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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lebim

  1. Ughhhhh just got home. Worst experience of my entire life, worse than surgery. They shot me 5 times with lido (honestly only felt one though) and then proceeded to cut me open with a scalpel and basically finger banged my insides until all the pus and infection came out. Even with the lido it was very painful, and of course I absolutely LOATHE the feeling of numbness, it bothers me almost to the point of nausea, so the entire time I'm flailing and I even cried due to the pain which I have never done. I've cried plenty of time in fear of pain but never from being in pain. I was just so terrified and overwhelmed. Now I have an open incision with a shit ton of gauze and have to go back every day to get the packing switched and am on antibiotics. This has been the worst day of my life thus far, for awhile I really felt like this surgery wasn't worth it. [ATTACH]300[/ATTACH] - Kaylee Ann
  2. I had my surgery 6/11 too. They just gave me tylenol with codeine (finally) and am now waiting for my doctor to come in, inject multiple shots of lidacaine into my stomach and use a scalpel to open the old incision and drain whatever is in there. Best case scenario is I leave with gauze and antiboiotics - worse is I'm here overnight and they have to take blood and put in an IV and god knows what'll be wrong with me - Kaylee Ann
  3. Been in the ER waiting room since 2p - Kaylee Ann
  4. I have nothing with me except my Water bottle -.- have only had a cheese stick and Protein shake today and took my lortab at 10am - Kaylee Ann
  5. I'm in the ER now waiting for the surgeon to see me... My RN is pretty certain that it's an infection and they're planning on draining the area (it's so swollen) by literally pulling my incision back open. No pain killers, nothing, just pulling it apart and draining. I'm freaking out, my RN said it wouldn't hurt but I really do not see how this is possible since the incision was closed 11 days ago and the area is already extremely tender - Kaylee Ann
  6. Lebim

    Eating Right?

    DL, since so many people want a copy of this list perhaps you should make it a thread so everyone can share it? - Kaylee Ann
  7. I really hope that's it. I'm waiting for my doctor to call me back but I'm sitting here losing it because I feel like it's something worse and I'll need to go back into surgery - Kaylee Ann
  8. What will happen if it is infected???? - Kaylee Ann
  9. My brother lost 200lbs in 6 months but started at 360lbs and was really hard core about it the whole time (incredibly strict approach) - Kaylee Ann
  10. Lebim


    Does wtg mean "way to go"? Sorry for being lame - Kaylee Ann
  11. I am going to buy one tomorrow because of this post, it never would have occurred to me otherwise. I hope Lauren's hope makes cute bracelets :] - Kaylee Ann
  12. Lebim


    Anyways on the subject of loose skin - I'm terrified of it, but am praying that being 20 and gaining the majority of my excess weight in a short period of time (100lbs in 2 years) will help prevent some of it - Kaylee Ann
  13. Lebim


    5 years ago my brother was 360lbs and when he had his RNY he lost 200lbs in 6 months. He is 170lbs now 5 years later, just don't cheat - Kaylee Ann
  14. No more buying long shirts or being afraid to lift your arms because your belly-belt will be exposed - Kaylee Ann
  15. - not being horrified when I see a picture or video of myself. (I don't see that person in the mirror) - going to a Water park! - Kaylee Ann
  16. Lebim

    Junk Food Cravings

    Good idea' date=' thanks for that advice :'] - Kaylee Ann
  17. Lebim

    Junk Food Cravings

    One thing that really scares me is when the time comes that I will be able to eat something junky and not dump. I have never dumped yet due to only being 10 days out and being strict but my brother is 5 years out (rny) and I've seen him eat chips, Pasta, mac n cheese, you name it! He never seems to dump unless he actually eats a big piece of ice cream cake or something ridiculously unhealthy. Just terrified of re-gaining - Kaylee Ann
  18. 1. Being able to sit indian style without my legs falling asleep. 2. Get to wear cute clothes 3. Go on fair rides again (being kicked off a fair ride because of my weight was the most traumatic moment in my life) 4. Not wearing cardigans every single day to hide my arms (I live in hot Florida!) 5. Have the option to start up some physical activity I'd never before consider (skateboarding, parkour) - Kaylee Ann
  19. Lebim

    3 Weeks Post Op

    Lucky! I can't have Beans until 2 weeks out and my brother dumps on Peanut Butter so I'm afraid to try it. Hummus is ok for you? I love hummus - Kaylee Ann
  20. Lebim

    3 Weeks Post Op

    Lucky! I can't have Beans until 2 weeks out and my brother dumps on Peanut Butter so I'm afraid to try it. Hummus is ok for you? I love hummus - Kaylee Ann
  21. Lebim

    Pain Update

    I'm on liquid lortab too, and also had my surgery 6/11/12, so many surgery buddies :] just remember to walk, it hurts at first but will eventually make you feel better - Kaylee Ann
  22. Lebim

    3 Weeks Post Op

    Yeah I'm finding I prefer liquid too, I LOVE sugar free popsicles and usually start my days with Protein shakes and have to coax myself to eat solids - Kaylee Ann
  23. Lebim

    3 Weeks Post Op

    Yeah I'm finding I prefer liquid too, I LOVE sugar free popsicles and usually start my days with Protein shakes and have to coax myself to eat solids - Kaylee Ann
  24. Hello :] My name is Kaylee, I am 20 years old and am 9 days post op from my RNY gastric bypass. My heaviest recorded weight was 276lbs and my weight before surgery was 263lbs and as of today I weigh 252lbs. Still in a decent amount of pain and am relying on my pain killer every 4-6 hrs, but am finally able to walk around a bit without holding my left side (my most painful incision) Required to consume a minimum of 80g/protein and 64oz/fluid a day, is that similar to your experience? If I didn't drink 2 Protein shakes a day (20g/protein each) I'd never make that protein quota. Can't wait to get off pureed foods, but am thankful for eggs and sugar free popsicles :] Can't wait to get to know all of you!

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