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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by EEsMom

  1. Hi, I am looking into the sleve procedure. Would be my first, hopefully, only surgery. Was going to have the bypass but didn't feel right going through with it. Am liking what I am hearing about this procedure. From Shoreham but will use Geis's group in Syosset. Work in Plainview NSLIJ hospital. Will be making apt. with Dr you used soon.

    As for my doctor, I went to the LIJ Bariatric Center in Syosset and my surgeon is Dr. Heather McMullen. Very nice, caring and available to talk when things come up. I'd highly recommend her. She's part of Dr. Geiss' team but she's the only one in the practice who performs the sleeve.

  2. I'm still pre-op but I can understand, a bit, what you're talking about. When I first started down this road...3 years ago...I had no idea of the emotional spirals I would be going through. And this is before it all! I don't think this is taken into consideration, by the medical professionals we count on. From what I've seen here and other forums, this is happening to too many. We just aren't being prepared. It's not like an apendectomy or knee replacement and it's being treated as such. Maybe it's the psych's fault, who knows. But it should be looked at much differently. If you're having difficulty in your new life choices, please don't just let it go. Talk to someone. Get a dialog going, at least, with someone who will listen and try to help you work through it.

    All the best to you, and us all!


  3. You're going to have to see what the Dr says now...

    If he has reservations, speak to him, calmly and just stating your reasons it's needed. It can be nerve wracking dealing with all the clearances. If he doesn't listen, you may need to either go back to therapist or another Bariatric clinic and start again. Best of luck to you and really hope this works out!!!!

  4. Haven't gotten to 'last meal' thoughts yet. But my 'lasts', yeah. But looking at it in a celebration way. Not a 'death row' last. Going to a fondue restaurant next week since I've never been to one. That's a 'last' too.

    I've had a Blizzard in CA when visiting my daughter. Been there, done that one. Lol

  5. Have you been checking your measurements? It must be difficult to see the numbers stop early but know that as long as you do everything right, it will happen. Since I'm pre, I can't pull from my experience in this but do know, as I got older, weight didn't come off as quickly. Plateaus hit earlier for me.

    I'm sorry your dealing with this so soon. But hang in. I know it will begin melting soon!

  6. Oh, you'll go nuts if you go around comparing you to someone else. Everyone's structure is different. Bones weigh different, muscles add weight. No one ever beileved my weight because I was always heavier than I looked. (And believe me they were NOT being nice to me!) You have to go by what's right for you. Don't make it more difficult on yourself. ;)

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