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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Nesha411

  1. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    I'm really hopin she don't visit me n the hospital since she will have my kids hopefully she won't have time since I have a Teenager n a 6yr old lol Popsicles right I need to get them too Thnks. Already told my homegirl who has had the surgery she goim with me to make sure I tell nurse to not give any info out about me who calls hopefully they will respect my privacy
  2. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    No not yet not sure if he is back from super bowl but I did talk to my mom yesterday I told her I was havin surgery for gallstones because last yr when I was telling her I was considering the bypass surgery she talked me out of it saying u don't need it UR not that big n I can just back up from the table etc. Well I lied bout the kind of surgery this go round n she did tell me she'd b there to help me with the kids so I'm very much happy n excited. Yesterday my job approved my request for Advanced sick lve n the surgeons office contacted me that my surgery time has moved up from 1030 to 830am on March 1. My bag is already packed n I packed my kids back up already too. I ordered more celebrate calicum chews n the ens protein mix yesterday as we'll. Just got to buy some chicken broth n sugar free jello to start my week of liquids on the 22nd
  3. Nesha411


    Try keepin stuff for you in UR room like snacks drinks that's y I do n I have a lock on my bedroom door so my kids no when I'm.not home UR not welcome in my room n the things n there belong to me
  4. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    Good luck today keep us posted
  5. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    I sure will soom as my dad comes back from the super bowl n if they can't hlp I do have a friend who said he would b there for me but I honestly don't want any man watchin my kids n my home unless its their dad
  6. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    Its really depressing to get all this way n have to get delayed. My kids are 15&6 they can't stay home the whole weekend alone. My parents are still together my mom is retired I don't talk to my mom as much but I do talk to my dad. I asked him if he can keep the kids for me n he said we will tall later about it n in my mind I don't have later I need to no now
  7. Nesha411


    I'm sorry UR goin thru this try n drink UR protein shakes if u have fruit cups with water add that too it do u have any snacks like apple's bananas. I no how it feels to want to eat n no cash to get what u want. Prayer changes things n never keep UR emotions bottled up tell UR family how u r feelin I'm sure they don't understand so u need to make them. Have faith n no this is only for a short time we are all here for support
  8. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    Congrats to every who got approved. I'm just a LIL sour puss right now with makin arrangements. I only told a selective few of my surgery. I have one of my gf who will at least go with me to the hospital n stay all Friday with me I have a male friend who claim will stay with me the whole time. N the hospital. I'm just worried who gonna keep my kids for that weekend. I asked my parents n they said we will talk bout it knowing we barely talk they are really my best option
  9. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    I'm a little upset I should be having my surgery in 2wks instead I had to schedule it for March 1 on the count of having to make arrangements for my kids. At first I depending on their dad but since I'm refusing to stop child support he has yet again don't ask me or expect him to do anything. I really am tryim to b strong but right now I'm too sure. Last Friday I asked my job for advanced sick leave n waiting to hear bk from that 30days of advanced sick
  10. Nesha411

    Best tasting protein shakes

    Celebrate n bariatric advantage have really good kinds of protein shakes although if u order them from amazon.com they are much cheaper
  11. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    I go for my preop on Jan 18 n 1wk before surgery I'm on a liquid diet
  12. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

  13. Nesha411

    First Consultation

    My ins only needs 3mos of diet n I've been seeing a Nutritionalist for 2mos now my 3rd mo is in Aug. I go to my psych appt this Sat I'm so nervous I don't no what to do. I've been really tempted to go shoppin and get lil sun dresses one thing stoppin me is I have no cash to waste cause ill b skinny soon lol. I've been buying sugar free and low fat things. Its a different taste but iI'm sure ill get use to it. My Nutritionalist recommended I get multi vitamins and I've been taken them for nearly a month now my iron n calcium levels were low I should b fine now. They aren't chewables I'm still looking for them. I no this is not the right thread to put this one I just wanted to share with someone
  14. Nesha411

    Im Approved!

    Congratulations n good luck
  15. Nesha411

    First Consultation

  16. Nesha411

    First Consultation

    Hey before you go write down any and all questions you want answers too no matter if you think its dumd it isn't. I'm very happy for. Your on your way to a new beginning so good luck
  17. Nesha411

    First Consultation

    I too was nervous but my 1st consolutstion was a breeze I filled out a lot of forms and the doctor asked me all types of questions. He took my height n weight and told me my bmi. Last question he asked me is y I want this surgey and that was 2mos ago. I have 1 more month to go to see the nutrionalist and my 1 psychiatrist appt before they send all my info to the ins company for approval

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