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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lovealways

  1. For those of you still pre-op and going through the process of many Dr. appointments or a 6 month supervised diet, what keeps you going knowing insurance COULD deny you? My sister asked me this question, and I'm curious now. This is such a possibility that insurance could say no even after our long jouneys...so what keeps you going and hopeful?
  2. Hi guys! So yesterday my file was submitted to insurance in the afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! This process is so nerve wracking. Am I allowed to call my insurance company to check the status of my file or does that annoy them? This is crazy! I would have never thought I'd be up to this point where I am now
  3. lovealways

    Liquid Diet Support

    So interesting seeing how different all liquid diets are! I start mine on New Year's Day for two weeks. I am allowed 6 glucerna shakes a day as well as water, crystal light, broth, and sugar free icepops or jello. It'll be a LOng two weeks!!!!
  4. lovealways

    January Dates

    How exciting! 29 days away for me!
  5. lovealways

    Anyone else get a private message that...

    I got the same message 3x. Must have been spam.
  6. lovealways

    National average surgery goals

    Metabolism naturally slows as you get older. It can start to slow as early as in your 30's.
  7. lovealways

    Crying! :'(

    I know what you guys mean. Mine is on the 15th. There are so many emotions running through my head.
  8. Did you find out about the elevated WBC during pre-surgical testing? My WBC has been high for 6 months now. I'm also iron deficient due to fecal occult blood loss. I am terrified this will hold up my surgerg. My PCP said no to worry and he will clear me for surgery, but it's still in the back of my mind all the time.
  9. lovealways

    Birth control

    I have to stop mine 4 weeks before surgery, and can't take them until 5 weeks afer surgery. Birth control can lead to an increased chance of developing a blood clot...this is why.
  10. lovealways

    Worst comment you've heard so far

    ...but you're not big enough! Oh, yeah? BMI 47 is apparently twig-thin. ...but won't you have all that sagging skin? Oh, please. ...but you won't EVER be able to eat good things again! Oh, really! My sister does just fine and she's lost over 100 with vsg. It's just a whole bunch of garbage. My most hated comment is...well, my friend's mom's brother's friend's uncle's wife HAD it and gained ALL the weight back! Ugh.
  11. AMEN! I know people who have had the surgery and then went right back to smoking, eating crap, drinking alcohol, hell...even smoking pot and just treating their body like garbage. What is the point? Then they complain about STALLS!
  12. lovealways

    How Long?

    I was approved by UHC in 6 days and found out my surgery date on the same day of approval Those 6 days were a killllller.
  13. lovealways


    So surreal! I was approved this morning by UHC. My date is January 15th and my liquid diet starts January 1st, New Years Day!!!
  14. lovealways


  15. lovealways


    Yes! I dd the 6 month supervised diet and submitted a 6 year weight history as well just to be safe!
  16. I just got approved!!! January 15 is the day!

  17. lovealways

    January Dates

    I JUST GOT APPROVED!!!! My surgery date is January 15th. I start my 2 week liquid diet on New Years day So very shocked, excited, crazed, and anxious!
  18. lovealways


    I should hear about approval or denial from my insurance company by Friday. Does anyone know anything about insurance procedures? I call them every day to check the status and they say the projected date is January 21st...does that mean if approved that would be my date, or does my surgeon's office just pull a date out of their ass because they have to? lol. I'm wondering if that's the date I'll get if approved. Anyone know?
  19. lovealways


    Hmmmm :/

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