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Posts posted by lovealways

  1. I should hear about approval or denial from my insurance company by Friday. Does anyone know anything about insurance procedures? I call them every day to check the status and they say the projected date is January 21st...does that mean if approved that would be my date, or does my surgeon's office just pull a date out of their ass because they have to? lol. I'm wondering if that's the date I'll get if approved. Anyone know?

  2. Ugh. I think I'm slowly losing my mind. My file was submitted on 12/7. I heard it should take a week but no more than two weeks. I'm going nuts over here....I called them every day so far...but they keep saying it's pending. I hope to hear by Friday of this week...that'll make it a week.

  3. Hello IDK if it has to do with not meeting my weight goal by age 34 which passed 12/7 I'm stuck at 127 and I see my surgeon(they change date to earlier) to this Friday. I wanted to be 125lbs either by the time I hit 34 or by the time I see the surgeon. I feel so down. I now feel I will never make it' date='and yeah I know losing 84lbs it's a lot,but i feel that if I didn't have so many stalls I would had made it,but oh well... Now I have a new goal to hit 125lbs by January 1, 2013 then if not then by my surgery anniversary May 30, 2013 if not by June 1, 2013 but I want to be 110lbs by then. I'm gonna make it. I have to.[/quote']

    You're beautiful now the weight you are! :)

  4. I'm a counselor on an acute psychiatric care facility. Mentioned to doctor I don't want to risk getting injured by a client too early in the process. It's not an everyday thing that we get someone agitated/aggressive but it happens. When I was pregnant' date=' staff and even patients who knew me were protective. If someone acted out, I was shuffled to a locked area and was exempt from restraints and agitated patient code responses. Unsure if they will be as accommodating with this...[/quote']

    Are you a social worker?!

  5. My surgery won't be until next month, and throughout the whole process, I promised myself I wouldn't allow myself to get scared the closer it got! Lol of course that didn't work. Now that it's getting closer, I find myself second guessing my decision. I worry about not waking up from the surgerg and I worry I'm making too extreme a decision. I also worry I'll have complications and worry I'll fail and gain the weight back. Many, many thoughts. These thoughts are fleeting...they never get in the way...they are more like passing thoughts. I keep my eye on the prize and try to think positive. I've seen at the weight I am now how my health and life have been negatively affected (I'm 5'4 and 269) and I'm just not going to live like this anymore. I'm too young to be stuck at home ashamed of myself and my body. Second guessing ourselves is normal...it means we're human! This is such a HUGE life transition and we are about to embark on a lifelong journey. Just know how bad you want this and it helps to keep negative thoughts at bay :)

  6. That's Very selfish of your husband to say that to you..I'm sorry I know you love him and I'm sure your both disappointed but its not fair to you to postpone your surgery because of his has been postponed...besides it might be for the best..he can take care of you and help you with your recovery and then you'll be able to help him...I think you should have it..my opinion

    I second this,

  7. well' date=' if i get approved, ii go to a class and they decide at that point the date. i am hoping for christmas break, but it depends on on their schedule. i am already on the diet so that the weight he wanted me to lose will be off. they said as early as 2 weeks after the class, soit is kind of all up to the insurance now.

    whats your story? married or family to help you? i wanted to do it on break so my husband wouldnt have to worry about getting the kids to school.[/quote']

    My sister just had the sleeve surgery and is 4 months post-op, and is down 100lbs, so her story inspired mine! Initially, 8 years ago I wanted to get the lapband but never followed through, thankfully. I started the process of getting the bypass in June of 2012 and completed all pre-op testing in September, but I got stuck doing the dreaded 6 month diet which I finally finished last week when they submitted.

    I want to do this during the break too. I'm a fulltime social work graduate student going to school in nyc and I'm a social work intern in an agency for substance abusers as an alternative to incarceration for the clients. Things are pretty crazy with my schedule, but no kids or married yet! I do have a family and boyfriend who are incredibly supportive!

    It's so exciting waiting for an answer from insurance but also so nerve wracking. I just want to know the date so I can start preparing!

    Good luck with everything! Let me know if you get approved! I hope you hear something soon. It should be exciting for us to start a new year as new us :)

  8. I am right there with you... mine was submitted on11-27 and they are reviewing it now. i called for an update today' date=' but she said it is still in review. She told me to call anytime for an update, buti was worried about irritating them too. Lets hope they come through soon with an Approval. Do you think you will get a surgery date for sooner or later? i am hoping that i will be at my pre-opp weight if they come through then i go to one class aand get my surgery date...thats ifi get anapproval right away. Are you excited?[/quote']

    Hope you get your answer soon!!! My patient advocate is trying to get me scheduled for surgery 2nd week in January :) Will yours be in December??

  9. How about I call the surgeons office and they say that 1/31/2012 is not the date for surgery.....Just wait for them to call....REALLY.............SO I'M STILL WAITING.......AND WAITING AND WAITING.

    Whatever! after all I have been through to get here there is no turn back............I am still saying lets "get this party started"!

    LOL...to God be the glory.

    Good luck!

  10. Hi guys! So yesterday my file was submitted to insurance in the afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! This process is so nerve wracking. Am I allowed to call my insurance company to check the status of my file or does that annoy them?

    This is crazy! I would have never thought I'd be up to this point where I am now :)

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