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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by bjroberts417

  1. bjroberts417

    Tip re: reheating protein

    That's a good idea.
  2. You look great!! What a figure! And your skin looks great too...looks like I'm adding crunches to my post op routine. How old are you? An how tall (we're close to the same highest weight, so I was just wondering)?
  3. bjroberts417

    1 Year Surgiversary!

    You look great! Congrats!
  4. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    OMG that sounds so good! I'm not doing too well with the hunger on this low carb pre op diet. I just ate a pop tart while waiting for dinner to cook...probably blew my entire good day. But thankfully next week hunger won't be as big an issue for me.
  5. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

  6. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    I'm so anxious to hear from everyone! :-) It's more exciting than this boring crap I'm doing at work...
  7. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Me too Mandee!
  8. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Good luck today ladies!!
  9. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Try putting my user name in the email spot that's what I had to do.
  10. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Try putting my user name in the email spot that's what I had to do.
  11. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Anybody on myfitnesspal? Add me - BettinaESQ
  12. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Good point! Probably just allergies. Definitely not a reason to cancel!
  13. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Oh no!! I hope and pray you feel better soon. And I know you probably don't want to hear this, but there's always a reason why things happen the way they do. I'm sure you'd rather wait a couple more weeks than worry about complications. So try to keep your head up. Things will work out exactly the way they're supposed to. <3 I was bummed because I was having communication issues with my surgeons office that put my surgery behind (my) schedule. But when I looked at a calendar, the date I got worked beautifully with a lull at work. Just know that God is in control, and you'll have the surgery exactly when you're supposed to have it.
  14. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    You could make a chocolate peanut butter protein shake. :-) My favorite combination.
  15. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    I'm thinking of and praying for all the Junebugs having their surgery this week! Can't wait to hear how wonderfully you're all doing!!
  16. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

  17. bjroberts417

    Things i will not miss

    I washed dishes today, and by the time I was done, my back was killing me! Definitely won't' miss that. Won't miss being afraid to lay down to sleep because I know I'll wake up with some kind of pain somewhere. And I'm hoping my desire for sex will come back if I feel sexier...I'm sure my husband would cosign with that one. There are a million more I"m sure...
  18. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Well, I've unintentionally sabotaged my pre op diet. I wasn't paying attention to my protein shakes...between the powders and the soy milk, I've been going well over my carb target, usually before dinner. :-( And my usual mindset tried to kick in, which said "oh well, may as well eat whatever you want to now since you've screwed up." But I know that tomorrow is a new day, and I'm going to get it right. I'll just be sooooo glad when I don't feel hungry...that's the benefit of RNY that really sold me. But for the next 11 days, I'll be meal planning...I always do better when I plan ahead and stop trying to wing it. I do feel a but less worried about these first messed up days of my diet since some surgeons say no diet, some say liquid. I guess it's not the end of the world because these have been successful surgeries on either end of the spectrum. Sorry for rambling...just trying to make myself feel better. :-/
  19. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Right now I'm right around 250 and I'm 5'6". I wear a size 20. I have unofficially set my goal at 170, because I remember being 170 and feeling pretty good about myself. But my surgeon hasn't set a goal. And I think 170 would still put me in the overweight category. I met someone the other day with similar starting stats as me, and she's now 128 pounds. So I definitely think my goal has room to change. Maybe 150?? I would love to be in a size 10 or lower...seems like I always see really hot suits in those sizes. LOL
  20. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    I didn't plan well for my 2 week Atkins diet. So I'm heading to grocery store today (I was so worried about post op diet I guess). So instead of a 14 day diet, it will be more like a 12 day diet for me. :-) I think grilled chicken is going to be my best friend, along with sugar free jello and water. I'm starting to measure my water intake because that has always been a problem for me. I do think I will have McDonald's fries one more time though...
  21. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

  22. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    It's JUNE!!!!!!! Our month!!! I'm praying that everything goes well for all of us. I pray that cold symptoms disappear, nerves subside, and we all have HUGE success in our new lives! I told someone the other day "I don't want to be skinny, just smaller." Then I got to thinking...why not skinny? I think that was just my way of hedging so if I was a failure at this new lifestyle I could say I never wanted to be skinny. But I decided to be BOLD and CONFIDENT and say "I want to be skinny!" Bump that smaller crap. LOL I've been big my ENTIRE life...NO MORE!!! :-D. Happy June everyone!
  23. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    Yayyyy!!! I'm excited for you too. :-D
  24. bjroberts417

    June surgeries!

    PB2 sounds awesome. Where can you buy that? I've been putting natural peanut butter in my smoothies...love it now, but I may hate it after the surgery.
  25. bjroberts417

    Things I will not miss...

    All great things that we're saying good bye too! ????Cheers to a new life ladies!

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