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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lovealways

  1. lovealways

    Denied :(

    Was your BMI always under 40, or did it fall below 40 on a 6 month weigh in?
  2. lovealways


    I pretty much got the chance to contemplate and pursue all 3. I looked into lapband in 2006. I met with the surgeon and opted out because I didn't like having to go back and forth to the Dr. to get the fills, and at 20 years old, I just wasn't ready at that point. I then looked into the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, because my sister was in the process of getting it done, and I had a lot of time to research it with her. I was so head strong and determined to get this surgery and did not want the RNY for fear of malabsorption issues and how invasive the surgery sounds. After finding out that my insurance only covers RNY, I then decided to choose RNY. I'm now so happy and at peace with my decision. I've researched and I feel comfortable knowing that the procedure I'm getting is known as the "gold standard" in terms of weight loss surgery. RNY has been around since around the 1950's, so there's been plenty of years to perfect the procedure and plenty of long term data has been obtained to prove that it is successful long term and safe. While the VSG surgery is emerging in popularity because there isn't much risk of malabsorption, there really isn't enough long term data right now to prove how successful the surgery is, since it's about 15 years new at this point. I also like the fact that RNY provides patients with more weight loss, quicker, and more patients in the long run tend to keep the weight off. Go with what feels right for you. Do the research and you'll be able to come up with a decision. Weigh the pros and cons of each one
  3. More than half way done with pre-op testing! Weigh-in #3 in September!

  4. lovealways


    Would there be any dumping involved, since bacon is so high in fat??
  5. lovealways

    A Big Fat No!

    I have to do the 6 month weigh-ins, so I will probably have surgery at the end of December
  6. Tonight is my last sleep study...thank God. I just know I won't sleep though =/

  7. lovealways

    Half Way There

    I am also hoping for surgery (hopefully if all goes right) by December around Christmas as well! Good luck to you!
  8. 70lbs in 2 months?! Damn!
  9. Psych eval, nutrition eval, pulmonary consult with sleep studies, upper endoscopy, stress test, sonogram of abdomen to rule out gallstones, extensive blood work, and I think that's it.
  10. lovealways

    Oh No :(

    Got some bad news. Through all this extensive pre-op testing, it was discovered in my blood work that on 3 results, my body is showing elevated white blood cells and high markers for inflammation. My PCP is confused and has no idea what's going on. He's tested for parvo, fifths disease, and reumatoid arthritis and lupus, but all came back negative. He is now referring me to a reumatologist for more testing. The earliest appt I can get with them is October 31st I am hoping for surgery at the end of December. Does anyone think this may hold up my surgery? I will be finished with it all and the 6 months in December. My PCP is not crazy worried, but confused as to wtf is going on. Could this delay surgery?? :(
  11. lovealways

    A Big Fat No!

    I initially wanted the vertical sleeve, but found out my insurance only covers RNY, so I'm getting that. Research RNY and see if it's for you! This forum has a ton of information and great people.
  12. lovealways

    Uh Oh

    Like someone else, the biggest thing they're looking for is stabilized conditions, if you do have any mental health issues. Are you currently in therapy? You are seeing a psych for medication management to treat your symptoms, so that's a plus. Keep us posted!
  13. lovealways

    (Very Long) Hubby Double Personality Need Out!

    It's difficult to leave a situation you've grown comfortable in...especially a marriage. Your reasons for wanting to leave are certainly valid and pretty much a must at this point. He sounds manipulative, angry, and for you and your children to have to put up with that kind of verbal abuse is not good. It's not good for you or your kids. I think you need to try and get out as fast as possible for you and your children's safety. Like others have said, are there any shelters out there for you and your kids? If you can't find it in yourself to leave now (because it is a big step and it is scary) then I suggest you look into seeing a social worker or a psychologist who can help you get back on your feet. It's important to put yourself and your kids first now. This isn't a marriage that has gone sour, but a marriage that has gone completely toxic. Hang in there hun...take care of yourself. ::hugs::
  14. lovealways

    So Pissed!

    Oh wow that's amazing you were approved without full completion of six months of weigh-ins.
  15. lovealways

    Oh No :(

    Thank you so, so much for this. I feel so much better. I have heard that even if the markers come back negative for RA...it means I could still have it, like you just said. I have severe joint/muscle pain in my legs, but I know it'll help to get at least a 100 lbs off of me with the surgery. I'm glad to hear that nothing should mess up my potential surgery date though. Thanks again!
  16. lovealways

    So Pissed!

    So did you just submit to insurance before the 6 months were completed?
  17. lovealways

    The Only Way Out Is Through...

    Going forward and not looking back. With the things I've had to overcome in my life mentally, I'm so ready to take the necessary steps ahead to start healing myself physically as well. I've been going through very extensive pre-op testing as required both by my insurance and my surgeon. Things have been great. I know what to expect and I have the help I need because my younger sister has already been through the process and just had her WLS on July 25th, 2012, so she's kind of been a motivating factor in this. I'm 27 years old, and relatively healthy, and currently a month and two weeks smoke free. I'm healthy, right? My PCP discovered three times total from my blood work that my markers for inflammation are high, as well as my white blood cells. He has no idea what's going on. I have no idea what's going on. I am now being referred to a rheumotologist (sp?) and will have to wait till Halloween to see him. I have so much anxiety that my surgery (hopefully in late december) will be pushed back because of this. No one knows what's going on. All I know is that I've spent so much of my life giving up on myself and on everything in general. This surgery is something I am not losing hope over. I will get this done.
  18. lovealways

    Oh No :(

  19. lovealways

    Does Anyone Take Antidepressants?

    They (zoloft) has changed my life. When you're depressed, there is a chemical imbalance in your brain...the point of the medication is to fix that imbalance.
  20. lovealways

    First Appt

    Did you have to do the 6 month weigh-ins? That in addition to pre-op testing is a damn journey! Ahh!
  21. Minor (or major) setback...but I'm still on my fricken' way

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
