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Posts posted by lovealways

  1. I don't mean to be "the bad guy" but I see where Ryan is coming from. He started out by giving his opinion and then was ridiculed and made sure to say sorry to those he offended before things got out of hand. Insurance requirements are there to gatekeep. Weight loss surgery should be a last resort. Insurance set the 40 BMI for a reason. They were smart about it, and decided to lower it to 35-39 with two or more deadly co-morbities. They know what they're doing. Should a person be cheating the system in order to get to a 40 BMI? Is that morally right? I don't think so, but it happens. I don't agree with it and I don't think surgeons' or doctors' should be encouraging this. Is anyone wrong in this argument? No. It's an opinion and everyone's entitled to one :)

    This surgery should not be regarded as a quick fix nor should someone purposly try to decieve an insurance company willing to pay for a very expensive, intense surgery. In the end though, you do what makes you happy, and this is all that matters!

  2. I'm pre-op, 27, and plan to have bypass surgery in December/january. My sister just had the vertical sleeve done, just turned 21, and has lost 40 lbs in 4 weeks. She works out like CRAZY so I don't think extra skin will be an issue for her if she keeps that up. I think exercise is key.

  3. I wish it were possible to avoid the dreaded 6 month weigh-ins, but I don't think it is. If insurance requires it, there isn't too much of a way around it. In the end, they're paying for the procedure and probably want to try to weed out those select candidates for surgery who aren't patient enough and serious enough to wait the 6 months. Kind of just need to endure it.

  4. Isn't it amazing how you struggle' date=' sometimes for months, trying to make the decision regarding surgery. You do the research, disucss it with family and friends, do some more research, read the stories of others, talk to doctors, do more research. Then you finally are ready. You make your decision - "I'm going for it!" And from that point, that very second, all you can think about is "I want it NOW"! Lol. I bet you there is not one person on this forum that doesn't (or hasn't) feel the exact same way. It will go faster than you think and from reading your posts, you're going to be a fantastic success story!![/quote']

    Thank you so much DLC. I think what makes it worse for me in terms of waiting is that my sister who I live with just had her surgery. She had a long journey and tons of hoops to go through, but she's so happy and now 40lbs lighter in 4 weeks. Seeing her progress only continues to make me realize that I want this surgery NOW! Lol. I know all good things come to those who wait though...and we've all had to struggle and wait :) Hopefully my time will come by late December or January.

  5. Ok I finally got approved for surgery and here are my requirements:

    1. Pulmonologist appt

    2. Dietary instruction appt

    3. Psych eval

    4. Abdomen ultrasound

    5. And a pre-surgical education class offered by hospital

    After I get my surgery date I will have to have upper GI' date=' chest X-ray, EKG, and blood work up.

    And then finally I will have to have a 15 day pre op liquid diet. Lucky I didn't have to have supervised diet :)[/quote']

    Congrats on approval!

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