tou start to believe it. That's why it's so hard to leave right now! See what he's done? He played this mind game with you, your self esteem has faltered, and that's just what he wants! He's a coward, that's all. He's insecure himself, and needs to beat on you emotionally so he can control you enough so you'll say to yourself "He's right. I'm not good enough. I need him. I can't make it on my own" so you just keep staying. It's a cycle only you can break.

    Hang in there Mami. It's hard to find the courage to leave, but you have it in you, you just need to look deeper :)

  7. Love are you scared about taking grad school and this new life on at the same time ?

    Somewhat scared only for the fact that I'll be missing two weeks of internship when I have the surgery and will have to make up those hours in addition to any other I miss. I'm not worried about missing classes (I'll be having surgery during winter break) as much as I am about missing interning. We need to have 400 hours starting September 10th through May 3rd, and I graduate May 20th...so yea, I kinda am scared. I'm putting it in the hands of a higher power though, and hoping that I'm on this journey for a reason and that it will work out.

    Good luck with your surgery and everything else! I hope you have a speedy recovery and do well this semester!

    How many hours of interning do you need?

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