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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Vanna

  1. I gave up on panty hose years ago becauze of it
  2. I gave up on panty hose years ago becauze of it
  3. I gave up on panty hose years ago becauze of it
  4. Vanna

    Quit Smoking

    I did chantex 5 year ago and quit for like 10 weeks then stress and what not startwd back up my doc wo.t let me do chantex cuz of depression which i dont get cuz i was on pills then to lol
  5. Vanna


    I go for my information session july 31 ive heard alot of mixed stories. I am nervous about the sugery and the dieting. Ive always had problems sticking to diets i get depressed and give up. Food seems to be comfort food my ecaspe.
  6. Vanna


    I go foe the information one july 31 i went before but got pregnant for my son and it went on hold that was 2yeara ago
  7. Vanna

    Quit Smoking

    Ty ill give that a try
  8. Vanna

    Quit Smoking

    No lotion i was sweating from physical thereapy tgats the only thing i can think off
  9. Vanna


    Thank you just starting my journey and im scared nervous excitrd its alot of changes ones i never thought i could change even when i tried
  10. Vanna

    Quit Smoking

    I cant get my patch to stay on it keepfalling off
  11. Vanna


    My daughter is 3 and loves junk foos already cuze we do. The only good thibg is that zhe iz under weight but i sont want her turning out like me my sister is almosr 8 and ia aleady in 14-16 junioer. Seeing her feelz like my past and im worried that she'll have to go through what i went through. i want to be an example. My mom had tbe surgery a couple of years age she lost at firsr and now shes gainex all back plus. Im scared of flowing inher foot steps
  12. Vanna

    Quit Smoking

    Ty both hopefully i can do this ik u have to stop foe surgery
  13. Vanna


    Im ib central ny
  14. Vanna


    Does anyone have medicaid fidelis in new york and if so what did u have to go tbrough
  15. Vanna


    Good luck
  16. I hear ya there therez so much i cant wait to be able to do
  17. Vanna


    I prefer th bypass just with bmi and health relater problems the band ive heard can slide down over time ans then they have to put it back in placw
  18. Thighs rubbibg together while wearing panty hoses.
  19. Thighs rubbibg together while wearing panty hoses.
  20. Ive just startex my pre deiting to gst ready for whenever my surgery will be but im having hard time letting go of the fatty foods im doing good on no soda but its the foox part thats a problem any suggestions
  21. I wont miss sweating so bad that i get rashes in betweem rolls.
  22. Vanna


    Ty i want to be around long enough to watch my kids grow up and to beable to play with them amd not get tired put fast. I want to be a role model for them so they dont get the same way. And the mesical reasons lol.
  23. Vanna


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
