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Posts posted by lovealways

  1. I've been reading a lot of posts about the complications' date=' post-op pain, dumping and how horrible people have been feeling. I've been wanting to post about my positive experience but almost feel guilty doing so on this site. I'm not a complainer but honestly, I've had no complaints. Sorry this is long but here goes:

    I'm 34. I wasn't on any medication pre-op and other than being overweight and a strong family history of various illnesses, I was kind of in good health. My wellness team at the Khalili Center was amazing and supportive from the beginning. Fortunately, I only had to do 2 days Clear liquids pre-op. Skip to post-op. I was released the next day, had no complications and felt no pain. Hello? No pain. The med was good (Lortab) and I stayed on top of the timing. Only took that for the the first two days. Gas? Not painful, just uncomfortable and the walking and moving around helped. Now at 3.5 weeks post-op and 20 pounds down I feel amazing. There were days that I felt so tired but now have so much energy. Just yesterday I felt a little depressed but I think that had more to do with not wanting to be at work this time of year. I almost feel like I was trained to go through this like a heavyweight champ. I know what I might experience in the coming months emotionally, physically, what to watch for, etc. and I stick to my plan to a 'T'. I have nothing negative to say about my experience thus far.

    I'm shortening this quite a bit because I'm beginning to feel a little self-centered and that's not the point. I really just want to show that it's not all bad, or all about pain, or whatever else others' experiences have been. Especially to those that haven't gone in yet. People do experience legitimate complications and have legitimate post-op concerns but not everyone. Educate yourself. Talk to your doctors and NUTs. Know that you will feel tired or down one day. When it happens, don't panic. Let it happen, grab a tissue for your tears, understand why, and know that it will pass. Maybe you won't walk as much that day. Know that you might dump. Breathe, experience it, and take notes. That, too, shall pass. Know that you will stall occasionally. Move on. Take your supplements. Get your Protein in. Follow the diet and allow your organs to heal. Don't rush through the food stages and MOVE! The beginning is what sets the tone for the rest of this journey and the rest of our new healthy lives. Give yourself a fighting chance and do it right.

    I have so much more I could write but this is already, like, a lot. If you have questions or comments about my positive experience, please feel free to ask. I had to get this off my chest.

    Thanks for "listening".

    Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk[/quote']

    Thank you for this !

  2. i am excited too. the only thing i am nervouse about is them saying no.....i am praying for God's will' date=' he already knows what i want, but i know He knows what is best for me. it is hard not to get frustrated though. I raally want a new me too....before the year is out...keep me posted too.

    take care,


    I was approved! Surgery is 1/15/13. Did you get your approval?

  3. ...but you're not big enough! Oh, yeah? BMI 47 is apparently twig-thin.

    ...but won't you have all that sagging skin? Oh, please.

    ...but you won't EVER be able to eat good things again! Oh, really! My sister does just fine and she's lost over 100 with vsg.

    It's just a whole bunch of garbage. My most hated comment is...well, my friend's mom's brother's friend's uncle's wife HAD it and gained ALL the weight back!


  4. lovealways did you have to do 6 Month Dr. Supervised Diet and Exercise Program with UHC? Congrats on your upcoming date.

    Yes! I dd the 6 month supervised diet and submitted a 6 year weight history as well just to be safe!

  5. What a Christmas present!!! :wub: My approval was swift as I was scheduled for a total hip replacement revision surgery on 10/24 that got cancelled as my surgeon wanted it done in a bigger hospital and will be done in Traverse City' date=' maybe in late March. I was immediately approved and got a date of February 25th. Barix called this morning and they had a cancellation and my new surgery date is now January 4th with a pre-op in December 26th!!! :)

    I am so glad I have been reading these forums ahead of time to try to avoid some of the pitfalls. I am going to need outside support as my daughter is totally against this and my husband is not too crazy about this either. We know quite a few who have had this procedure done - some breezed through it, a few had some issues, a few had major issues but the girl that worked with my husband died. It had something to do with the anesthesia, but it was still during this type of surgery so they think this is more dangerous than anything else.

    Four years ago, I had a gastric band put in. I guess it slipped right away and I have been bullemic and fat for the last four years. Right after I had it done, my husband's place of employment closed and now my primary insurer is Medicare with a BC/BS Medigap back-up plan and at that time, Barix did not accept Medicare so I was stuck. They now accept it and as I was already pre-cleared for the surgery that was cancelled, everything went quickly.

    My surgery will be January 4th at Barix in Ypsilanti, MI by Dr. Taylor. I live up north in the middle of the Huron National Forest.[/quote']

    Can I ask...have you recovered from the bulimia?

  6. They won't do the surgery for low Iron? I have low iron and am set for surgery in January and this was a HUGE concern for me. My doctors figured out that I'm losing blood though, and that's why I'm iron deficient. I have a colonoscopy on Monday to rule out things like colitis and other stuff. I assume we have a reason as to WHY we are low on iron or iron deficient, along with medical clearance from PCP, then we should be fine. In the mean time, see your PCP and see if he will provide you with clearance and what to do about low iron and if he can prescribe anything or if there's a reason for it. You can go to cvs or walgreens or rite aide and get FE Iron pills to take in the mean time.

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