Hi, I'm seven and half months post op. I woke up from surgery with the worst pain possible. I couldn't sleep for two days and couldn't sleep laying down for the next month. I had to sleep sitting up, I couldn't elevate my legs and walking was so hard it took everything I had to do it. My legs started to swell and I had the starts of pneumonia. I spent fifteen days in the hospital. On the ninth day my dr removed my drain and discovered I had a fistula. I had to have it sealed endoscopically and had a nasal jujjenal feeding tube. I had to fast for three weeks except shakes feed through the nose tube. It took all day to get two shakes in. My back started to heal but I still have some numbness and tingling. The only explanation for the pain was that I had such a high bmi and a bad lower back to begin with. Oh yeah my kidney counts were off on the first day after surgery, but got back to normal pretty quick.
Even though I had these complications I never regret the decision I made. I knew it was a risk worth taking. I feel so much better most days, but still have some bad days (headaches recently). I have lost 157# and gained 100% of me!