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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lovealways

  1. Mami! You look absolutely gorgeous with your hair not in a hat! So pretty
  2. lovealways

    Ok Guys, I Need Some Serious Help!

    Thanks for responding guys I think I'll just go ahead and submit in November after my 5th month weigh in. ::fingerscrossed::
  3. lovealways

    Getting Dlcoggin To Post A Pic

    Mission accomplished. Glad I brought it up You look great! That's a beautiful dog too!
  4. lovealways

    Ok Guys, I Need Some Serious Help!

    Thank you! I'm so worried i'll be denied, but we'll see what happens.
  5. lovealways

    Getting Dlcoggin To Post A Pic

    You all look great!!
  6. lovealways


    My name on instagram is lovealwaysjenn !! Feel free to follow
  7. lovealways

    And Sometimes It Just Feels Lonely...

    My sister and I are bestfriends. We get asked all the time if we're twins, and we always tell the person asking that we are. They also reply with "wow, you're identical"! It's always been fun because we'd share eachother's clothes, make jokes about our weight, fight over leftovers, cry over clothes shopping and embarresment of more weight gain, binge together, and confide in each other about how much it hurts to always be "the big girl" and never the pretty girl. Misery loves company, right? We did everything together, and understood each other in terms of the low self-esteem that comes with being a young adult...a fat young adult, at that. But this all changed 3 weeks ago and 38 pounds later. My sister just had vertical sleeve surgery. I watched her struggle with her approval. I even bothered her about it when I was jealous when I had no insurance and mentioned often to her it was the "easy way out". I was excited for her, but her journey seemed exhausting with all the hoops insurance threw at her, that I honestly never thought we'd see the day come. She (was) before the surgery 38 pounds heavier than me. I found a sort of consolation in that, as hard as that is for me to admit. Why? I'm not sure. I think I felt and do feel so lousy about myself that I tried to believe that it was okay, and that I'd always be smaller than her, and that I wouldn't be the biggest one on the family. Selfish and mean of me considering how much she means to me. And now the weight is flying off of her, and now we're the same exact weight, and I suddenly feel...alone. I'm ecstatic for her. Thrilled that she is happy. So excited to see her daily progress, and so excited to see her confidence already begin to blossom. She's showered in compliments and oohs and ahhs. I'm scared. I admit to myself that I'm alone in this right now. The comfort of having a "binging partner" the comfort of knowing we'd always be big and miserable TOGETHER and never alone, and now it's changed. Now she gets full off of two bites, and I stare at her in disbelief, in both happiness, and bitterness. Jealousy is such a horrible trait to carry around...especially when it comes to jealousy over loved ones. It's such a evil, sinnister, disgusting little tyrant that continues to drain. I hate that. I just know that I've now become the biggest one. She, as well as food, was our security blanket...and I'm sure I was hers as well. Food provides consolation and comfort and solace. Our relationship consisted of a shared common interest in junk food and a shared understanding of what it felt like to be fat and miserable. My sister is the happiest she's ever been. So where does that leave me? Well, I decided in late May early June once I got insurance, that I would join in on her journey and take "the easy way out". This journey has been anything but easy. I want to rekindle a relationship with her not based on food, but based on making health a priority and positive changes for us both. I want us both to feel good. I want to transition to a new life with her. Most of all, I'd like to bond over real interests...not just what type of fast food joint we hope to eat at next. I want the rest of this year to focus on transitioning and good, healthy, positive changes. For everyone.
  8. lovealways

    Dreams May Come True. . .

    Congrats!! How much total weight lost??
  9. lovealways


    Had my endoscopy today and finally completed all my pre-op testing requirements!!! This is big news because man, did my surgeon require a lot! I still have 3 more weigh-ins to go, but it's getting closer!!
  10. lovealways

    Getting Dlcoggin To Post A Pic

    Wooo!!! We love you dlc!!
  11. lovealways


    I sure hope so! Thanks so much Can't wait.
  12. So uh...is it December yet?

  13. lovealways

    "omfg Wait...you're Having What Type Of Surgery"?

    I'm glad the entry was relatable! I will be finished with my 6th month weight in in December, and will have surgery after submitting to insurance. Most likely early January
  14. lovealways

    "omfg Wait...you're Having What Type Of Surgery"?

    Thanks guys!!
  15. I am pretty much done with my pre-op testing, but need to wait till my 6th month weigh in in December before submitting to insurance. After all is said and done, I am probably looking at surgery in January since my bariatric office is so slowwww with scheduling appts because they're super busy. Anyone else HATE waiting? I keep seeing posts on here about everyone getting their surgery soon and mine feels years away. Anyone else stuck doing the dreaded 6 month weigh ins?
  16. lovealways

    Robotic Surgery

    I am having mine done in new york in the winter with the davinci robot as well
  17. lovealways

    Sorta Kinda Invisible

    Hi, I'm Jenn I figured I'd start a blog to document my journey - the good, the great, the not-so-great, and the downright ugly side of things without an ounce of sugar coating. Background: I'm 27, from Long Island, NY, and a Social Work graduate student going to school in the city. I'm set to graduate in May of 2013. I work primarily with clients struggling with substance abuse disorders and mental illness. This is an incredibly exciting time in my life. I've worked so hard to get to where I am, mentally, yet physically...well, I've kind of disregarded that area of my life for awhile now. I've been through some very difficult times growing up, and have put my body through some damage. After all the work I've spent on recovering mentally from all that's happened, I completely neglected to take care of myself physically. This has become a problem now, because although I'm finally happy with where my life is heading, I feel like I'm carrying a huge weight on my shoulders at all. I guess I kind of am! My BMI is 46. I struggle on a daily basis with 0 energy and horrible leg/knee pains. I have sleep apnea. I can't walk up a flight of stairs without breathing heavily. I hate being seen in public because of my weight. I'm 27, and I'm killing myself with food. I'm not going to wait around for it to destroy me. I'm ready to fight back. I am in the process of doing the (horrible) extensive pre-op testing. I am also doing 6 months of a supervised weigh-in/diet with my PCP. When completed, I will be set to have surgery in December. I am ready to feel 27. I'm ready to BE 27. And I won't take a "no" from anyone, nor will I tolerate any negative comments from people, I'm doing this for me

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
