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Everything posted by lovealways

  1. lovealways

    How Long?

    I hope approval is quick!!
  2. 11 days till final weigh-in!

  3. lovealways


    Very cool. Were you approved already?? My last weigh-in is 11 days away, then we're submitting to insurance. Please keep your fingers crossed I'm approved! I should be getting surgery first week or 2nd week in January Good luck to you!
  4. They're assessing for a whole bunch of things...mostly unmanaged psychiatric conditions that could exacerbate after a major surgery. If you do have any psychiatric conditions, be honest about them. There's no sense in lying. It's really to assess your overall level of mental functioning and capacity. You should be fine
  5. lovealways

    Approval Expiration?

    If I get approved for surgery, does anyone know how long I can wait to get the surgery before the approval by the insurance company is not longer effective? I'll be submitting to insurance in 2-3 weeks and am hoping for a surgery the first week in January or late December....but there's been some issues that have been newly discovered at the start of this whole process that may need to get sorted out before I get this surgery =( Anyone know how long I can wait once I'm approved till it expires?
  6. lovealways

    Approval Expiration?

    Thank you! I will call my insurance company. Ugh, it sucks finding out about new medical issues.
  7. lovealways

    Lord Give Me Patience

    Patience is difficult...I try to remember to enjoy the journey. The destination and finish line will soon arrive. I've been doing this process since June and I have 13 days left till my final weigh-in and then we're submitting. I never thought it would go this fast. My surgeon and my insurance were so strict with requirements and pre-op testing that I'm always so shocked I've made it. So many people get discouraged in the process. Stay patient and hang in there! The reward is soon on its way
  8. 13 days till my FINAL weigh-in!!!!!!

  9. My patience is being tested...I feel like giving up.

  10. Hi guys My 6th and final weigh-in is scheduled for December 3rd. I am most likely looking at a two week liquid diet around Christmas time! I'm worried about it. How many of you have stuck to the two week diet, and how many of you have ended up cheating?
  11. LAST WEIGH-IN IS IN 20 DAYS then submitting to insurance!!!! It's so close!

  12. You won't feel or remember a thing! You're knocked out in 2 seconds I ate and went to class 3 hours after!
  13. Hey mami! I was just going to ask you the same thing. I've been around, but just busy with school and my internship. I'm up to my 5th weigh-in this Friday, and December 3rd is my last and final and then we'll be submitting to insurance. Geez, what a LONG process lol, but I'm so excited. How's everything been with you??
  14. lovealways

    Seminar Before Surgery?

    Seminar was required for me. I went in June 2012. I will be having surgery most likely at the end of next month, first week in January. I had to do tons of pre-op testing and 6 months of weigh-ins for my surgeon and insurance. Good luck!
  15. The problem is the carbonation in beer which puts it off limits for good. Carbonation puts you at risk of stretching your pouch among other stuff. You CAN still have alcohol after surgery, but it would have to be wine or something non-carbonated, and it will hit you MUCH quicker than before, so be careful! I've been slowly saying goodbye to beer these past few months. I am submitting to insurance next month, so I know I will need to say goodbye to that and diet soda very, very soon. It's not a sad goodbye though...I'm ready for a new life
  16. I feel your pain. The holidays for my family is a huge time for eating and gorging ourselves. This is even more scary for me because it looks like I will most likely be stuck doing my two week liquid diet right smack during Christmas Eve and Day. This is a huge challenge. I'm always in charge of baking cookies and we have a big party on xmas eve with tons of catering...ugh...we can do this!
  17. lovealways

    Lord Give Me Patience

    I feel your pain! I'm so SICK of waiting. You know what makes waiting even worse?? Seeing my sister so successful with her surgery! She lost 83lbs in 3 months and it's just like...when is it MY turn? LOL. My 6th and final weigh in is 12/3 and then we're submitting to insurance. I could have surgery at the end of December/First week in January. Fingers crossed for us both!!!!!!
  18. lovealways

    December Dates

    My last weigh in is 12/3...then all paperwork is being submitted that week! I hope I get my surgery at the end of December.
  19. 5th weigh-in this Friday...getting closer guys! My sister just lost 85lbs in 3 months!

  20. lovealways

    How Long?

    I'd also like to know everyone else's experience with this. My last weigh in is December 3rd and then everything will be submitted to insurance. If I hound them and keep caling and asking, will that kinda nudge the insurance company?! LOL!
  21. lovealways

    Medicaid In Connecticut

    Not too sure. I would call the number on the back of your card and ask one of the representatives.
  22. My LAST weigh-in is scheduled for December 3rd, 2012 then submitting everything to insurance. Please hurry the time up.

  23. lovealways

    Any Surgeries For December

    My last weigh-in is December 3rd....then everything will be submitted to insurance that week!!! Hopefully surgery at the end of December!!!

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