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Posts posted by lovealways

  1. I can't believe that you guys started this on Sept 2nd and I'm just this minute seeing it! We're trying to put together a day next week for the "on location photo shoot"! Trying to schedule it during the week to avoid or at least reduce "noise" - which includes pretty much anything that we don't want in the photos. I promise photos are coming although I'm not sure about "before" shots as I've never been much of one for having my picture taken but I'm working on it! You guys are crazy you know that? Lol!!

    Wooo!!! We love you dlc!!

  2. Hello ladies I'm in PA now' date=' moved from bay shore, LI in January this yr. I had started my Pre op with Dr. Barkan @ Winthrop, he's great! My friend had her surgery with him and she's fantastic. Small world ! Good luck to all of u!

    Surgiversary 8/27/12 @ 255lbs (Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk)[/quote']

    Very small world! I'll be having my surgery with Dr. Barkan at Winthrop in January! Did you have surgery yet??

  3. OK you guys. I talked to my son and pictures are in the works. He was recently promoted and starts his new position next week. His schedule is pretty full but we'll know more once he gets settled. Should have some pictures within a couple of weeks. Hopefully they won't be too scary but he doesn't have a lot to work with!


  4. Kevin I am so right there with you and honestly - it has nothing to do with conceit. It is so amazing' date=' so exciting, such a boost to your self-esteem. I don't know about you but I fully intend to keep looking in that mirror and I hope the elation never stops!![/quote']

    Dlc...I don't think I've ever seen pictures of you! You should post some as it helps to put a name to a face!

  5. Ugh...talk about waiting is exhausting! The whole time I've been aiming for surgery in December, because that'll be my last weigh-in...and now my patient advocate tells me I should exoect to have the surgery by January. She tells me insurance usually takes two weeks for a decision and usually a few weeks to get an appt. for surgery since my surgeon is very busy. No fair! I hate waiting. I can't imagine being stuck in this big, painful body till January 2013. Oh well though. At least there's a light at the end of the tunnel =\

  6. You know I totally agree with you. I have stayed out of this conversation due to incindiary state of the conversation. I feel strongly against fraud and theft of any kind' date=' and what was done with ankle weights etc is fraud. I am not sure why people think it is ok to buck the system to get what they want. I also will not watch pirated videos, sneak into a an extra movie at the theater, etc. I am a very black and white kind of person, if it is wrong it is wrong.

    But that being said I do understand why she went there and felt pushed to almost do so, being the scales were different at one doctor to the next. If that first doctor had done his job she never would have had to go that route. I am not here to judge her actions, albeit I disagree with her choices and it is not one I would have made, I doubt she give a flying poop if I disagree LOL. I hope you reconsider your leaving and know we value your opinion as well. None of are perfect and each of us make mistakes regularly and we need to support each other.

    The problem I had with both sides of this and I think not just Ryan needs to take the blame here is of the name calling and vicious attacks on both sides. (insert name here) said some highly inflammatory comments in reaction and anger. He/She was not the only one, but I will not go reread the whole thread since it was annoying and hard enough to read the first time. It is so dissapointing to see adults revert to childish attacks when someone voices a difference of a opionion. Yes he was rude and obnoxious but we did not need to step down to his level. If we had just ignored him this would have been over. He really is allowed his own opinion even if he might have considered not posting it on that particular thread but perhaps opened a new thread with that topic.

    Another serious issue that needs to be addressed. We are here to support and help each other through this journey and as a therapist let me tell you that if you support someone when they are doing something wrong or thinking something harmful then we are damaging them and not supporting them. Support also means challenging people in their distorted thoughts and behaviors. BUT, and a big but, is that this needs to be done tactfully and with real compassion. Easy to say "Dang you are a real jerk for blah blah blah", or "Dang you are stupid for thinking blah blah blah", It might be easy but it is not helpful and can be damaging. Much better to word it as "I don't feel this way, have you considered viewing this in this way?" or "I understand we view this differently, but that is ok" Or "have you considered that when you did blah blah you might have hurt so in so feelings". We have to remember we are dealing with real people with intense hurt feelings and we need to respect each other at all times. So when we need to assist someone in adjusting their behavior or thinking then there are ways it can be done without resorting to childish hurtful remarks.

    I have a feeling what I said has come out wrong. But please keep in mind I did so in a spirit of helpfulness.

    P.S. I am not sure it would have mattered with Ryan as he seemed to have a chip on his shoulder, but it also seems as if he sure needed some serious help, that maybe we could have helped him with over time, but then again maybe not. Glad he is gone the contention in this thread was painful.[/quote']

    I agree 100%. Cheating the system is just wrong in my opinion. Also, the name calling was coming from both sides, not just one. Ryan got destroyed for stating his opinion...point blank. oh well though! It's over now :) Lets all remember to act like adults, guys!

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