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Carly RM

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Carly RM

  1. Kodiak, Alaska. Dr. Micheal Todd
  2. Have lost almost 70 lbs since my surgery date April 17,2012. I did have some smaller sized cloths, but now they are too big as well. My husband is threatening to buy me nothing but sweat pants:-(. I live in Kodiak, Alaska, so my shopping chooses are limited. So please if anyone is willing to donate some cloths that would be AWESOME!! This week I am in 18/20s, next week is anyone's guess. If you are willing to help me out please let me know. Willing to work something out:-)
  3. Carly RM

    100+ To Loose

    I had my surgery on Aprial 17th 2012. The day of surgery I weighted 340 pounds. Today tree months later I weigh 262 pounds. That is almost 70 pounds and I'm excited about it! I can feel the difference and see it too. My goal weight is 160 but will be more then happy to get to 175-180. I'm 5'9" tall so I feel anything lighter would make me look sick. Congrats to everyone that is well on their weight loss goals!! Keep up the hard work!!
  4. Started my journey for the RnY in July of 2011. I had to have several test and work ups done before I could have the surgery, much like most, if not all. On April 17th, 2012 I had my surgery. Everything was going GREAT!! I wasn't havering any issues, complications, and I was dropping in weight. Until at about 4 weeks post op. I started to introduce really soft foods into my diet, and it went well for the first two days. Then after a meal, I found myself hugging the toilet. I thought it was what I ate and decided to go back to purered foods for a day or two. On my second day of being back to purereds, I once again found myself hugging the toilet. I started to do some research and found something called a stricture could be the problem. However, I wasn't completely sure, so I went back to Clear liquids, hoping my pouch was just irritated at something I at. After a couple days of liquids, the toilet became my best friend. I knew something was wrong. And made an appointment for my doctor. However, I live in Kodiak, Alaska, an hour plane ride away, and wasn't able to get in to see him for a week. Especially since it was now Mamorial Day (and my birthday) weekend. Over the weekend I couldn't even keep down my own saliva and was forced to go to the ER for fluids every day. The day after Mamorial Day, I was flown to Anchorage, Alaska, and was scoped. When the doctor scoped me, he found 5 pills trapped in my pouch, and that I had a pin size hole for food to travel through. I was dilated, and sent back home. I was starting to feel better, and starting to continue my diet as my doctor ordered. Then I started throwing up again. Called my doctor, he made an appointment with a specialist, and I flew back to Anchorage to see him. He did another scope and sure enough I had another stricture. Dilated for a second time, then sent home. Was doing good, then once more the toilet and me had ugly conversations, and a phone call was made to the specialist. Once more I was flown to Anchorage, scoped, and the opening had started to close again. So I was dilated and sent home for a third time. Now this time I knew something wasn't right from the beginning. The very next day I didn't feel right. I tried eating as I was told to by the doctors, and couldn't hold it down. I called the specialist and he ordered and upper GI. Luckily the hospital here in Kodiak had the equipment to do it here. The issue was that they couldn't get me in until the following week. So I waited, miserably. After the upper GI I had to wait for the specialist, and a couple days later I received a phone call stating he wanted me back in Anchorage for another scope. So 4 days later I got back on a plane and was scoped for a forth time. This time however, they found a staple and some sutures blocking the hole for food to pass through. They removed those but also has even more interesting things to find, and ulser! I was prescribed something for the ulser and sent home. The very next day (5 days ago) I thought everything was good. Until I tried to eat my morning grits. The first bite hurt. Not in my throat, but in my pouch. So I thought I would wait a minute and then try another bite. That bite hurt too! What the heck! So I thought in 20 minutes I would try just Water. So I did, and that hurt, so I tried warm tea, that hurt, so I waited until lunch to try some Soup, that hurt!! Then came up. At that point I called the specialist. He wanted X-rays. So now I had to wait until I could get into the hospital for those. Well that night the pain started to become constant, so to the ER I went. They did the X-rays, which they say is normal, drew blood, which they say is normal, and gave me fluids. They were nice enough to give me some thing for the pain, but after 6 hours of being poked at I got no where. Today 4 days after that I'm in pain, constantly trying to manage. I made an appointment with the doctor that did the surgery, and I'm thinking I'm going to ask that it be reversed. I have lost 60 pounds since my surgery and feel that is awesome, but I'm unable to enjoy it. My husband has been so supportive, but this has taken a bigger toll on him then I thought. He's having a hard time doing everything around the house, and taking care of our 3 year old son. Not to mention how hard this whole ordeal has been on him. My son doesn't have a mommy, he has a lump on the bed that will get out of bed to spend more time with the toilet then with him. And what is even more heart breaking, is hearing the words "are you ok mama?" coming from his mouth. Then having to look him in the eyes, and tell him you don't know. This has been so emotional for me, and it started out perfect. But like the saying says " IF IT'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT IS"!!

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