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Everything posted by lovealways

  1. Well...submitted to insurance this afternoon!!! Fingers crossed guys!!!!

  2. lovealways

    Jan Surgery

    Congrats!!! I am hoping for a date around then too!
  3. lovealways

    December Dates

    Very, very excited for you all with December dates. Good luck to everyone for speedy recovery!!!!
  4. lovealways

    January Dates

    Well, my chart is complete! I finished my 6 months of weigh-ins yesterday. My chart is being submitted to insurance this week. Fingers crossed for an approval. Right now we're looking at the 2nd or 3rd week in January if approved. I can't wait! So nerve wracking though. Good luck everyone!!!! Lets keep this thread active with January dates as they come in!
  5. lovealways

    Green Tea?

    You are allowed to have green tea as long as it doesn't have caffeine in it. I've never seen uncaffeinated green tea though. Good luck!
  6. Submitting to insurance THIS WEEK!!!!!! Fingers crossed for me for now until January :)

  7. lovealways

    Crushed. Lost. Exhausted. Scared. Hopeless.

    Thank you...that provided me with so much relief to know that I'm not alone in this. I'm not going to go down without a fight. I, like all of us, NEED this surgery...it's not even a "want" at this point. RNY or Sleeve is great. I'm going for the RNY because my insurance will pay for it, but sleeve is also great. My 21 year old sister had the sleeve and is 4 months post op and 96 lbs down
  8. o for the past few days, well weeks, I've been nonstop thinking about what's wrong with me medically and thinking about how this is the worst time to not know...because it's going to hold up surgery next month. I've been crying and unable to stop thinking about everything. I feel forgotten about. It was 3 weeks ago that I was told I was bleeding internally. I was told to have a colonscopy. My referring doctor, the hematologist, was to fax over a script before I can schedule the procedure. My hematologist will not fax over a script without first talking to the GI doctor before scheduling the procedure. I don't know what's so important that he needs to speak with him. There's a reason why though. He's looking for something in particular. So the doctors have been going back and forth and playing phonetag for 3 weeks and unable to get each other on the phone, while I sit here and wait not knowing wtf is going on and not knowing what becomes of the surgery in a few weeks. At this point I'm like just let me please fucking schedule the procedure...please. I don't have much time between now and surgery...nor do I have much time in my schedule as it is to set up this procedure with interning and graduate school and all the other crap I have going on. I just don't want to wait anymore. I'm scared one minute, then I'm not, then the next I'm terrified to think I'll be stuck in this shit body for longer than longer than January. Here's the shitty part too... My surgeon's office is faxing my file to insurance to be approved or denied this week. I could be approved fairly quick (which at this point, I hope it doesn't go quick) and then I'll receive a surgery date. I NEED A COLONOSCOPY and some ANSWERS between now and the proposed date, which will probably be in the first few weeks of January before I can GET this surgery. I will probably go to pre-surgical testing ANYWAY and fail the blood tests miserably...which in turn will put off the surgery...which is turn will make my insurance approval EXPIRE causing me to have to explain this to the surgeon's office and again RESUBMIT and wait LONGER for a date or at least wait until this whoel colonscopy thing is resolved...which at this point, seems like the doctors will never fucking get in touch with each other and stop dicking around. So that's where I stand. The stupid amount of money on vitamins and herbs and supplements I've bought and will be taking will probably mean nothing in terms of effecting my blood results. So really...insurance will have my file this week, and yet I can't do anything until this stupid colonoscopy is scheduled, which at this rate, will be in 2014. I can't explain how I feel. I feel crushed. I feel like giving up. I feel lost in this. I want some answers. I'm exhausted all the time. I'm losing blood quick enough that I'm a step away from anemia...and yet no one knows why. Still this post doesn't even begin to do any amount of justice for what I'm feeling. I'm so close to getting the surgery...done with 8 months of everything...and now this happens? How? I just can't...
  9. Today is my final weigh-in. Fingers crossed for the next few weeks.

  10. Here's the story in a nutshell. During this whole process of 6 month weigh-ins, my blood results have been abnormal consistently....elevated WBC, ESR, and CRP. Long story short, I have internal bleeding resulting in Iron deficiency and almost anemia. It could be celiac, polyps, stuff like that. I need to get a colonoscopy but dont think I'll have time to schedule it before surgery which means... My surgery is supposed to be in January, but I REALLY doubt I will pass pre-surgical testing because of elevated WBC. Question is, my file is being submitted to insurance next week. If I am approved and pre-surgical testing doesnt allow me to get the surgery, can I re-submit to insurance for approval if my first approval expires? How many times can i keep resubmitting if my aurgery date keeps getting moved to later dates? I'm so scared, nervous, frustrated, upset and i would hate to be approved only to have it expire abd have to resubmit again
  11. lovealways

    Helppppp...going Crazy

    Thanks mami I hope
  12. lovealways

    Helppppp...going Crazy

    Thanks for the support! I can't talk about this with family because no one understands but this forum
  13. lovealways

    Helppppp...going Crazy

    Thank you mami. I'm so scared my medical stuff will hold up surgery,.,.the thought of that kills me
  14. lovealways

    Helppppp...going Crazy

    Thank you so much. I'm hoping I can get things situated medically so I can have the surgery. I'll still submit to insurance and I guess I can always resubmit after being approved if it expires and I can't have surgery yet. It's just so upsetting. I need this surgery Good luck with submitting. I'm still hoping I can have it during January =\
  15. lovealways

    Helppppp...going Crazy

    It's just so depressing and heartbreaking to think I've made it this close and now I've got this major setback to deal with Sorry, just venting
  16. lovealways

    Helppppp...going Crazy

    Oh wow 6 months?? That would be petfect. My isurance says I have a few weeks as a timeframe. 6 months would be so helpful
  17. When do you submit?? Good luck!
  18. lovealways

    January Dates

    United Healthcare Community Plan
  19. lovealways

    January Dates

    Oh really? I was told I'd receive a date after approval! I am hoping for 2nd week in January. It should def be in Jan if approved though
  20. lovealways

    January Dates

    Hi! I've been on this journey since June when I decided to attend a seminar. After that, I found out I had to do 6 months of weigh-ins. I also had to have a psych eval, meet with the nutritionist, attend two support groups, two sleep studies, cardiology consult, pulmonary consult, sonogram of abdomen to rule out gallstones and see the liver, upper endoscopy, and I think that was it! Everything is completed! I have my LAST weigh-in Monday at 1:00pm. Once my PCP faxes over my documentation for 6th weigh-in to my surgeon, the process of reviewing my chart and sending it to my insurance begins. My insurance promises a decision in no more than 2 weeks. I have no date yet because I need an approval before getting a date, but it should be within the first week of January. At this point, it will DEF be in January!!! Very exciting to have a new years resolution that will actually happen....and a new start to a new year!!! I'll update in here when I get my date
  21. lovealways

    Tampons In Surgery?

    Eek...I wouldn't feel comfortable with a tampon in during surgery, but then again, I don't ever feel comfortable with one lol. Maybe you could wear a pad? I don't know. I may have my period too when my surgery is scheduled =/ Not fun.
  22. lovealways

    Newbie Inquires

    HI We have the same stats. 5'4 and 268 is not a 49 BMI though, it's a 46 Good luck with everything. Do you need to do a psych eval? I don't think the depression and BPD will be a problem, unless it's not being treated. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
