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Posts posted by lovealways

  1. Well, my chart is complete! I finished my 6 months of weigh-ins yesterday. My chart is being submitted to insurance this week. Fingers crossed for an approval. Right now we're looking at the 2nd or 3rd week in January if approved. I can't wait! So nerve wracking though. Good luck everyone!!!! Lets keep this thread active with January dates as they come in!

  2. My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday the 5th. But the Gyno will make the call on Tuesday. They found a mass on my right side and a cyst on my ovary and calcification. I am not really in any pain right now. But I don't know if this is something they will say can wait till after the bypass.

    I had a partial hysterctomy about 20 years ago' date=' they only left the right ovary. At that time there was a tumor (non cancerous) size of a volleyball that weighted 5.5 pounds on left ovary. So I am not overly worried about this problem. But I am sure it should be taken out. Wish they could do it at the same time.[/quote']

    I do hope it gets resolved! I'm sure it will. Let me know how it all goes

  3. i sure understand the other medical things that can push this surgery out. First it was my blood sugars too high' date=' and now have to deal with some ovary problem. Scheduled for Wed. but have to get approval from a Gyno Doc on Tues. I really can't see this happening. I bet I end up having to have the ovary problem taken care of first. I am not sure how long my approval is good for. That is a good question. I just have to believe that the healthier we can be going into the surgery the more successful we will be. So I am trying to look at it that way. Best wishes. Hope you get answers and can move forward.[/quote']

    :( Sorry to hear you're kind of going through the same thing. Did you say you were approved? I wonder how long your approval lasts. It would be great if it lasted a few months rather than a few weeks. If i have to resubmit because my approval expires (if approved) I can imagine that pissing off my insurance company as well as my surgeon's office. Ahh all I can do is cry these past few days....what makes matters worse is my sister is 4 months out and 96 lbs down so while I'm happy for her, I still wish I wasn't the "fat sister". Lets hope this is resolved quick for us both. When are you scheduled for surgery? Do they know what's wrong with the ovaries yet?

  4. Sorry you are going through that. If I remember correctly you and I were being submitted to insurance during same time frame.( mine will be sent Monday) I was told that my approval will have a years time frame. I hope that everything works out for you to get your surgery in Jan as expected.

    Thank you so much. I'm hoping I can get things situated medically so I can have the surgery. I'll still submit to insurance and I guess I can always resubmit after being approved if it expires and I can't have surgery yet. It's just so upsetting. I need this surgery :( Good luck with submitting. I'm still hoping I can have it during January =\

  5. Here's the story in a nutshell. During this whole process of 6 month weigh-ins, my blood results have been abnormal consistently....elevated WBC, ESR, and CRP. Long story short, I have internal bleeding resulting in Iron deficiency and almost anemia. It could be celiac, polyps, stuff like that. I need to get a colonoscopy but dont think I'll have time to schedule it before surgery which means...

    My surgery is supposed to be in January, but I REALLY doubt I will pass pre-surgical testing because of elevated WBC.

    Question is, my file is being submitted to insurance next week. If I am approved and pre-surgical testing doesnt allow me to get the surgery, can I re-submit to insurance for approval if my first approval expires? How many times can i keep resubmitting if my aurgery date keeps getting moved to later dates?

    I'm so scared, nervous, frustrated, upset and i would hate to be approved only to have it expire abd have to resubmit again :(

  6. Ok lets get this party started' date=' my date is one year from when I started jumping through all the hoops. And sucessfully, I might add without snappling out on any of the people that I had to work with. God bless the child. Amen and Amen

    :D January 31, 2013!!!!!!!!! [/quote']

    Woooo!!!! Congrats on the date! I can't wait for mine!! 2013 here we come :)

  7. actually the surgeons office has to provide a surgery date to insurance for the approval process. cause I got a call from my insurance company saying I was approved but they can't move forward without a surgery date. so I made sure it was taken care of within 30 minutes after talking to them lol.

    Oh really? I was told I'd receive a date after approval! I am hoping for 2nd week in January. It should def be in Jan if approved though :)

  8. Hi! I've been on this journey since June when I decided to attend a seminar. After that, I found out I had to do 6 months of weigh-ins. I also had to have a psych eval, meet with the nutritionist, attend two support groups, two sleep studies, cardiology consult, pulmonary consult, sonogram of abdomen to rule out gallstones and see the liver, upper endoscopy, and I think that was it!

    Everything is completed!

    I have my LAST weigh-in Monday at 1:00pm. Once my PCP faxes over my documentation for 6th weigh-in to my surgeon, the process of reviewing my chart and sending it to my insurance begins. My insurance promises a decision in no more than 2 weeks.

    I have no date yet because I need an approval before getting a date, but it should be within the first week of January. At this point, it will DEF be in January!!! Very exciting to have a new years resolution that will actually happen....and a new start to a new year!!! :)

    I'll update in here when I get my date :)

  9. Eek...I wouldn't feel comfortable with a tampon in during surgery, but then again, I don't ever feel comfortable with one lol. Maybe you could wear a pad? I don't know. I may have my period too when my surgery is scheduled =/ Not fun.

  10. During pre-surgical testing right before surgery, has anyone had their surgery postponed due to a newly found medical condition?

    What type of medical conditions could cause a surgeon to put the surgery on hold?

    I have a few concerns. My blood work has been coming back abnormal for the past 6 months since I started this whole process. My WBC count is elevated, as well as my ESR and CRP. This indicates there is a certain level of inflammation in my body that has yet to be determined. For the past few months, we've been trying to rule out everything, but have found no answers. My primary doctor told me I could go ahead with the surgery and not to worry about these results...but will the surgeon?

    I just get so worked up and anxious because It's been such a LONG process and to think it might possibly be held up because of abnormal WBC count on my blood tests during pre-surgical testing...I would be devasted.

    Ugh. I guess I'm just venting and frustrated and scared of the unknown :( There really is no answers. I guess I have to wait and see. We're still hoping for a surgery date the end of december to first or second week in January.

  11. Very cool. Were you approved already?? My last weigh-in is 11 days away, then we're submitting to insurance. Please keep your fingers crossed I'm approved! I should be getting surgery first week or 2nd week in January :) Good luck to you!

  12. Patience is difficult...I try to remember to enjoy the journey. The destination and finish line will soon arrive. I've been doing this process since June and I have 13 days left till my final weigh-in and then we're submitting. I never thought it would go this fast. My surgeon and my insurance were so strict with requirements and pre-op testing that I'm always so shocked I've made it. So many people get discouraged in the process. Stay patient and hang in there! The reward is soon on its way :)

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